The rest of the night

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Harry stood up and shouted,
"You can't treat me like one, you evil bat! You can insult me all you want, but YOU ARE NOT gonna treat me like a sodding toddler-!" Harry screamed while Severus gently pushed him back down.
"I gave you plenty of warnings, potter. Soon you will realize that I CAN and WILL follow through to what I say- or think in this matter. I think you need some thinking time, don't you?" Severus dangerously hummed.
"No no no! Not the corner! Please professor!"
Harry yelled, panicking. He knew he messed up, but did he really have to be put in dreaded time-out again? He sounded more like a toddler and he honestly felt like one.
"Until you thought about what you've done, and learned your lesson, you can come out." Snape said. He heard Harry whimper slightly and rolled his eyes. He didn't want to do this, but he needed the child to understand what he said was the truth. So he gently sat Harry down on his padded bottom and went to work on the spare room. He knew it wouldn't be done tonight, so he'll probably just let Harry sleep with him.
'At least he didn't hit me' Harry thought to himself. Snape was ten times better than the Dursley's, and gave Harry nothing but comfort. But noooooo, the 'savior' had to mess it all up because of what Snape gave him, out of all things! He silently cried to himself for a good few minutes before getting up and running for his professor.
Snape was busy planning out what he would buy for Harry at hogsmade when said child ran into him from behind.
"I know I'm bad, but please don't send me back! Pleassseeee professor! I'll behave!"
"Shh-it's okay. I'm never going to send you back to those-creatures- again. I promise you." Snape was almost heartbroken when Harry looked up through hopeful and teary eyes.
"Promise?" Harry whispered.
"I promise, bug. Now, That I think we got the apology out of the way, why don't we go eat, hm?" Harry nodded at Snape's question. Snape was walking when Harry slipped his hand in his.
"Don't wanna lose you."
Is all Harry said quietly.
"Hmm. Not the evil dungeon bat anymore, am I?" Snape joked slyly. Harry started blushing furiously.
"I-I didn't mean it." Harry stuttered.
"Mm. Apology accepted." At that, Harry giggled and Snape decided he wanted to hear it more. After they both ate, Harry was exhausted. He kept secretly trying to rub his eyes, but Snape saw.
"Let's get you into bed, mr. Tired eyes." Snape teased. Harry is was too far gone to walk, so Snape swiftly stood up and came over to Harry and picked him up. "Thanks daddy." Harry whispered in his ear. Did the brat just call him daddy? No..James potter would be rolling in his grave. 'On the contrary though, I would make a hell of a lot better 'daddy' than James ever would, so why not?' And with that thought, Severus went to his room with his robes flowing behind him. If he had any say in potter's life, he would not be returning to those bastards who were considered his family. Snape gently set Harry down on the bed, then Snape curled up next to him with one hand protecting the small child. That was how Albus Dumbledoor found them.

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