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When they got back to severus's private quarters, Snape set Harry down on his brand new bed and changed him, all while Harry wouldn't look at him. 'I'm just gonna leave him alone for a little while. Maybe he'll be better.' Severus thought.
"Harry, daddy's going to be in his room working on stuff. You are free to come In and talk to me whenever you want."
Harry just layed down on his bed silently facing the wall.
'Why can't he just let me be a grown up? Sure I have accidents and tantrums but that doesn't mean he has to go full on daddy in public.' Harry thought to himself. Now he just messed up. Daddy doesn't love him anymore. He started to sob.
That's how Snape found him.
"Baby! What's the matter? Talk to dada for me, bug."
Snape nearly ran to get to Harry's side. His tiny body shook with the sobbing.
"D-daddy won't l-love me a-anymore. All h-Harry wanted was f-for daddy n-not to s-spank or p-put Harry in t-time out in public or I-in c-class. M-malfoy w-would make f-fun of me! Wahhhhhh!"
At the end of Harry's scattered explanation, he finally understood why his baby was so worried. He was worried that his own godson would make fun of him. After he rocked Harry for a few minutes (and made a mental note to get a rocking chair), he explained to Harry just what he would do if that happened.
"And guess what daddy would do to Mr.Malfoy if he made fun of you, baby? He would get a spanking and I would send the information to his daddy."
"But why would you spank him then? If he already has a daddy, then why do you have to punish him?"
"Well, daddy is Mr.Malfoy's Godfarther. So Draco will call me uncle sev, but it's not the same with his daddy. His daddy and him have the same type of relationship we do. But since he's older-"
"But we're the same age! That's not fair! His daddy doesn't treat him like you treat me! He doesn't wear diapers like me." Harry hrmped.
"Malfoy doesn't need them like you do, baby. Plus I've kinda put you in that headspace of a toddler. So you will act as such and I will treat you as such."
"Why can't I be a normal child?..That doesn't need to wear diapers and be carried around everywhere."
"And that would mean no cuddles and no tickles, either."
Harry gasped and looked at a smug Severus.
"But doesn't draco's daddy still do that with him?"
"He used too, but now that Malfoy is older, he doesn't get that privilege."
Harry thought for a moment. Maybe having a daddy care for you and treat you like a baby wasn't that bad.
Was all Harry said. The Dursley's were never ever like this to him. They wouldn't even touch him.
"I'm sorry I did that to you in public. It will happen in the privacy of my quarters from now on, okay bug?"
Snape said.
" 'Kay sir."
Harry said quietly. Harry thought about running off but Severus kept on talking.
"Daddy ordered you a few extra things by mail but it's gonna be a surprise since I'm not going to tell you. Do you need anything right now, Harry?"
At that moment Harry sprang up and ran as fast as his legs would take him to the living room of Snape's quarters and hid behind the couch. He wanted to confuse Severus and that's exactly what he did.
"Harry?! What in merlin's-"
When Snape walked in the living room and had his back turned that's exactly when Harry stood up and pounced on him.
His daddy actually screamed. Uh oh... Did this mean he would be in trouble? What am I even saying? It's Snape. I've been wanted to scare the hell out of him for years. And of course it had to happen when Snape made him into a fucking toddler.. Now he just acted like one. Uggh.... Snape will think I'm even more of a baby and think I wanted to play with him... Yuck...
"Harry potter thinks he sooooooo clever because he's famous, hmm? Well we're going to teach the famous potter a lesson."
In the midst of all of this, they both ended up on the floor and as soon as Severus said that, Harry was off faster than you could say quidditch.
"Can't really teach me a lesson if you can't find me, huh?"
Harry said cheekily.
"Oh so your being cheeky now? Once I find you, you will be a very sorry little boy.."
Snape played along. He was going to sneak up behind Harry now. He looked all over the house until he found a child sized lump under the sheets on his bed. 'Slowly but surely, Severus' he thought while being very quiet and moving closer behind Harry. At last, he was finally right behind him when he poked his little head out under the blankets.
Harry shrieked when Snape put his armpits and lifted him up into the air.
"I told you you would be sorry, Harry. But did little Harry listen? Nooooo little Harry wanted to be cheeky and hide from daddy."
Severus explained as he was tickling the poor child to death.
"No-daddy-haha!-stop daddy please-hehehe-I'm gonna pee-pee on myself! Stooppp!"
Harry said in fragments cause he was laughing too hard. And when Snape finally put him down, he had already went potty.
"Does daddy need to change you bug?"
Harry nodded at his question, but he wasn't crying, he was smiling.
"You did it this time."
Harry said while patting Severus on the chest.
"Yes, well, you needed it. And I think that was the perfect lesson, don't you? Now will you admit that you do need baby things?"
Snape said smugly as he looked at the child on his chest shaking his head no.
"You will never admit it will you?"
"Nuh-uh. You took me in because you wanted me. That includes my problems, too. Unless you don't want a-"
"Stubborn child. I took you in because I love you, Harry. And you better change the direction of your conversation, young man."
Severus said sternly. As he was changing Harry, he heard a knock at the door.
"Let's go see who our visitor is, shall we?"
Harry nodded. He was hoping it wasn't Ron or hermione. He would be so embarrassed and what would Ron say when he learned that the greasy git was his 'daddy'?! All thoughts evaporated as soon as said person picked him up. Harry snuggled deep into the black robes.
"What is going on in that mind of yours, child?"
Snape said as Harry snuggled into his chest. As he was walking to the door, he heard to very familiar Griffindor voices. 'Uh oh. Harry's friends.' Snape thought as he tried to hide Harry.
"Baby, I'm going to need you to sit very still for daddy because your friends are here and I don't want them to know about our secret okay?"
"Ron and 'mione! Kk daddy. I expert hide."
Harry said with his lip pertruding in and out.
"Daddy will be right back, okay?"
So Severus covered him up with a giant blanket and went towards the front door.
"Minerva. I can see you brought your little lions with you too. Get In."
"Severus! Do you not have any manners?"
"I did, until you showed up."
Mcgonagall just hrmped and then they were all in the sitting room together. Snape noticed that the under the blanket didn't look occupied. 'Harry, please please please be safe.'
"Severus? Did you hear my question or are you too interested in the couch?"
"Wha-no. What was your question?"
When Snape looked confused Ron started to snicker.
"I suggest that you stop laughing Mr. Weasley, or you'll find yourself in detention."
"Ahem. Severus focus. Where is Harry?"
"Mr. Potter? Hmmm...."
At that moment he heard a whimper in the kitchen. It was barely audible, and he didn't think that the two Griffindors and there head of house heard it, but he certainly did.
"I'll be back. Would you like some tea and crumpets?"
As Snape was talking about food, Ron was shaking his head yes at mcgonagall.
"Yes, please Severus."
As soon as Snape left, Hermione said,
"Well that was......strange."
"Your telling me."
Ron answered.
"He has to have Harry..he was the last one seen with him.."
The Griffindor head of house mumbled.

Professor snape and The-Boy-who-Lived Where stories live. Discover now