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"I'm not wearing them and you can't make me!"
Harry screamed while sticking out his tongue.
'This child has some nerve!' Thought Severus.
"Go stand in the corner and think about what you just said."
Harry pouted.
"If I have to repeat myself, we won't go at all."
Snape said, referring to the lake they were about to go to so he could teach Harry how to swim. Harry stormed off to the left corner. This whole argument started because Harry refused to wear water pull-ups.
"I don't need them!"
Harry yelled from the corner, snapping Severus out of his thoughts.
"Well if you want to be naked that's your choice. It's either these or be naked."
Harry blushed furiously. He didn't want to do either. Why can't Snape understand that he was going to look more like a three year old than an eleven (and a half, thank you very much) year old. Buuttt, he did want Severus to teach him how to swim.
"If anyone looks at me funny, will you glare at them?"
Harry said as he looked directly at the diaper in Snape's hand. Severus got what he was implying.
"Of course! And I'll be there the whole time."
"Okay, but you have to be nice to me about it."
Harry said and gave a pointed look at Snape.
"You sure can be a baby at times and an adult at others...."
"Not my fault you treat me like a three year old. I just adapted to that mindset. But I'm still mature."
Harry hrmped.
"Well I suggest you get your mature bum over here so we can go."
"That's Not funny."
Harry defended but walked over anyways. Severus bent down and held the underwear for Harry to step in to. The child steadied himself on Snape's shoulder and stepped in and Severus pulled it up over his bottom while Harry blushed.
"Don't you just look so cute in your swimwear?"
Snape said jokingly. Harry looked down and saw that it was thicker than the ones he was used too. WAY thicker.
"Uggh.. Why is it so thick?"
Harry asked pulling at the underwear.
"Maybe because it's a swimming pull-up.. Ever thought about that? And quit messing with it!"
Severus answered while swatting Harry's hands away like pests. He then lifted him up by the armpits and set him on his hip.
"Let's go, shall we?"
"Hrmp ."
So they went to the lake and luckily for Harry, there was hardly anybody to watch them, and most of them were doing they're own thing. Snape set the towel down and sat down on it with Harry on his lap.
"I'm going to put sunscreen on you and me before we go out there, alright?"
Severus applied the sunscreen on Harry's face, neck and back. Then he applied some of it to himself.
"Let's go, shall we?"
Snape said while picking up Harry. They walked to the very shallow waters (even with Harry being eleven, he was still very small and short). Severus tried to set Harry down but that made him cling tighter.
"Will I drown?"
Harry asked innocently while looking up at Snape.
"No, Harry. Just let go and I got you. There you go, I'm right here."
Harry slowly got down and stood. The water came to his waist, even in the shallow part. Severus sat down on his bottom and Harry did the same. The water was to his chest now.
"Can you slowly swim towards me, baby?"
Snape said while he backed away a little bit.
"I can try..."
Harry said while he was attempting to doggy paddle towards him.
"There you go, keep paddling."
And that's what Harry did. He reached Severus and he scooped him up.
"Daddy's proud of you, bug!! Good job!"
"I-i did it?"
Harry asked unsure.
"Yes, you did! Who's daddy's good boy?"
Snape then noticed that the sky was getting dark and looked like it was about to storm.
"Well, it looks like we have a storm upon us. We better head back to the house."
Severus said. Harry wondered if Snape knew that he was absolutely terrified of storms... 'We'll just see how it goes..' Harry thought and felt himself being picked up by Severus. They packed up all their stuff and left. When they were at home, Harry ran to his room to get his paci and stuffies. He then slowly but surely made his way down the steps. He stood there a minute when he noticed Snape was making them snacks.
"Baby! There you ar-"
Severus stopped short when he noticed how scared and babyish Harry looked. He changed into a short purple shirt with only a fresh diaper on, he was sucking on his pacifier, and holding speedy and his deer. He looked like he was about to cry. Snape walked slowly towards him and bent down to his height.
"What's the matter, bug?"
Severus asked gently.
"Dada...You said there was 'gonna be a dark and s'ary storm...Harwy no like storms.."
"Oh baby. Daddy is gonna be with you the whole time. You want to cuddle together after we eat?"
Harry nodded. He looked miserable. Harry only took a few bites out of his snack. 'Probably because he's so scared.' Snape thought and stood up and stood Harry up and grabbed his hand and walked towards the living room. He then sat down on the couch watching a chemistry documentary on television. He proceeded to lay Harry across his chest with his tiny legs on each side of his body. He started patting his bum lightly.
Harry woke up to find his daddy patting his bottom lightly for comfort. He still had his paci in his mouth and Severus put speedy and the deer right beside him. 'He'll be a good babysitter..' Harry thought then let sleep take him away.

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