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Curled up on a bed beside each other. That's how Dumbledoor found his potions master and Harry Potter. He starred at Them for a long while.
Severus awoke to the thought of someone starring at him. In fact there was, it was none other than the headmaster.
Snape said tiredly.
"Severus. I see you had a guest spend the night."
Dumbledoor replied.
"He had a rough night."
Severus Said quietly as he looked down at the sleeping child in his arms. He tried to set Harry down, but he started to whine.
"I didn't mean to disturb you two. I just got a floo call from Minerva last night asking if Harry was alright. I suppose Mrs. Granger and Mr. Weasley told her that he was with you."
Albus stated, startling Severus.
"Imagine that. Minerva being all worried about the golden boy when she was clueless to what he went through. You and her both."
He growled out quietly.
"Severus, what do you mean, 'what he went through'?"
"I'm sure he'll explain it once he wakes up,"Snape scowled,"but today we need to go to hogsmade. I have a spare room in my quarters that I need to fix up for him."
"Is he going to spending time in your quarters from now on?"
Albus questioned.
"Again, me and him will explain when we get back. Right now, I need to change Harry."
With that, Severus picked Harry up and got out of bed. When he heard Albus chuckle, he turned around and glared.
"What is it now?"
Snape asked in a tired voice.
"Really Severus, isn't he a little too old for diapers?"
Albus questioned happily.
"I will dress him as I see fit. And since he had an accident, make that two accidents, I'd rather be safe than sorry."
Snape retorted.
"Hmmm.. The joy of parenting, am I right Severus?"
Before he could even answer, the headmaster was gone.
"Meddling old coot."
Snape mumbled.
came the quiet whisper that made Snape aware that Harry was awake.
"Good morning sleepy head."
Severus greeted Harry.
Why was professor talking all soft to him? Harry thought. Wasn't he mad? Harry was now aware of his surroundings and bolted up.
"Classes..'mione and Ron.. Gonna be late..."
Harry talked in fragments.
"Oh no you don't, young man. I told headmaster that we needed to go shopping today, so he gave us an off day. And I'm pretty sure you don't want to explain things to your head of house and friends yet, mm?"
Severus said while gently pushing Harry back down on the bed to get him changed. Harry noticed what Snape was getting at and looked down only to find that he was wet. He then blushed furiously and started to sniffle.
"Hey, hey. It's okay, everyone has accidents, bug."
Severus said while wiping Harry's tears.
"B-But I've had two in a row. That makes me a b-baby.. "
Harry said while crying.
"Maybe that's a good thing, especially for me. Don't you want to have a childhood without beatings or a stupid prophecy hanging over your head?"
Harry nodded than quietly asked,
"Why is it good for you, sir?"
Oh. Well, here goes nothing, it's better to ask him sooner than later anyway.
"Harry. I have a very serious question for you. You can take all the time you need to answer it, okay?"
" 'Kay"
"How would you like.. Me .. To be your new daddy?"
After Severus said that, he closed his eyes and waited for the tantrum that was bound to happen begin. But there was silence. He opened back his eyes and saw Harry standing there with his bright green eyes on him.
"I thought you fell asleep. Didn't want to wake you. About you being my daddy though.. Really? You want a freak like me?"
It took Snape to process what Harry said. He thought the slimy git fell asleep and didn't want to wake him. He's the most sweetest wizard, more like lily than James. But then again, he called himself a freak and Severus wouldn't stand for that. so he turned Harry over and gave him a light smack on his bum. Enough to sink in, but not enough to hurt him.
"You DO NOT say that word again in my presence, you are anything but a freak, you are the most kindest, sweetest, and bravest wizard I have ever met and if you say anything along the lines of that again, you will be a very sorry little boy with his little bottom in the corner, am I understood?"
When Snape was finished, Harry sat wide-eyed at his professor. He-he said that I wasn't a freak. He's already given me so much and now he wants to be my daddy.. A daddy that cares about Harry. A daddy that punishes him for using words against himself because he cares. A daddy that cares about Harry, not the boy-who-lived, not the golden boy, just Harry.
Why isn't he moving? Did I break him? Severus thought. 'I didn't think it hurt that much..' He started moving his hand in front of Harry's face.
"Harry..harry, child I'm so sorry"
It was then Harry noticed his professor waving his hand in front of his face. Harry then jumped and hugged  his professor.
"I deserved that. I shouldn't have called myself that. I'm sorry. Yes, I understand you."
To say Snape was shocked was an understatement.
"Harry, I'm sorry. I didn't think that little smack would hurt so much to put you in a coma. I'm still learning how to be a good.. *cough* daddy."
At this, Harry laughed. A real, genuine laugh.
"Honestly though, it didn't hurt that much. Plus I had padding. And I wasn't in a coma. I was thinking about how you care enough to actually spank me and put me in time out. If I said I was.. That word at the Dursley's they would be a hint of praise in their eyes, but they would still throw me in my cupboard. About learning how to be a daddy, I'm still learning how to be a son. So we can learn..together."
Severus was even more shocked. This little boy had so much guts for telling him that he was good enough for a farther figure in his life and how they would learn together.
"I think that's a wonderful idea, Harry. Now we better get going to hogsmade before the day is done with."

Professor snape and The-Boy-who-Lived Where stories live. Discover now