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Harry was in his room getting his things unpacked and put away. Meanwhile, Severus was in the kitchen reading the Daily prophet when his black owl swooped in and delivered some packages that he ordered for Harry. So he went through the bags and tried to think of the most easiest thing to give him first. Maybe the pacifier? Or the stuffed bat? Hmmm..
Snape thought to himself. At that moment Harry walked downstairs.
"I'm finished with my room. What are you doing?"
Harry asked.
"I was reading the daily prophet when your packages came in."
"You got me gifts? But you already got me so much..."
"I think they were necessary, so I got them for you."
"Oh.. Thank you!"
Harry said before he even knew what the items were. Severus took in a deep breath.
"I know your not your not an infant, but I thought this would be soothing when you cry."
Snape said while looking away and holding out the pacifier. When Harry looked confused but then smiled, Severus let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. Harry reached out tentatively towards the dummy.
"Dudley had one for the longest time. I always wanted one, but they said I'm a freak if I used one," Harry said quietly, "Thank you. I love it."
"Oh Harry... I didn't know it would cause you bad memories."
Snape said sincerely while bending down at Harry's level.
"It did, but now I can have new, nice memories with you."
Harry said, then flung himself at Severus.
"Oh Harry. I got something else for you."
Snape said after he picked up and Harry and the bat that was lying on the table. He gave the stuffed animal to Harry.
"This is too much. Thank you, I love it."
"Now, we have to talk about were your going today."
"I'm going somewhere?"
"Yes.. While I'll deal with your aunt and uncle. You might not like where your staying, so I thought these things could help you."
"Oh... Okay."Harry said while leaning into Severus." Where am I going?"
"Malfoy Manor."
Harry gasped.
"How long are you gonna be gone?"
"Not very long, and don't worry, it'll only be Lucius and Draco. Nacrissa is out doing some shopping."
" 'Kay daddy. P'ease don't forget."
Snape gasped for extra effect.
"Me? Forget about Harry? My Harry?! Never!"
Harry giggled.
"Daddy, your silly!"
"I expect you to be my good boy today, okay?"
"I always am!"
"Okay, okay. You can bring your bat friend if you like. Have you named him yet?"
Harry looked confused. He was supposed to name him? Okayyy...
"Umm.. How 'bout speedy? Cause he likes to fly fast, like me on a broom!"
"That's a wonderful name, bug! Now, how bout we get ready to go, hm?"
Harry nodded in response. So they walked to Harry's room and Severus changed Harry into a fresh pull-up and put him in a yellow shirt with a pair of short overalls.
"Go get on your socks and boots while I get your backpack ready."
" 'Kay"
With that, Harry ran off with speedy in his hand. Snape chuckled at his antics while he was packing a backpack for Harry. Extra pull-ups, his sippy cup, some toys.... I think he's all good to go. Severus thought. I really hope that Draco won't make fun of him..
"I'm back!"
Harry yelled.
"Yes you are. Put on this bag and I think we're ready to go. Are you walking or do you want me to carry you?"
"Do you mind carrying me?"
"Of course not! Let's go."
Snape said and picked up his baby. Harry leaned onto his shoulder. They apparted right in front of Malfoy Manor. He knows Lucius knows about him coming with Harry today and wondered if he told his godson. Severus knocked on his door. He heard little footsteps inside, and the door opened and inside beheld Draco.
"Hiya, uncle sev!"
"May we come inside Draco?"
"Of course! DAD! UNCLE SEV'S HERE!"
That's one thing he liked about Harry, his quietness. Speaking of whom, he was watching the scene while he rested on Snape's shoulder.
"Severus! It's so good to see you!"
"Lucius. It's nice to see you too."
"Ah, yes. The Dursley's. You need to go. Little Harry is in good hands."
"That's potter?! But-but he looks so small! And he's really qiuet..."
" 'ello Malfoy."
Came a tiny whisper. But Draco heard it and he's head snapped up.
"He talks!"
"He's just really shy. So I expect you to be a slytherien and not tell anybody about Harry and me, am I understood?"
Snape said while giving young Malfoy a hard glare.
"Yes sir."
"We'll take good care of little potter. Won't we dragon?"
Lucius stated.
At this, the Malfoy's could see Harry relax and Severus could feel it. So Snape proceeded to set Harry down. Harry stayed close to his leg though.
"Well, I best be off. I have a lot of work to do.." Severus said while bending down to Harry's level. Harry had the pacifier In his mouth and one arm curled around speedy.
"Harry, daddy's gonna go take care of your aunt and uncle, alright? I'll be back, I pinkie promise."
Snape said while holding out his pinkie. Harry latched his pinkie with Severus's.
" 'Kay daddy."
Harry said around his paci.
"Behave for uncle Lucius, bug."
Harry just nodded at this. Im still not used to them seeing me like this..Harry thought. When Snape moved to hug him, he hugged back.
" 'wuv you daddy."
"Love you too, baby." Severus said and stood up. "Thank you again, Lucius. I'll see you three in a couple of hours."
"Anytime, Severus. Have fun."
"Trust me, i will."
Snape stated and he was off. Now the three of them were just standing there awkwardly.
"How about you boys go play and I'll call you when lunch is ready?"
"Sounds good, dad."
Draco said and motioned for Harry to follow him. But Lucius called,
"Be nice to him."
"I will, don't worry!"
With that, Harry and him were in his room together.
Draco said as he looked at Harry. Harry spit out his pacifier and said,
"You don't have to act like your stepping on eggshells around me, Draco. And it was Snape's idea, not mine. He put me in time-out twice on the first night.."
Harry huffed at the memory but went to go get his paci from across the room.
"Wha-I- he did that to you?!"
"Did he, like, go all out with the 'baby' thing? 'Cause my dad told me that your like uncle sev's son now and that he, like, puts you in diapers and stuff."
At the question, he was blushing and by the end of it, his ears were burning.
"Um-y-yeah, I'm his son and he's my-dadd- dad. Yeah he's my dad."
Draco looked at him weird cause he knew what the slip up meant. Then he looked down and said,
"You can call him daddy, Harry. I know sev, and if he wants you to call him that in private, you can do it in front of me too. I'm not gonna make fun of you. I used to call my dad 'daddy' too when I was younger."
"But-but I'm not a baby! That's what they don't understand! Nobody does! I'm the same age as you, Malfoy."
"Look I'm not gonna make fun of you for it, I kinda want what you have to be honest.. So does he like force you to wear diapers or like...?"
"Y-you do? And at first he did cause I was like half crying and half asleep. But then he put me in a dreaded corner."
Harry growled out. "But now I'm like in them full time. And to be honest, they're not that bad as I thought. It's just embarrassing when you have nothing on but a t-shirt and they're called pull-ups Draco, pull-ups."
"Oh.. Okay. And yeah.. My dad treats me like a 30 year old man. Merlin I would kill just to be three again."
Draco exaggerated. Harry laughed.
"A 30 year old man? Isn't that a little extreme?"
"In my eyes yeah, In his eyes noooooooo. Draco needs to clean up his own messes and Draco needs to do dishes.. Draco this and Draco that! It's like, unbearable!"
By the end of dracos little show, they were both laughing.
At soon as Lucius said that they both ran down the stairs.
"Mmmmmm something smells good!" Draco exclaimed.
Harry nodded. He also noticed his sippy cup filled with milk. Draco's cup was filled with tea. Harry just shrugged and noticed his backpack was open. Oh well, he'll find out sooner or later.. Thought Harry. When they were done eating, Lucius sent Draco up to play, but held Harry back.
"Harry, you know you haven't really talked much to me since you've arrived. Is there any thing you want to tell or ask me about?"
Lucius asked. He really didn't want Harry to hate him, after all he was a death eater..
" 'Es. wat do I call you?"
Harry said around his pacifier (Draco washed it for him after he spit it out).
"Well, since Draco calls your daddy 'uncle sev' how about 'uncle Luc' for me?"
Harry nodded, but blushed once he realized what he was doing and looked down embarrassed.
"Harry, what's the matter?"
"I-I went potty.."
Harry hated sounding so babyish, but he couldn't help it.
"Oh well that's easy to fix, isn't it? I'm going to pick you up now, alright Harry?"
Lucius didn't want to startle the child, so he asked. When Harry nodded, Lucius picked him up and they headed towards the living room. Lucius magically closed the blinds and started to change Harry while humming to make him feel better. Harry was starting to doze off.
"Do you have Harry? I thought he was beh-"
Draco said as he walked in to Lucius picking Harry up with just a shirt and pull-up on.
"We're lucky his asleep."
Draco whispered.
"How so?"
"He said it was embarrassing to go in just a shirt and pull-up."
Draco stated.
"He told you about it?"
"Only because I asked."
When Draco said that Lucius roughly flicked his ear.
"Ow! Hey..!"
"What did I say about Harry's privacy, young man?"
"Not to push it... I'm sorry. He was only upset for a few minutes though..said he didn't want everyone to treat him like a baby,"
"Hmm I see. Apology accepted. I'm going to rock Harry for a few minutes. Severus should be on his way by now."
"Okay. I'm gonna read in here if that's okay?"
"Of course."
So there they sat, Lucius rocking Harry and humming while Draco read.
"Uncle Luc.."
Harry stirred.
"Child, did you have a good nap?"
"Your daddy's on his way.."
"He is?!"
"Yes child. He is."
Lucius said while sitting Harry up on his lap. Harry now leant into Lucius's touch now. I think that means he trusts you.. Well I'm glad he trusts me. Lucius thought. They're was a knock at the door. Lucius stood up and carried him over to the door. When he opened it though, Snape looked exhausted. He looked ready to collapse.
"Severus! Are you alright? Your looking pale.."
"Just tired... Those bastards are the most awful kinds of people.."
"Come in and tell me every little detail."
Lucius said and motioned inside. Once they all sat down Lucius told Draco to take a shower and Harry was in his lap.
"Are you sure you don't want me to hold him? He has accidents.."
"Like every baby does, Severus. He's fine on my lap, now quit stalling and spill."
Harry glared at both of them for a minute before realizing that they were right.
"They're awful. I don't see how Harry could live with them over 11 years... I feel like I failed lily.."
"Severus, no. It was there fault. Tell me what they did."
"When I got there, they were watching television, the 2 oafs and the horse like woman who I assumed was petunia. then, I strode into the living room and they all flipped. They were cursing and calling me a 'freak' left and right. Then the one who I assumed was his uncle, walked right up to me and started hitting me. Before he could do much damage, I pulled out my wand and they all shut up. I put them all in body bonds and then I called the police and they're on they're way to prison right now and the boy is going into an orphanage. Serves them right."
"Well, at least they're paying in prison. Are you sure you didn't get hit by a truck?"
"Nope. It was the fat bastard."
After they were done talking, Harry slipped off of Lucius's lap and came over to Snape and hugged him.
"Well, we best get on our way." Severus said aloud, but he mouthed to Lucius 'how was he?' Motioning towards Harry. Lucius mouthed back 'fine' and symbolized that he had to change him once. Severus nodded and mouthed 'thank you'. Harry walked back over to Lucius and hugged him.
"I had fun tonight uncle Luc. Thank you."
Snape merely raised an eyebrow at the blond.
"Yes, me too. I hope I get to see you again."
Lucius said sincerely.
With this shout, Draco ran and hugged Severus.
"It's good to see you too, dragon. We'll be taking our leave now. So I'll see you soon, okay?"
"Okay. Goodbye uncle sev."
"Goodbye Lucius, Draco. Harry,come."
After they said they're goodbyes, Snape and Harry apparted away to their home.

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