Chapter 1: Night Fury!

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I'm flying on Toothless with Astrid beside me when I hear a horn blow from the village. "Oh, no, let's pray that's not the Screaming Death." Astrid nods before we take off toward the village.

When we get there we were shocked at what we found. A black blur was shooting plasma blasts at boars. "Is that. . . ?"

"Yep, that's a Night Fury. But dragons eat fish, why is he attacking boars?" I ask her flying towards the Night Fury. "Hiccup, be careful!" I nod and slowly fly over to the deadly dragon. "Hey, big guy." He stops long enough to look at me then roar.

I learn quickly that it wasn't a boy it was a girl. She's lean and muscular, her eyes were purple, and narrowed in rage. "Easy girl, we're not going to hurt you." I hold my hand out to her.

The dragon's eyes soften, but then she snorts, and flies off with the boar in her claws. "Follow that Dragon!" I call to Astrid and we fly after the night fury.

"That's odd, it's headed for the cove." Astrid says, staring down at the ground where the night fury is headed. When we get there the dragon had landed. We land as well, but stay hidden, watching the night fury grumble as it stalks into the cove.

"Hiccup, look!" I did and am surprised. A girl is lying against a rock, blood seeping through her clothing on her arm, leg, thigh, and chest. There were also bruises on her face as well as scratches and blood matted her black hair to her forehead.

Her eyes are closed and the night fury grumbles in worry. She nudges the girl with her head, but she barely moves. She nudges her again and she opens her eyes. "Hey, Nightwing," She says slowly bringing her hand up to stroke her head. What was sad is that she almost couldn't do that.

Nightwing, grumbles sadly and the girl shakes her head. "Don't worry about me, I'll-. . .I'll be fine." Nightwing cooks the boar with her plasma blast then pushes the boar towards her.

"That's why she's been stealing our livestock, she's been taking care of her."

"No, girl, I'm-I'm not hungry." She suddenly stops talking and stares off into the distance.

"Oh.  .  .oh, my gods, is she-?"

"No, but she's close, come on!" I rush forward on Toothless and Astrid follows on Stormfly. Nightwing jumps to her feet and shoots a plasma blast, but I dodge it.

"Nightwing, please, we just want to help her." I tell her pointing to the now unconscious girl. Nightwing, looks sadly at her rider and grumbles. I get off Toothless and slowly make my way over to the girl. Nightwing watches me with laser like focus.

I gently pick her up and place her on Toothless. We take to the sky with Nightwing behind us. We land on Berk and I take the girl to my father straight away.

Dad, looks at this girl and assigns someone to take care of her. But I wanted her to stay in my room as she got better. I wanted to help and this seemed like a good way to do it. I can keep an eye on her.

*After two nights*

I'm sitting in a chair beside my bed, where the girl still lay unconscious. Nightwing and Toothless were curled up on his bed. But I could see their ears were pricked searching for any signs of improvement.

Suddenly the girl shoots upright causing me to fall off my chair. Nightwing jumps to her feet and rushes to the girl's side. "Aw, I'm okay, Nightwing, I'm okay." I groan and get to my feet, the girl gasps before going to the knife at her belt only to realize it was gone. "Yeah, we had to take it. But don't worry, we brought you here with good intentions."

She stares at me suspiciously. "We only wanted to help you get better. You were close to death when we found you." She nods looking at all the bandages covering her body.

"So, mind telling me your name, and why you were so injured?" The girl looks up at me seeming to decide.

Black As Night |Hiccup Haddock| (HTTYD)Where stories live. Discover now