Chapter 2: Ivy

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The girl nods, rubbing Nightwing's head. "Fine, my name is Ivy. I was flying, unknowingly, over Outcast Island. Suddenly I was being bombarded with catapults and arrows. Then I was hit in the back by one and I fell off Nightwing. I fell to the hard rock below hitting a giant slab of rock."

"Then Outcasts captured me and took me prisoner. They tortured me for days until finally Nightwing was able to break me out. We came as far as Berk before I fell off, fainting from blood loss and exhaustion. That's when I landed in the cove and Nightwing hunted creatures and cooked them for me. Until the prey became scarce in the cove so she ventured into your village, which I'm sorry for."

"Well, I'm just glad your okay. And sadly my name is Hiccup." I smile and she returns it slightly. "If you want when you get better me and the other dragon riders can escort you back to your home."

"No! That's-that's okay. In fact I was hoping I could stay. If it wouldn't be too much trouble?" She asks looking up at me. "Not at all, you can take my bed. But you should rest, I'll be right downstairs if you need anything."

"Thank you for everything, Hiccup.

"Your welcome, Ivy." She smiles before lying down. "Come on, Bud," I call to Toothless before going downstairs.


I couldn't sleep, my body aches, but I didn't want to rest. I sit up and look over at Nightwing. As if sensing my gaze she lifts her head up. I smile and she purrs. "Hey, want to go for a midnight flight?" She jumps to her feet and rushes over to me. I jump on and we leave through Hiccup's window.


I stand with Stormfly, brushing her spines. Suddenly I hear a noise. I look up and see a night fury, but it was smaller than Toothless. "The girl!" I shake my head, promising to keep an eye on her.


I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes. I cover them and sit up. The ache had left my body and I smile. I stand and look over at Nightwing. "Come on, girl." She gets up and follows me downstairs.

I find Hiccup eating breakfast with his father. Upon seeing me he gets up and smiles. "Morning Ivy, this is my father and chief, Stoick the Vast." I smile and say, "it's a pleasure to meet you." He smiles.

"Welcome to Berk, we hope you enjoy your stay here."

"I do too sir." He nods before leaving and I sit down beside Hiccup. He smiles and we both reach for the bacon at the same time. Our hands touch and I blush. I sneak a side glance at him and see he's blushing too.

"Would you like to come to the training area today?"

"I'd love to." I smile and we finish breakfast before getting on our dragons. He leads me to the dragon academy and we land. I get off and meet the other dragon riders. "Hello, I'm Snotlout," a weird boy approaches me with a creepy smile.

Hiccup pushes him away. "Stay away from her, Snotlout. I'm sorry about him Ivy, he can be a handful."

"Um, it's okay."

"Hey, Ivy," I turn and see Astrid. "Sleep well?"

"Very well, thanks for asking." She gave me a look I couldn't interpret. I shake my head and pay attention to what Hiccup was saying.

*Sun Set*

I was setting up my new saddle on Nightwing. When suddenly Hiccup calls to me. "Yes, Hiccup?"

"I thought I could take you around the island." He says with a small smile. I return his smile and nod. "That would be nice." Hiccup gestured to Toothless. I smile and send Nightwing home before getting on.

"Hang on," He says before letting out Toothless' tail and we launch into the sky. I wrap my arms around his waist and hang on for dear life. When I feel it smooth out I open my eyes and gasp. Berk looks beautiful the sun is just setting, letting the last of its light shine on Berk.

I smile and Hiccup looks back at me. "Great right?"

"It's-it's beautiful. Thank you for showing me this, Hiccup. While running from Outcast Island I didn't get to appreciate this." He smiles before turning back around. I loosen my grip around his waist and rest my cheek against his shoulder. But sadly it was over far too soon.


I felt Ivy's strong grip around my waist loosen and she rests her head against my shoulder. I smile and soon I was landing outside my house where Nightwing was waiting.

She ran up to us having her own dragon conversation with Toothless. They start to tussle on the ground and Ivy and I laugh. We usher them inside.

I stay downstairs with my father discussing training today when Astrid stops by. "Hey Hiccup, I just came to check on Ivy."

"That's nice of you Astrid, she's upstairs." She smiles before heading upstairs.


I was cleaning up Hiccup's room. I didn't want to make a mess. And it's the least I could do after he shared his home with me. Anyway I'm hanging Nightwing's saddle up and accidently drop it. I bend to pick it up when a large book catches my eye.

I pick it up and pull it out. It has a strange dragon symbol on the cover. I open it and soon realize it's a book of dragons. I grew excited, this is awesome. I suddenly flip to the page about night furies.

"Speed: unknown
Size: unknown

This ferocious dragon is the offspring of lightening and death itself, do not engage this dragon. Your only hope hide and pray it does not find you. This dragon is stealthy-"

"Deadly, and intelligent." I gasp and look behind me to find Astrid glaring down at me. "What do you think your doing?!" She grabs me by the arm and pulls me to my feet, taking the book of dragons from me.

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