Chapter 3: Trust

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I had just gotten Toothless gear off when I hear Ivy's voice. "Astrid, let go, please, your hurting me!" I look up and find Astrid dragging the poor girl down the stairs.

I see fresh blood on her arm from one of her wounds. Nightwing seems to smell it, for she jumps down the stairs and stops in front of Astrid. She let out a warning growl and opens her mouth.

I rush forward and gently push Nightwing away. "It's okay girl." She reluctantly backs off. "Astrid let her go now! You've opened one of her wounds." Astrid looks down and lets go quickly her hand coming away bloody. "Oh, my gods." I gently grab Ivy's hand and lead her to the table.

I gently roll up her sleeve. Her wound was bleeding slightly, but it didn't look bad. I sigh and pat her wound with a wet cloth until it stopped bleeding. I sit up and turn to Astrid. "What's going on?!"

"She was snooping!" Ivy jumps to her feet, making a noise of protest. Astrid glares at her and Ivy took a step back, Nightwing comes over wrapping her tail protectively around Ivy. Nightwing growls at Astrid forcing her to step back.

"Hiccup, honestly I was cleaning up your room because you and your father have been so nice to me. I was taking off Nightwing's saddle, it slipped and when I was picking it up I found the book. I'm-I'm sorry, I didn't know I wasn't suppose to look at it."

I look at her, her eyes were filled with unshed tears, her eyes wide and fearful. "It's okay."



"No, she's the one who's been sneaking around looking at. . .our stuff." Astrid protests. "Sneaking around?"

"The other night above my house."

"That. . .was me. Hiccup told me to rest but I'd been resting for two days, so I was hoping a night flight would help me. Hiccup, I'm really sorry."

"There's nothing to apologize for."

"What! Hiccup-" I cut her off with a stern glance. "Astrid, that's enough, outside now! I'd like to talk to you in private." Astrid looks at Ivy and glares.

Astrid turns away about to head for the door when Nightwing hit Astrid with her tail, causing her to stumble. Astrid turns with a silent scream of anger. I grab her around the waist to hold her off while Ivy did the same with Nightwing.

"Stop, Nightwing, you're making it worse!" She says gently pushing her angry dragon away from Astrid, who's struggling in my arms. I sigh, frustrated, and manage to drag her backwards, flinging open the door, dragging her outside.

Once we were safely out of sight I let her go. She immediately starts rambling off protests. "ASTRID, ENOUGH!" I scream and she shut up. "Hiccup, listen, I don't want to go through what we went through with Heather."

"Oh, my Thor, are you serious? Ivy is not Heather. She was half dead when we found her, Heather just washed up on Berk."

"Yes, but like Heather we don't know anything about her! Do we know where she's from? What island she lives on? No, we don't." I sigh slumping in defeat. "Hiccup we can't trust her."

"Well, I do and you should trust me. I'm done talking about this, please Astrid just go home." I turn and go back into my house.

I find Ivy lying on the floor with Nightwing curled around her. The tears were still in her eyes, threatening to fall at any moment. "I'm sorry about her, we've-we've been betrayed before."

Ivy looks up at me and gives me a sad smile. "I-I'm leaving Berk." I look up at her in surprise. "What? no! Please stay here with us." Ivy stands up, looking down at the ground, rubbing her arm. "But all I'm doing is causing trouble between you and your girlfriend."

My eyes widen and I laugh, causing Ivy to look up at me. "What? Me and Astrid? We're just friends. Besides we always fight, it's how we solve problems. Anyway it's been so much fun having you here please say you'll stay." I beg giving her pleading eyes.

She smiles and nods rubbing Nightwing's head. "It has been fun and I don't want to take Nightwing away from Toothless. . .alright, I'll stay." I smile and without thinking I hug her.

"Ow." I pull away quickly. "Sorry."

"It's okay, my arms just a little sore from Astrid's death grip." I smile sadly before walking her up to my room. "Well, see you in the morning. Goodnight, Ivy." She smiles. "Goodnight, Hiccup."

[A/N: Hey guys, because my brother effed with my phone, and some moron in Samsung decided that if you get your password wrong 10 times it goes back to factory settings! Seriously even if someone got my phone they couldn't get in and if they Jailbreak it I loose everything anyway. Wow, a giant genius must work for Samsung. But don't worry when I get a new phone I'll finally be able to use pictures. Yeah my phone won't let me access my gallery. Thanks, John! Worst brother ever!!😡]

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