Chapter 4: Screaming Death?

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I hear the sound of a horn blowing in the distance. I jump to my feet. "Screaming Death! Come on girl!" I jump on Nightwing and we rush off to the great hall. I hear the rush of wings and look up to see Astrid, I sigh. "Astrid, Hiccup assigned me to the Great Hall yesterday, you heard him."

"Yeah, this is a drill, but I wouldn't even trust you with the real thing." I glare at her. "How about this whoever gets there first. . .gets to guard it?"

"Works for me." She says, then suddenly Stormfly's wing slaps me in the face. "Ahh! ASTRID!" I scream glaring at her, Nightwing tackles Stormfly and we crash into the Great Hall.


I stand with my arms crossed, Ivy and Astrid behind me. My father stood in front of me with a glare on his face. "When you told me you were running a Screaming Death attack drill, I didn't think you would actually try to destroy the village!"

"I'm sorry dad, it just got, out of hand." I turn and see Astrid glaring at Ivy. But Ivy was looking down at the ground, ashamed. "Sorry, doesn't unburn Silent Sven's chest hair."

"Which brings me to your punishment," He says giving us all an evil smile.


I look around in bewilderment as the other dragon riders groan. "Mildew's cabbage field."

"Okay, guys my dad wants this field done and ready for planting. Let's get started."

I sigh as Hiccup had me and Astrid work together. "But Hiccup, I don't really think Astrid likes me."

"Don't worry, Ivy. And another thing, I'm very proud of you, I know Astrid instigated the fight. And you knew you had done wrong. Keep on being the better person, Ivy." I nod with a small smile before getting on my dagon and heading toward the rock pile.


I'm talking to Fishlegs when there was a loud roar and the sound of fire being spit. I groan and turn to see Nightwing and Stormfly fighting. "Nightwing, stop!"

"Stormfly, calm down!" I sigh again and get on Toothless. "Come on, Bud." We fly over and land. Suddenly Toothless let out a roar and starts fighting with the other two dragons. "Come on, Bud, we're trying to break up the fight not win it!"

But he ignored me. I pull on Toothless' saddle trying to get him away. "Guys, back your dragons away from each other."

"We're trying!" Astrid yells over their roaring. "Well, try harder! That's it, everyone to the rock pile!" We manage to get our dragons in the air and fly over to the rock pile. We get off our dragons and I stand in front of them. "Mind telling me what that was about."

"I was doing my job when Stormfly started shooting at us." Ivy said calmly and without contempt. Astrid scoffs, "Hiccup, me and Stormfly were doing our job when this witch and her overgrown fire pit started blasting us!" Ivy shakes her and turns away, I see hurt in her eyes as she gets on Nightwing and flies away.

I let out a huff of anger and turn to Astrid. "What's your problem. All she does is try to be nice to you and all you do is insult and hurt her."

"I just-" I shake my head and get on Toothless. "Try thinking about her feelings, how would you like it if we distrusted you all the time?" Astrid turns away and gets back on Stormfly. "You guys finish up here I'm going to check and make sure Ivy's okay."


I was flying around with Nightwing. She glides across the sky as I lay back and watch the stars come out. I sigh, what do I have to do to prove myself to Astrid. I sigh, sitting up, and rub Nightwing's head. "At least I have you, I'll always have you."

¤Ten Years Earlier¤

I was at my favorite place on my home island. I was messing around in the brush when I heard a playful grumble. I traveled deeper into the brush and found a black night fury playing with a stick.

I smiled and she stopped playing, to look up at me. "Hey, girl." She ran up to me and I picked her up she was bigger than me. "Your heavy." She licked me and I laughed. "And sloberly!" I giggled and decide to take her with me.

I sigh and hug Nightwing tightly. "Maybe we'd be better off alone."

"Ivy! Ivy where are you?" I turn and see Hiccup fly above the clouds. "I'm over here, Hiccup!" I wave and he looks over at me and sighs in relief. Toothless flies over greeting Nightwing with a nuzzle. I smile and feel my heart break, I didn't want to take Nightwing away from Toothless. I have to stay, no matter what Astrid does.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Astrid, but deep down she's sweet." I nod, "she just doesn't trust me." Hiccup looks like he wanted to say something, but I cut him off by speaking first. "Anyway, we should head home."

Hiccup nods and we fly home, landing outside and jumping off. I take off Nightwing's gear. "Goodnight, Ivy."

"Goodnight, Hiccup. Thanks for being there for me." He starts to say something, but I interrupt him by kissing his cheek, then heading inside.


I stare after Ivy holding my cheek before a small smile lit my face. I follow her inside and close the door. "How was your day, son?" My dad asks looking up at me. "It-it was good," I say smiling, he sees it and smiles back. "Well that's good." I say goodnight before going to bed.

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