Chapter 10: Time Alone (Sequel)

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I feel someone nudging me, pressing against my face. I groan, pushing them away, wanting to sleep for as long as I could. I'm suddenly slapped lightly, causing me to cry out not in pain but surprise. I open my eyes as I listen to my dragon's laughing. I glare up into his green eyes.

"Thanks for the wake up call, bud." His eyes are bright with amusement, I sit up, rubbing my face. Suddenly a plasma blast comes soaring past, lighting the fire from last night. I look back at Toothless and smile at him. "Thanks, bud."

I pull my knees to my chest and look down into the flickering flames. I remember how at this time of day, Ivy and I would go for a morning flight before heading to the academy for the day. "What am I going to do, Toothless?"

I ask him, he grumbles sadly, resting his head on his feet, eyeing me with his catlike gaze. I ponder, wondering if I should check on the other riders, they're probably waiting for me at the academy. I run my hand through my hair before standing up.

I go over to the small lake and splash water on my face, rubbing some dirt off. I cup water in my hands before pouring it into the fire, dousing its flames. "Let's go home, Toothless," I call and he gets to his feet, stretching his wings out.

I go over to him and climb on, sliding my peg leg into the metal and listen to it click. I press down with my other foot, letting Toothless' tail out. He crouches down before pushing off, launching himself into the sky. I look down at, Toothless, thinking about how he was recently the last of his kind.

"I wonder what you've went through in the time before I shot you down, bud." Toothless grumbles in remembrance. "I wish you could tell me. Like what you're parents might have been like. You're father and mother."

I feel an idea form in my head as Toothless flaps his wings. "Mother? Mother! That's it, I need to get to the academy. Let's pick up the pace, bud." He makes a noise of excitement, I think he'll be happy to do it. He picks up speed and before long we're landing in the arena.

I see the other, dragon riders, I jump off of, Toothless. "Hiccup, there you are." I look up at Astrid and beckon the riders to me. "Guys,  I think I know the reason behind the Screaming Death destroying all the those, islands. It's looking for its mother."


"When I was on, Outcast Island, I saw a whispering death, all those eggs under Berk came from her. It's been destroying those islands searching for her. I think I know of a way to keep the Screaming Death away from Berk."

*Weeks Later*

I sit on Toothless, looking out over Berk, the sun tinging the clouds pink as it sets. The Screaming Death is gone and hopefully it will never return. I want more than anything to make my way to Ivy's Island but I'm needed here.

Toothless grumbles and I pat his head. "Hiccup!" I look up and see Astrid flying towards me. "Yes, Astrid?"

"Two Monstrous Nightmares are fighting over by the great hall!"

"Duty calls, bud," I say and he makes a noise. We take off for the great hall and I see the two male nightmares, locking horns with each other. "Bud, let's fire a warning shot." He fires a plasma blast and it hits the ground in between them, startling them enough that it forces them to back away from each other.

"Alright, enough," I say as Toothless flies into the space between them. They let out annoyed roars. I hold my hands out to both of them, not making eye contact. I smile when I feel them press their snouts against my palms. I open my eyes and look at them, their eyes have softened.

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