Chapter 7: Just Get Well

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I lay with Hiccup, side by side on the grass, staring up at the stars. We start pointing out constillations. After my little break down Hiccup thought it would be best to get some fresh air. I agreed, and I'm slowly starting to relax.

But soon we were forced to go back inside, a freeze was coming to Berk, causing the temperature to drop. We get up and walk inside to find Dagur sitting up. "Your up!" I exclaim with a smile as I walk over to him.

I sit beside him and check him over. His wounds have stopped bleeding and he has some bruises, but otherwise he was unharmed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a boulder, flung by catapult."

"I know the feeling." I told him, getting up. I grab some clothes that Hiccup lent me and hand them to Dagur. "There Hiccup's, he's lending them to you." Dagur looks up at Hiccup. "Um, Hiccup, I wanted to say that. . . .I'm sorry-"

Hiccup cut him off. "Just get better and claim back your island." He nods and starts to change.


I go up to my room with Toothless. I hear footsteps behind me, I turn and see Ivy.

"What do you need, Ivy?" I ask plastering a smile on my face. She strokes Nightwing's head before looking up at me. "Nightwing and I found something one night while, flying, want to see?"

I shrug and follow her outside on Toothless. We flew in silence for about 20 minutes before she lands. She jumps off Nightwing and walks over to me. "What?"

I ask and she smiles before asking me to close my eyes. "Why?"

"Just do it, Hiccup." I sigh before doing what she says. She grabs my arm and leads me through the undergrowth. Branches snag at my sleeves and pant legs. I'm about to speak when suddenly a branch smacks me in the face.

"Ow!" Ivy let's out a soft laugh before brushing the leaves off my face. Her fingers lingering a second longer than necessary. She continues leading me forward until finally we stop. "You ready?"

I nod and open my eyes. My breath caught in my throat as I look around. I'm standing in a field of flowers, but they weren't regular flowers. These had black petals, glowing purple outlines, and dark green stems with small thorns sticking out.

As the moonlight hits them they bloom and golden pollen floats into the air. Nightwing sniffs at the flower before purring and rubbing her head against Toothless. I laugh and look over at Ivy, she was smiling. "They're Nightshade flowers. Aren't they beautiful?"

I stare at her, "yeah." She turns and looks at me, her eyes slightly wide, giving her an innocent look. I lift my hand up and cup her cheek. I lean down, she meets me halfway, pressing her lips against mine. My free arm wraps around her back pulling her against me. The wind picks up blowing the Nightshade's pollen around us. We both pull away and look at the pollen, it was breath takingly beautiful.

I look back down at Ivy. "We should head back." Ivy sighs before nodding. We get back on our dragons and go back home. I land and see Dagur talking to my father! "Oh no," Ivy exclaims.

"Hold on, no axes drawn, my father's hand isn't wrapped around Dagur's neck. Yeah, he's okay," I say walking up to my dad, with Ivy behind me. "What's going on Dad?"

"Alvin, will be coming here to get Dagur."

"What?" I grab Ivy's arm, she looks at me and I shake my head. "Ivy, I'm going to serve out my sentence." Ivy stares at her brother, I doubt he's ever done anything like this before. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Ivy." She nods tears in her eyes, before hugging Dagur tightly.


I stand with Hiccup and Dagur. Alvin's ship was coming up to shore. The other dragonriders were standing behind us. Alvin set anchor and steps onto Berk. "Stoick."

"Alvin." Dagur steps forward, getting on the ship. He turns to me and smiles sadly. Alvin says goodbye before getting on the ship and casting off. My brother waves goodbye and as soon as he was out of sight, I broke down crying. I turn as Hiccup pulls me against him. I bury my face in his shirt, clutching it with my fist. The other dragonriders gather around us, wrapping their arms around us in a group hug.

I look at all of them as they hug me. I smile happily and let out a sigh. I'm not alone anymore, even though I lost my brother again, I gained these great friends, they'll always be there when I need them. That's enough for me.

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