Chapter 5: Alvin!?

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I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of a Terrible Terror. I get up and see parchment tied to it's leg. I grab it and unroll it. 'Meet me-A' I sigh and get on Nightwing.

I fly out to meet him, I land and find him waiting for me on the beach. I get off Nightwing, walking up to him. "How is he?" I ask looking up at him.

"He's weak they beat him up pretty badly. But we'll take care of him make sure they don't touch him." I smile tears in my eyes, he pulls me against him in a small hug. I stare up at him in surprise, he never hugs me.

"He'll pull through don't you worry." I nod and pull away. "I better get going." He nods and gets back on his ship and sails away, I wave until he disappeared from view.

My mask fell and I sob into my hands. Nightwing comes over and nudges me. I look at her and smile before hugging her. "Let's go girl." I pull myself onto her back and we take to the sky.


I see Ivy's night fury. I feel guilty for being so hard on her. I get on Stormfly and follow her wanting to talk. I'm about to call out to her when she suddenly lands.

I land too, but keep quiet as she gets off Nightwing. I nearly gasp when I see Alvin the Treacherous climb onto Berk's beach. "How's. . ." I didn't stick around, I got on Stormfly and fly off. I land in front of Hiccup's house.

I enter and see Hiccup lying on the floor. I bring my leg back and kick him. "Ah! Why would you do that!? What are you doing?!"

"Get up, I just saw Ivy talking with Alvin!"

"What, she's upstairs sleeping, I just checked on her 20 minutes ago."

"Well let's go find out shall we." We walk up the stairs and I freeze, Ivy was lying in bed. She yawns before rolling onto her side and looking at us. "Hey, guys, is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, Ivy, go back to sleep." He grabs my arm and drags me down and outside. "For the love of Thor. . . .what is your problem?"

"Hiccup, she's not who you think she is," I say, but Hiccup cuts me off. "Astrid we've been over this, Ivy is not the enemy she's a friend."

"Hiccup, Alvin could be attacking us at any moment!!" I said getting frustrated and angry. "ASTRID, THAT'S ENOUGH!" Hiccup yelled obviously agitated. "Are you serious?" He stares at me with that stern look. "Fine! Whatever."

I turn and walk away beckoning to Stormfly.


I stare after Astrid feeling irked but sad, we never fight this badly. I hope I don't lose her friendship. I turn and go back inside. I see Ivy standing at the top of the steps. "Hiccup, I'm leaving Berk."


"I heard what you guys were talking about. I can't stay here, I'll just destroy your friendship."


"But, Ivy. . .I don't want to lose you." He grabs my hand and I smile sadly at him. "Do you think I want this, I don't want to leave you either, but I can't risk your friendship. I'm temporary, Astrid's forever. We knew I had to go home at some point."

He startes to say something, but I silence him by kissing him deeply. After a few minutes I pull away, sniffling, resting my forehead against his. I pull away fully and beckoned to Nightwing she's all saddled up.

"Come on, girl." She grumbles and rubs her head against Toothless. "We can always visit." Nightwing whimpers before following me outside. Astrid's there, I just remembered that Hiccup had left the door open while we were talking.

"How much did you. . .?"

"Oh, I saw plenty. And I wanted to say I'm sorry. Maybe I saw another girl who rides a night fury meet with Alvin."

"Astrid!" Hiccup scolds and she sucks in a breath. "That's okay, Astrid but now you won't have to worry about me, you got your wish. I'm leaving." I walk past her and finish putting Nightwing's saddle on fully.


"That's okay, Astrid but now you won't have to worry about me, you got your wish. I'm leaving." She brushes past her to Nightwing. "I never wanted you to leave," Astrid says under her breath. I smile sadly and pat Astrid's shoulder.

Ivy has just gotten on Nightwing when a silent roar fills the sky. Suddenly Alvin lands in front of Ivy on a deadly nadder. "What in the name of Odin!" Shouts Astrid and I pull her back.

"Ivy, it's time." I look at Ivy in dismay, but she only stares at Alvin. "What's wrong?"

"We-we don't have enough men. The Berserkers have retaken your brother." Ivy gasps tears fell from her eyes as she sobs, covering her mouth to muffle her cries. Despite everything my heart went out to her, she teamed up with Alvin to save her brother from Dagur.

I silently and carefully walk over to her. "We'll help you." She turns to me and stares in surprise. "What're you playing at boy?" Alvin asks me and I glare up at him. "I'm not playing at anything, I'll help my friend get her brother back, because I'm a Berkian."

Ivy smiles gratefully at me and I nod. "Hiccup, you can't be serious." I turn back to her and give her a look. "Astrid, do you want, Ivy to lose her borther?" She shakes her head and calls to Stormfly. "Then let's go," I say and get on Toothless.

Toothless stops beside Nightwing. Ivy looks down at me. "Thanks, Hiccup." I smile at her before getting the other dragon riders. I get them all on board and we come up with a plan. "Are we really going to do this?" Asks Snotlout. We all give him a look, he scoffs and gets on Hookfang.

"Whatever, let's go!" I shake my head and we get on our dragons and we take to the sky.

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