Chapter 6: Dagur!!

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We sneak into the Berserker compound. I'm with Astrid, Ivy, and Alvin. The other dragon riders were waiting outside. "Do you know where their keeping your brother?" I ask Ivy, looking at her.

"She doesn't, but I do. It's right down that hall, last door with two Berserker guards." Alvin says pointing towards the hall on the right. I nod and we quietly sneak down the hall.

I stop dead once I spot the guards. "What are we going to do about them?" Astrid asks looking at them. "I think I know, just stay back," Ivy says pulling something out of her satchel.

She threw it in front of the guards and a gas is let out, causing the guards to fall to the ground, unconscious. "Okay, let's go." She whispers walking up to the door.

We follow her as she opens the door. She walks in and gasps. "Brother!" She rushes forward hugging him tightly. I pull my shield onto my back while she has her reunion.

I look up as she pulls away from her brother and I gasp. I pull my shield from my back and change it into the crossbow. Ivy's eyes widen and she jumps in front of him. "Hiccup, what are you doing?"

"Back off, Ivy, that's Dagur.  .  .the deranged. He's practically declared war on Berk." I glare at him over Ivy's shoulder. But he wasn't even looking at me. He was staring at the ground, his face covered in scratches and bruises. "It's okay, Ivy." I stare at him in surprise.

"No, brother! I'm not letting him hurt you," Ivy says looking at him with concern. "No, I-I deserve it. You shouldn't even have come for me."

Why is he giving up like this, this isn't the Dagur I've dealt with before. Ivy shook her head and turns to me. "Do you understand forgiveness?"

"Of course."

"Have you never wanted it for yourself? A person you loved and wished desperately to love you back?" I stare at her.


I stared at my father as a look came across his face. "Oh gods, dad no. Please, no! For once in your life would you please just listen to me!" I ran after him and grabbed onto his arm but he pushed me back.

I tripped and fell backward. He turned to me. "You're not a viking, you're not my son!" He turned and left, slamming the door shut behind him.

I come back down to earth, feeling tears sting my eyes. I sigh and lower the crossbow allowing it to change back into my shield. I pull out a dagger and toss it to Ivy. "Let's go." I look at Ivy as she sighs and starts cutting the ropes before turning away.

We head out making our way through the compound. Suddenly we were surrounded by guards. "Toothless!" I call and he bursts in through the doors with, Stormfly, and Nightwing. Toothless rushes to me and when the guards try to stop him he throws them aside with his wings.

I rush over to him and jump on. He fires plasma blasts, Stormfly uses spark shower, and Nightwing uses her wings to defend Dagur and Ivy. Fishlegs, Snotlout, and the twins seem to hold their own.

Finally when the last Berserker was unconscious we left flying off to Berk. I sigh as we land getting off our dragons. "Get him inside and don't let my father see him." I call to Ivy and she nods heading inside.

I turn to Alvin. "You need to head back before anyone sees you." He nods and gets on his dragon. I send the other dragon riders to their homes. I sigh again and go inside, noting that Thornado was gone.

He's not home, thank the gods. I say to myself as I walk into my house. I see Ivy, she was sitting on the couch, her brother's head in her lap, dabbing a wet cloth against his bruises.

She looks up at me with a neutral look. I sigh, and groan inwardly. Great, now it's uncomfortable. "Ivy, I'm sorry, but you have to understand, Dagur almost killed one of our dragons, the twins' dragon. And he tried to kill Toothless."

"Dagur, never cared for dragons. One-one killed our mother."

"Mine too. Before I was even two years old." She looks up at me. "Yeah? I'm sorry. Ever since it happened Dagur's been short tempered. Always quick to fight, especially if someone mentioned mom. Kids on our island can be cruel. So they always picked on him and told him. . .how it was funny how our mom died." A tear went down her cheek and she wipes it away.

"Dagur went a little crazy from the beatings, and the insults and he just snapped. Though when it came to me, he wouldn't ever let anyone point their insults at me. That's why I've done everything I could to help him. Even when I'm sure he deserved what he got."

"I never knew that," I say looking down at Dagur who was still unconscious. "Well, I don't think he likes being vulnerable." She says, standing and wiping her forehead. She presses her palms against her eyes before bursting into sobs.

I rush forward and pull her into my arms. "I'm sorry, I have no idea why I'm crying."

"It's okay, I'm here, just let it out." I whisper holding her tighter as she cries into my shoulder. Her knees give out and we sink to the ground as I hold her in my arms.

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