Chapter 9: I'll Always Be With You

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"What about my father, is he okay?" Ivy asks in concern her eyes widening. "He's as healthy as can be expected but he needs you right now." I stare at Kari, her blonde hair is pulled into a braid, she's wearing a red tunic, armoring on her shoulders.

I see a sword at her waist. I look up at the Typhoomerang as it sniffs at Barf and Belch. The dragon was a teal color, with white on the edge of its wings. "Okay, I just, I need a minute okay, get my stuff together, and say goodbye." Kari nods and gets back on her dragon.

I stare at Ivy, feeling sadness at her leaving. We spent so much time together. I can't even imagine the coming days without her. Ivy rubs Nightwing's head. "Come on, girl, go say goodbye to Toothless." The dark Night Fury practically whimpers at being told she must leave.

My dragon rushes forward, nuzzling Nightwing affectionately. She grumbles and nuzzles back. Ivy goes over to Fishlegs, and gives a sad smile. "Sorry, I can't go foraging with you Fishlegs."

"That's okay, we'll miss you though, won't we Meatlug?" The gronckle grumbles in agreement. Ivy smiles down at the small boulder class dragon. "I'll miss you too," she says tossing a large rock into the air and Meatlug grabs and devours it. Ivy laughs and rubs her head.

Next the twins. I hear slight sniffling and to my surprise see Tuff crying. "Woah, you're crying, what's that like?" Ruff asks and Tuff shakes his head. "I'm not crying, it's just. . . looking at you for so long hurts my eyes," Tuff says to his sister, elbowing her slightly.

"You guys stay out of trouble," Ivy says and I knew that was impossible. "We make no promises," Ruff says and Ivy smiles. "Didn't think you would."

Snotlout hugs her and surprisingly stays silent. Weirdly enough even he's taking this seriously. No jokes, quips, nothing. "Be safe, Ivy," is all he says. "Try not to get yourself eaten by Hookfang." I smile and so does Snotlout.

Next she goes to Astrid. "No more battle training?"

"Sorry, Astrid, no more hurling axes and maces." Astrid gives her a sad look before pulling her into a hug. "I'll miss you," she whispers and I see tears in Ivy's eyes. I feel terrible. It took so long for Ivy to gain Astrid's trust and now she has to leave.

She pulls away from Astrid and they bump forearms and then she moves over to me.

"I was going to wait, but here." I pull out a necklace and hand it to her. It's a simple cord but there's a kind of topaz gem. "Oh, Hiccup it's beautiful."

"I found it when flying over the sea stacks. Made me think of you."

"Thanks," she says pulling me into a hug. She pulls back and looks at me, placing her hand on my cheek. "You're such an amazing guy, Hiccup and I'll miss you but this isn't goodbye forever, we'll see each other again. I promise."

She turns about to go back to Nightwing. "I suppose I don't get a goodbye." I hear my dad say and Ivy shakes her head. "No, I didn't forget about you sir. You helped save my life, you let me stay on your island even when I caused trouble. I want to say thank you."

"It was my pleasure, Ivy," he says and she gives him a quick hug before returning to Nightwing. "Bye everyone," she says waving before launching into the sky with Kari. I stay where I am staring into the sky, watching as she gets farther and farther away appearing as nothing more than a speck in the sky.

I feel Astrid's hand on my shoulder. I turn and look at her, her eyes full of sympathy. "Sorry, Hiccup." I give a nod before looking back up but they've disappeared. Slowly the other dragonriders head back to their homes.

I play all the events that happened in my mind. Starting with finding Ivy and ending with her leaving. I replay it over and over in my head. I shake my head before going over to Toothless and taking off.

I direct him, telling him to land in the forest. "Let's take a walk, bud," I say and he grumbles before following me. I kick rocks and talk to myself and to him at the same time. "I'm sorry about Nightwing, bud." He makes a soft noise and rubs his head against my leg.

I laugh lightly and scratch the area behind his ear. I see the hill that leads to the cove. I carefully slide down and Toothless makes a curious noise.

"Come on," I say and he jumps down beside me, peering around. "Seems like only yesterday I was hiding you from my entire village, eh, bud?" I rub his head and he coos slightly. I move closer and see the rock with dried blood.

This is where I found, Ivy, bleeding badly. "How bout we spend the night here, huh, bud? It's been awhile." Toothless makes a noise of what I assume is agreement. I start gathering wood for a fire.

Once I have enough I put it on the ground. "Toothless, would you-" I didn't need to finish before he's fired a plasma blast and set the wood aflame.

"Thanks," I say sitting down and he curls up behind me, wrapping his tail around me. I smile at his protective instincts. His eyes are closed but ears are pricked, listening. I rub his head. "You're my best friend, bud. Which is really sad." I hear him laugh in his own dragon way.

I smile and lean back against his stomach, feeling it rise and fall. The sun is slowly setting turning the sky pink. The stars will soon appear in the sky. I'll miss you, Ivy. With that thought in my mind, I curl up against Toothless, and close my eyes. My dragon purrs in his sleep.


I land on my Island with Kari. I slip off Nightwing and see everyone running about pulling weapons out of the Amory and putting their saddles on dragons. I spot my close friends: Arik, Eisa, Freya, Haldor, Idonea.

Arik is a serious guy but can be silly at times, his black hair is short and spiky. Eisa is a brunette with a stubborn and compassionate personality. Freya is Arik's sister and she has the heart of a warrior. Haldor and Idonea are siblings as well, both have dark red hair and emerald green eyes both are very sweet and caring.

Arik is putting a saddle on a Timberjack. I see, Eisa, with a Titan Wing Monstrous Nightmare. I look and see Haldor and Idonea saddling up a Seashocker, Freya's pulling her saddle on a Deathgripper.

"It looks like you guys are preparing for war," I say, looking around too shocked to question why they're riding dragons, but the reason can't be good. "That's because we are, Ivy."

"What?" I turn and look at her, she nods. "We need you to lead the army, your father's too old and fragile. It's up to you and Nightwing, your father is making you acting chief in his stead." I stare at her dumbfounded. "Kari, I can't lead an army!"

"We believe in you, Ivy. You don't realize this but you always had the makings of a leader, I could tell when we were younger. You can do this!" I stare at her, not knowing if I can thank her for her trust or tell her she's an idiot.

I sigh and Kari drags me forward to start preparations. May the gods have mercy on us all.

Black As Night |Hiccup Haddock| (HTTYD)Where stories live. Discover now