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"Alex what is up with you?" Jack poked me.


"You've been really distant lately. Skipping practice, not hanging out with anyone, me especially and you seem to be completely avoiding Zack."

"You know I wasn't allowed to see you because I was grounded," I replied ignoring the rest of what Jack had said. He had noticed and picked me up on it.

"And practice?  Why are you ignoring Zack anyway? It makes it awkward," he poked me again. I slapped his hand away lightly. "Come on Lexy; tell me what's going on with you?"

"It's nothing Jay. Besides I'm not ignoring Zack."

"So what are you doing because you're certainly spacing yourself. I thought we were no secrets?"

"We are. It's just I found out something that I'm having a hard time getting over," I turned around to face him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head before leaning in and resting it on Jack's shoulder.

"What do you want to do then?  I haven’t seen you in forever," Jack moaned.

"It's been seven days, five of which have been spent seeing each other in school."

"But I haven't been able to see you Alex. I missed you," he made grabby hands at my sides.

"It's okay Jay. I'm here now," I chuckled.

"I hope you know that I'm not letting you go now."

"Look who's getting attached now," I grinned.

"Shut up and hug me." I let out a small sigh before lacing my arms around my best friend. We sat there for a good ten minutes without moving, before I finally went to let go but Jack just gripped tighter.

"As much as I love you Jack, I also like breathing and pizza."

"Are you cheating on me?" Jack asked as he let me go enough for me to breathe.

"With pizza? Hell yes! In fact I'm actually late for our next date," I joked.

"As long as we have the best makeup sex after I'll forgive you," he pouted as I made my way towards the kitchen.

"Babe, I'll even give you a blow job," I winked.

"You'd better not be teasing me Alex."

"Now why would I do that?" I grinned as I closed the door behind me so that I wouldn't get hit by the six hundred page math book Jack had aimed at my head. I put my pizza in to cook before making my way back to Jack.

"We have twenty minutes."

"You think you can do it?"

"You underestimate me Barakat," I crawled onto my bed that Jack had sprawled himself across and stopped at his waist, sitting on his legs. I lifted his shirt up a little and leaned down enough for my breath to hit Jack's bare hips.

"Alex I swear to god if you're teasing me I will kill you, but I cannot think of an inventive way to describe that to you because I'm too turned on right now," Jack let out with a very shaky breath.

"Aww is little Jacky gonna..." I started to mock but he cut me off.

"Shut up Alex." He raised his hips up, desperate for some friction as he was very clearly turned on. I kissed his hips just above the waist band his boxers before I crawled up to be greeted Jack smashing his lips against mine. I tried to make myself more comfortable by propping myself up on my elbows as Jack continued to grind against me.

"Alex," he panted. He fumbled with the hem of my shirt pulling it halfway up before slipping his hands under my shirt to roam around my torso, digging his nails into my back.

"Please. Alex. I need... I… Need..." Jack stuttered, failing to form a coherent sentence,

"What do you need Jay?" I teased as I started to kiss down his jawline.

"I need you to..." His moan cut off the rest of his sentence.

"Need me to what exactly?" I asked as I trailed my fingers down his chest barely touching his skin causing him to shiver and press his hips up into me even more. When I got to his pants I let my hand rest there for a minute before I started to undo the zipper.

"I need you to stop fucking teasing me," he finally managed to get out between his moans.

"Well I'm sorry Jack, I have a date to attend right now," I purposely pressed down on his crotch as I sat up and started to make my way out of the room, but Jack gripped my shoulders stopping me from moving far.

"You have something more pressing to deal with," he muttered through grit teeth. I leaned in and kissed him as I moved his hand off of my shoulder.

"Sorry Jay. Have a nice shower," I grinned as I ran from the room. He collapsed back on my bed and just stared at the ceiling for a couple of seconds while he was still breathing heavily. He got up and made his way into my bathroom, turning the shower on as he closed the door.

"I am going to kill you so painfully and so slowly that you will be begging for death after the torture I'll be torturing you with because that is not something I'd do to my worst fucking enemy," Jack spat at me as he pinned me against the wall.

"You really don't know me very well do you Jacky?"


"You only had to take my pizza away from me and I would have been your slave," I teased.

"This isn't fucking funny. How would you like it if I turned you on so much and then just left you hanging like that?"

"Hmm I dunno. It probably wouldn't be very nice and I'd want to get back at them," I replied leaning forward. He noticed what I was trying to do and took a step back falling on my bed and taking a slice of pizza.

"I'm going to get you back for that and if you ever try something like that again I will cut your balls off."

"Threat accepted. I'm sorry about letting it get that far."

"Practice tomorrow? It's battle of the band's soon and I think we'd have a chance if you actually showed up," he teased changing the subject.

"Of course. Round yours?" He gave me his 'are you seriously that stupid look'.

"No, round Rian's where there's no drum kit. Of course round mine stupid."

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