Chapter 15 - Failed You

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*Sarah's POV*

"Baby let's get to our room." I said to Shawn. He shouldn't see him.

"No, let's do this; I'll get my bags carried in my room and tou wait here. I'll come back."

"Okay." I said and kissed him.

He left.... Thank god he didn't see us.

"Leave, NOW!" I couldn't shout at him in public. Oh.

"No, you're going to talk to me. I know you still love me. You're just pretending to love Shawn because you're mad at me and you want revenge." He touched my arm

What did he just say? And why was I thinking about what he said? Because he was right?  No, I couldn't think like that.

"You know that I'm right!" he said.

"Jack, go now. Leave me alone. Do me a favor and let me think." I think I said something wrong.

"So, you'll think about it?"

"Yeah! Go now." I don’t know if I said this because he was right or because he needed to leave.

He left. Then Shawn came back.

"Where have you been?"  I asked him pretending nothing happened.

*Nash's POV*

"Isabelle wait!" I yelled. She didn't stop.

"What do you want?!"

"Are you okay? You shouldn't be alone here!"

"None of your business..." she said as she started crying.

"Hey... hey, don't cry. Are you okay?"  I asked again and I held her face.

"Carter cheated on me, then tried to get back with me. Then my best friend accused me of something I didnr even do. I'm really good!!!"

What else could I say?

"She'll understand she's wrong. It will be okay, I promise... Do you trust me? I'll be here with you."

"I think I do..." Isabelle answered.

"Let's go back. You should calm down, you need to rest" I advised.

"Alright..." she accepted.

*Jennifer's POV*

"Thanks for coming with me Cam."

I was grateful to have him.

"You're welcome. We should be here for each other when hard times come right?"

He was talking like something bad was going to happen to him and I would have to stand by him. Whatever, there probably nothing like that.

"Why is all of thid happening to us? Why did Chloe blame Isabelle even though she knew she was right?" I was sad.

"I don’t know... Is this the way she left?"

"Yeah she must be around here... shh... do you hear it?"

"She's there!!" We found her.

"Chloe what are you doing here?! Come on, hold my hand and get up. It's late at night, you can’t be alone....Oh my god tell me you didn't drink..." I took the bottle in her hand and threw it away.

"What are you doing? Why did you even come? You're supposed to hate me! Give me my drink back! Not everyone is like you Jennifer!" she said.

What did she mean by NOT EVERYONE US LIKE YOU. What am I? Not the right time to ask this.

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