Chapter 21 - Screwed Up Again

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*Jennifer's POV*

"What?" Cameron said, sliding his phone into his pocket.

"All of your photos are all over internet?" he added.

"Umm.. uh... yeah all of them are. Mostly Sarah is getting so much hate, and fans are up against Jack. Also they... they hate me because they think I hurt Cameron." I replied fastly and I regreted it in 5 seconds.

Matthew sneered thinking I wouldn't see it.

"Is it me? Did I do something to piss him off? Because I swear I didn’t mean to." I whispered to Chloe.

"No, you’re fine." Chloe said and I went back to our conversation.

"Then what? We're famous, we get hate. Hello, wake up." Cameron said sarcastically and bit his lip.

"Fans are just overreacting. They're really protective and have walls built up to all the girls we ever talk to. And about what fans say about you Jennifer, they were ri.... You know what? Nevermind." Nash said. I didn’t say anything, silently urging someone to continue. 

"GUYS, stop it. I disappointed my whole family,  all of you with those photos with Jack. And now the fandom is against ME! And you're still talking about your Cam and Jen shit? Move on' You are selfish." Sarah said and she made me realize that Cam and Jen actually rhymed.

"There is also rumors of me cheating on Cameron, with Brent! I am a whore on internet, don't you see?! You guys are the only friends I have left, if you still consider me as your friend. No one's butinf tickets for our shows, guys! The past 2 days have changed everything." I said and glared at everyone.  

"Jennifer can we talk for a second.. ALONE." Brent said. We left the room.

"Jennifer, I am going to say something and you will probably hate me. I'm just getting right into the subject, I'm not gonna rant." he said

"Why would I even..."

"Just listen to me. You remembee the night we met? You were talking to me, Cameron,  Nash and some other people. That was the first moment I liked you. That was the first moment Cameron liked you. Then we decided to have a bet, I knew Cameron would win it anyway. The way you looked at him... your eyes were shining so bright. I am the reason for the bet, I am the reason for  everyrhing that hapoened.  I am the reson why paparazzi showed up. " he said leaving me in a big shock.

"What? Do you hear yourself Brent? Why did you call paps?!"

"Because I thought I still had a chance to win. With those photos, I thought everyone would think we were dating. I thought we would get closer but I failed. And I'm sorry Jennifer. I'm sorry for everything I have caused in your life."

"Get out of my room!" I said feeling my eyes getting wet. Thanks tears.

"Jennifer I'm sorry... you'll never see me again, I promise. I.."

"GET OUT!" I sounded mad.

Cameron heard me yelling and he came.

"What's wrong?"

"Is he really the reson of the bet?" I could hardly talk.

"Ah that issue. Jennifer, it doesn't matter.  The bet does NOT matter."

"Because you liked me in the first place. I blamed you all the time, and I can't apologize you enough for what I did to you." I was finally realizing.

"You should have listened to me. You broke my heart. You didn't believe me." Cameron said. Here it comes. We were breaking up, for real. I started sobbing and again, my stitches started hurting again. I shouldn't have been stressed.

"Hey hey... Are you okay?!" he asked

"No, Cameron, every single moment I will leave without you, I will never be okay. You hate me. I know it. I know I will have to move on."

"Vooov... stop there. What makes you think I hate you?'

"Cam, even Matthew hates me because I never listened to you... You will never love me again. I'm sorry."

"First of all, young woman, he doesn't. I don’t.  No one does. Can you calm down for a second?"

"Oh my god.... MY DREAMS WHEN I WAS ASLEEP AT HOSPITAL... I REMEMBER THEM. They were real, weren't they? You were there all day telling me the truth. I listened to you. I did listen to you, I just forgot about them. Oh my god."

"You didn’t want to believe me so much that you refused to remember those dreams. Huh... You believed Brent, not me." he said staring at his shoes.

"So that's it...." I said, dying to know if we were done.

He nodded and left.

We were done. Silence. My eyes were blurry because of my years. One tear escaped from my eye and slided down my cheek. I was done, and I was sad for the first time in my life.

*Chloe's POV*

"Why are you being mean to Jen?" I asked Matt curiously.

"Isn't it obvious? She hurt my friend, Cameron and now she wants him back like Cameron is a toy."

"Does it really look like that outside? Because it isn't." Jennifer came suddenly. She looked like she cried for hours. She grabbed her laptop and left the room.

"See what you did? God..." I said and I followed Jennifer. She locked her door, that meant she wanted to be alone. Alright.

I went near Sarah. She was so upset about what happened.

"Did you guys know that it was al.l Brent's fault? Brent called the paps, so he could have been seen with Jen and it woukd make them look like they were dating. She just told me and said everything was her fault. " Sarah said.

"Sarah, those photos weren't that bad and you know it." Isabelle said trying to comfort Sarah.

"Not that bad? Yeah just me making out with Jack hard when we thought we were alone at the corner of the beach. Thanks. You 3 are being so supportive." Sarah said realizing Jennifer wasn't here. There were 2 of us except Jennifer.

"Why can't we have a calm one week, just one fucking normal week." Isabelle said madly.

"We will." I hissed

A few hours later we were all sitting and watching a TV show we didn't even know at the lobby. Jennifer seemed bored and standed up. I followed her.

"You know you don't need to talk. I want you to know that I'm here for you." I said

"Well, does your boyfriend let you?! Stop taking orders from him, seriously." she said. I convinced myself that she said it because she was pissed.

"It's all because of Brent... I can't take this drama anymore. " Sarah interrupted. She stalked us?

"I know, I'm so sorry. I have plans for myself,  I want to take some time for myself. J woll tell you when it's, you know, like official.

"What are you tal-" I was saying something but I saw Jennifer staring at something, actually someone. She stopped listening to us. She took a glance at me and Isabelle in shock and turned her head back again where she was looking.

Sarah and I looked at each other and turned our heads to where Jen was staring at. It was Cameron. Hugging a girl. Not a fan-type girl though. They looked like they were having sex in the street. Cam screwed up again.

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