Chapter 19 - Don't Leave Me

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*Isabelle's POV*

What were we going to do?! Nash had always been a good friend for me and I couldn't believe he did this.

I was scared. They had knives this time. We could die here. One of the boys came and touched my face. EW EW EW EW. I slapped him. He laughed. EW again.

"Isabelle go call the cops." Carter said.



I started running and called 911. I also called Jennifer, she didn’t answer. Then I remembered that she was sleeping. Girls weren't answering.

The cops came and I ran back to where this happened.

There was blood on the ground. There was also one of those boys that attacked us and Carter on the ground

They were both stabbed. What the hell? No...

*Jennifer's POV*

I woke up feeling like I had been asleep for a month. I had numerous dreams. I turned left and saw Cameron.

"What are you doing here?! Go away Cameron!" I pushed him but it of course didn't work.

"We need to t-"

I turned my head saw that he locked the door. We were locked here.

"I don’t want to talk to you. I'd rather jump off the window right now. By the way love your door locking trick, you think it will work, uh?" I sad madly.

"Look Jennifer,  I was sleepless for 3 days. I was always with you in the hospital and I had time to prepare for this speech. Love it or not, we're going to talk sooner or later. Let's make it sooner, like now." Cameron said.

"The reason why you were there in my room for three days was because you felt guilty. You talk like I asked you to stay with me. But guess what? I didn't. " I rolled my eyes at him and added "And yeah talk I'm listening, keep lying."

"How could you day that? You didn't want me there?! I still feel guilty for making you sad, that's another subject. Look, it was a game at the beggining. I never thought I would fall for you. I never thought I would fall in love that fast. At first I couldn't even believe myself. You changed me. You made me feel good everyday!"

"Like you need to be encouraged to have confidence. Cameron you can have thousands of girls around you with a finger move. I don't get you. "

"But you are not those girls, you're unique. Those girls would date me because I have money, I have the body amd the face,  but you are not. I mean you were not. And I swear to God every moment we had was true. I never acted. I never lied." he said.

"You never lied? You're crossing the line Cam. You would never come meet me and get to know me it wasn't for the bet. Come on, admit it, be honest for once. Men like you are the reason why I never dated anyone. From the moment we met, you made me smile and happy all the time but.." I said but he interrupted me.

"I would get to know you anyways, Jennifer. The bet just made it faster. You need to believe me. We can be like we used to be. I love you. I need you. I can't give up on you, can't give up on our relationship. I can't love someone like I loved you."

He's not lying  my inner voice hissed. Shut up I replied to it inside.

"Everyone is dispensable, Cameron. Never forget that. Look--" I said quietly.

I didn’t know why but I started crying. You love him my inner voice concluded for me. My inner voice better shut up because I wasn't planning on going back to him anytime soon.

"Maybe youre right... but we need time. Promise me you will think about me, think about us." he said not wanting to hear the rest of my sentence.

"Alright I-" I said as I nodded and my phone rang. It was Chloe. She told me that their double date went to hell and Carter and Isabelle got attacked by the people who attacked Isabelle in the first place months ago in Florida.

For a second, I thought about it. That was the reason why Isabelle met Carter and Carter made us meet the boys. Whatever. I was still crying. I told it to Cameron.

"Calm down, you shouldn't be stressed, it's bit good for you right now. I'll take you to the hospital to see if Iz and Carter are okay." he offered.

"Since when do you call her Iz? Whatever, I don't need you to bring me-" suddebly the world started spinning so fast and I fell. Yeah I shouldn't have been stressed. Cameron was right for maybe the first time.

"Hey hey hey, you're coming with me and you should calm down. Ah thankfully you didn't hit your head." he said as he was carrying me to his car. Well, I could walk.

He put me back to the ground.

"Cameron I can't do this anymore. Why is this happening to us. I can't... I can't..." I sobbed as my head was on his chest. His hands were in my hair but I didn't have the power to warn him not to touch my hair.

"I know... We will get through this." he said, opened the door and let me get in the car.

"We've been to that hospital a lot lately, right?" I joked then I understood I did something wrong because Cameron thought he  was the reason why I hit my head and I was asleep for 3 days. Eh well let's be honest,  he was.

When I arrived the hospital, I saw Isabelle talking to the cops. Her wrist was like mix of red and purple. I will kill whoever did this I said to myself.

I ran near Chloe and Sarah and asked what had happened.

"We were going on a double date. They got attacked, as I told on the phone. Carter got stabbed, also the person who attacked them got stabbed." Chloe explained.

"How is Isabelle?"

"How do you think she is?" Sarah asked madly. She wasn't mad at me but at those guys.

Cops left Isabelle and she was holding ice on her wrist.

"Are you okay?" I said and my voice was shaking. I hugged her and when I opened my eyes I saw Cameron looking at us. I hated him but I loved him. Fuck my life.

Isabelle didn’t answer. Hours later Carter's surgery was over. Isabelle ran to the doctor and asked how he was.

"He is fine right now, but his life is still in threat. There is still a risk. He was stabbed so close to his heart. You can visit him in 2 hours, but for only 5 minutes. And only one of you can."

Isabelle nodded as she was sobbing.

*Isabelle's POV*

The time had come. I was finally going to see him, the person who almost died because of me.

I got into the room. Looked like he was sleeping. He had weird tubes and machines around him. I touched his hair.

"You're gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay. I shouldn't have left you alone there. I shouldn't have left you to call the cops. I love you." I said knowing he didn't hear me and I sat down the chair next to his bed and I put my head on his shoulder. 

He suddenly said "Say that again!" and he coughed. HE WAS AWAKE AND HE WAS MAKING A JOKE.

"I'm... sorry Isabelle, about those photos with Deborah. These all happened because of me when you left 2 months ago. I swear...."

"Shut up." I said and kissed him unexpectedly.

"It's all my fault. The attack. I'll never leave you. Promise me you'll fight it, Carter. Don't leave me." I begged. I felt guilty for the attack because I was the one who got attacked in the first place but I was saved by him.

"I promise I won't leave you ever again.... I love y.... I can't" it took me 10 seconds to realize that he couldn't breathe. He wasn't breathing. A tear that I didn't notice it was there dropped on his bed before I screamed for help.


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