Chapter 12 - Without You

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I was sweating. I had to answer. Then suddenly I felt courage in my blood.

"Yes... yeah we are!" I said then I smiled nervously.

"WHAT?! OMG!" she screamed.

The thing is, there have been lots of girls prerending to be Cam's girlfriend. Why would she believe me anyways? Whatever.

Then the fan left.

*Isabelle's POV*

Today we start touring. I don’t want to see Carter. I don’t have the power to argue with him, because I will never forgive him. He cheated on me. God. Jennifer and Chloe are the onlt ones that will be a couple at the show. Shawn won't attend so me and Sarah will be alone. And Chloe and Matt doesn't talk about their relationship, so Jen and Cam will be the starts tonight lol.

Btw Chloe told us that she had... um.. sex with Matthew. We were all like WHAT THE FUCK?! She blushed. How cute they are. I'm so happy for them.

We arrived to the show place. I haven't seen Carter yet. I hope I never will.

The tickets were sold out, wow! People really want to see us. Let's tweet about it.

"@Izbelle: So excited to see you guys tonight."

"@JenniferAllen: The tix were sold out?! WOW! SEE YOU GUYS!"

"@CameronDallas: Can't wait to see my bae!"


I felt someone breathing behind me. I saw Carter when I turned.

"I don’t want to listen to you. Get out!" I said.

"Iz, it's not like what you think...."

"But it IS like what I saw in the photo! Now go, before I get mad!"

"Isabelle, I... I wasn't myself. I was drugged."

"So now this is an excuse? I don't want to see you Carter. You cheated on me. You slept with her. You touched her. How will you ever kiss me with those lips again, or touch me with your hand... with Deborah's cells on it? It will never be the same!!"  I said. I was the one who ended the conversation. A tear dropped from his eye, then he left the room.

I am sorry, I know I'm right.

We got dressed. Me and Chloe were wearing a skirt and Jennifer was wearing a skinny jean, so was Sarah.

I told about Carter. Jennifer told me to fuck him and Deborah. THIS GURL.

We went on stage after we were introduced. It was so weird that we didn't see the boys backstage, well at least I didn't see anyone except Carter. I hope Carter won't create a scene on the stage. I am scared.

We went on stage and everyone started screaming. Then Sarah introduced all the boys. But... Carter didn't come.

Jennifer and Cameron literally stepped at the same time, and they tried to make the situation better.

"Well, Carter.." Cam and Jen said the same thing at the same time. Then they looked at each other and laughed. They were taking attention not to make this Carter issue bigger.

Then suddenly Carter ran to the stage. He was here, but his eyes were red to death. You have to blind not to see that he cried.

Cameron and Jennifer made some jokes and still kept the attention on them. Jennifer never wanted to do this in front of everyone, but she was doing this for me and Carter. She was announcing her relationship with Cameron. I mean she wasn't, but the way they acted was

Sarah made so many jokes during the show, she is seriously the funniest of the girls. Chloe's silly moves and jokes made everyone die of their laughter. Me... I was talking but not as much as others.

*Chloe's POV*

We had a 5 minute break.

What Jennifer was doing was suicide. She was flirting with Cameron in front of everyone. This is not who she is. Or she changed. I don’t know.

And what the fuck was wrong with Carter? I warned him to get better during M&Gs because people pay A LOT so that we will make them smile. Not to make them upset.

"Chloe, tell your friend to talk to listen to Carter. He is dying, and she doesn't even care."

"She doesn't care? You talk like you know what happened between them. Don't try to control other people's relationships Matt!" I was so pissed.

"I am controlling them? What is wrong with you? What do you know about cheating? Your father cheated?"

Oh my god... How could he say that... He knew that my father died years ago. I forgot about this fact way long ago.

The tears were coming. I was crying.

"Chloe... I... I'm sorry I really don't..."

"DON'T, MATTHEW! DON'T!" I yelled at him as I was crying.

Matthew ruined my first show ever...

I didn't go on stage on the last 15 minutes. Sarah, Jennifer, Nash, Cameron and Matthew did. Sarah and Jennifer should have a ship name already. Everyone ships them and that's so funny. There are gifs of them all around Tumblr, but mostly Sarah's.

I was watching them behind the curtain. The lights went off but everyone could still see them. It wasn't dark.

Jennifer gave Cameron the "WHAT THE FUCK" look. Jen doesn't like living her relationships with everyone watching them, but Cameron made it impossible to have some privacy. Plus she made it not to make a scene with Carter. I think she is over-protective of her friends.

Sarah and Jennifer were the only ones that had fun.

We all went to backstage, waiting for a huge arguement to start. I was still not over what Matt said to me... My father. Would my dad want me to be with someone like Matthew? I don't know.

Anyway we were all at backstage, staring at each other in silence.

Jennifer was the one who started talking.

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