Chapter 20

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 Thanks to all you who've stayed with me through this! You guys are amazing! <3

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“What do you mean, ‘Where’s Emily’?” Sam asked. “She was here when I left.”

            “Well, she hasn’t been seen at all since I got home.” I replied.

Sam looked at me skeptically. “If you’re joking, that’s not at all funny. There are vampires around and joking about something like this is not cool.”

            “Why would I lie? I don’t know where she is!” I exclaimed. Sam started looking worried.

            “Guys,” Embry interrupted. “Her car is still in the driveway.”

            “That means she’s still here. She’s probably asleep. Maybe she got sick?” Seth rationalized.

            “I’ll go look.” Sam said, taking off up the stairs. Not a minute later did we hear him yell. “Emily!”

            We all rushed up the stairs and into Sam and Emily’s room.

            “Sam?” I called frantically. I heard him answer from their walk-in closet. The boys and Leah stayed where they were while I hesitantly made my way to the closet. I peeked my head in and gasped. Emily was sitting on the ground all tied up.  Sam was working on untying the gag that was around her mouth. Once he finished she cleared her throat.

            “That stupid vampire! That stupid guy! Ugh!” She ranted. She then proceeded to tell us about the vampire that came and tied her up. She said that he just came in, grabbed her, tied her up and shoved her in the closet with no explanation.

            “You should be dead.” Paul said. Jake smacked him in the arm and rolled his eyes.

            “He’s right. That vampire should have killed you. I wonder why he didn’t.” I said.

We all just stood there, looking at each other before Sam spoke up. “We need to find him, Now.” The boys nodded and followed Sam out of the room. Anyone could clearly see that he was furious. I trailed out behind with Emily.

            “He sure doesn’t like it when vampires mess with you.” I chuckled.

            Emily sighed. “Yeah. He loves me.”

Emily and I were sitting in the living watching TV. Alone. The boys were all out hunting for the vampire. It was pretty stupid, leaving us alone, unprotected. I knew just how stupid it really was when I heard him.

            I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. By myself.

            “It worked.”

            I spun around, looking everywhere for the owner of the voice. I knew it was him. And I knew exactly what ‘worked’.

 It was a trap. Tying Emily up. Sam taking the pack out to hunt for the vampire. Leaving me alone. Now was the perfect opportunity for him to take me.

I wasn’t scared that he was going to take me. I wasn’t sad or upset. I had accepted that someday I would be kidnapped by a horrible magician and taken from the people I love. What I hadn’t accepted and never will, was the fact that I was going to be turned into some horrible monster and order to kill the people I loved.

I didn’t try to run or scream. I knew it was hopeless. I turned around again and came face to face with him. I was shocked by the looks of him. I had thought that he’d be some horribly ugly monster, but no. He looked to be around my age. He looked human with shaggy black hair and light blue eyes.

“You’re not running.” He whispered. “Good.”

It was awful of me to think this about him, but he was extremely attractive. He had a very attractive voice too. I shook my head. I couldn’t afford to think like that about the guy who’s going to ruin my life.

“Why?” was all I managed to get out; my throat was extremely dry and I was shaking in fear.

He chuckled. “You will help me rule the world.” He smiled. “We’ll be together for quite a long time so I feel the need to introduce myself. I’m Adam.”

I looked at him, confused. “I thought you were Ziron.”

“That’s my real name, yes, but I hate it. Call me Adam.”

I managed a weak nod. It was surprising to me how calm I could be seeing as though I was facing who I was.

Adam took hold of my hand and I flinched. His hands were the temperature of human hands, but to me they seemed cold. I wasn’t used to holding anyone’s hand other than Jacob’s. I didn’t like this.

Thinking about Jake made my chest hurt. I’ll never see him again. I’ll be force to kill him. I willed the tears back, not wanting to show Adam any weakness.

Adam proceeded to pull me through the kitchen and through the back door. I will never see Emily again.

He pulled me along through the woods until we made it to where Adam wanted us.

“Drink this.” He ordered, showing a vile of clear liquid in my hands. “It will transport you to my house.” He held one for himself and uncapped it. I did the same.

“Goodbye Jacob.” I whispered before downing the bitter potion. My body started feeling numb before everything around me went black.

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