Chapter 3

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I got out of the car and walked inside. No one was here, that was a first. Sam came in with my stuff – most of my stuff had survived the earthquake. Sam had gotten it all before he picked me up. He led me up to my room and set down my stuff before he left. I unpacked before cleaning myself up and changing into some nicer clothes – I was still in my pj’s. I sat on my bed and thought about what my mom had said. She told me to be strong and that’s exactly what I was going to do. I was never one to mourn in the past, and I wasn’t going to start now. My mom and sister – and dad – will always be in my heart.

I smiled at the thought of my mom watching me from heaven. She was in a better place now. She would want me to be happy. I smiled as I climbed into my bed and fell asleep, skipping dinner.

I woke up the next morning to a loud crash coming from the kitchen. I got out of bed and hurried down the stairs. I saw Sam standing over a pile of broken glass.

            “Morning. What happened?” I asked.

Sam looked up and smiled.

            “Hey. I just dropped a plate.”

            “Oh.” I said, helping him clean up the mess. When we finished, he gave me a big hug.

            “Thanks. Oh, and heads up, Paul and Jared should be here any minute, along with the new pack members. A lot of boys have phased since last time you were here.”

Yeah, I knew that my brother and his “pack” were werewolves. It didn’t bother me.

            “Emily was out at a neighbor’s house yesterday when we got home. She came back after you had already fallen asleep.”

            “Emily! I haven’t seen her in forever! Well, it’s only been a year, but still.” I was excited to see Emily, Sam’s girlfriend. She was like a sister to me.

I hurried up the stairs to get changed and make myself look a little more presentable. When I was done, I hurried down the stairs and came face-to-face with a huge boy.

            “Paul!” I yelled as I jumped on him.    

“Hey Sierra! How’ve ya been?” He asked, hugging me.    

            “Uh, fine.” I sighed.

            “Heard about your mom and sister. I’m sorry.” He looked at me with sad eyes.

            “Yeah, I miss them, but they’re in a better place now. I’m not gonna mourn in the past.”

            “That’s good. They wouldn’t want you to be all sad and stuff.”

I nodded and then looked around. There were five more guys standing around, not including Sam. They all looked the same. Short black hair, dark eyes, russet colored skin. And they were huge! Plus, no one, besides me, was wearing a shirt! Must be the werewolf look. I spotted Jared and ran to him.


            “Sierra!” He gave me a giant bear hug.

            “Can’t….breath!” I gasped. He laughed and put me down.

            “Glad to have you back. And you’re staying for good now.” He grinned.

            “Yup! Since you guys are here so much, you’ll end up getting sick of me!”

            “Hah! Don’t hold your breath! No one’s gonna get sick of you.”

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