Chapter 1

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“Hey Hunter!” I greeted my boyfriend as I walked through the school doors. He came up to me and hugged me.

            “Are you excited for tomorrow?” He asked. Tomorrow is the last day of school. My last day as a sophomore.

            “I can’t wait!” I replied, enthusiastic. I couldn’t wait for summer.

            “Yeah, me too. We get so much closer to being juniors every day.” Hunter said, taking my hand. He led me to my locker. I got my books before we went off to our first class, Math. Ugh, how I hated math. And in the morning too!

Hunter and I took our seats – we always sat next to each other in class – and talked about our summer plans. He started playing with a strand of my hair.

            “Good morning class! Please take out your textbooks and open to page 64.” Ms Huggins, our math teacher, said, walking in and sitting at her desk. Hunter and I directed our attention to the teacher for the rest of the class, waiting anxiously until the bell rang. All throughout the long hour of math, Hunter would glance at me with his intense, bright blue eyes and smile. He gave me butterflies.

When the bell finally rang, we got up to head to History, which went by quickly, only to go to Chemistry. When Chemistry ended, the lunch bell rang. Hunter and I made our way to the cafeteria hand-in-hand and met our friends at our usual table. Katharine and Mike were there, along with Stacy and Jordan. A few more of our friends sat with us too.

            “So… Sierra … Our 1 year anniversary is coming up in a couple of weeks…” Hunter said, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

            “Yup. It sure is! So, what are we gonna do?”

            “Well, I thought th–” Hunter was interrupted by Stacy.

            “Oh my gosh! One year already! This is so exciting!” She squealed with delight, clapping her hands. She turned to Katharine and started whispering, glancing at me every now and then.

            “As I was saying,” Hunter continued. “I thought that I would make it a surprise, so I’m not telling you.”

            “Awww. Please?” I gave him my puppy dog face. He laughed.

            “You know that doesn’t work on me.”

I sighed. Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

The rest of the day went by quickly. Hunter was in all of my classes; he sat next to me all day too. He had a way of persuading people to do what he wanted, in this case, arranging the seating charts a certain way.

We walked to his car; he opened the passenger side for me and I got in. He walked around the car, got in, and drove me home. In no time, we were parked in my drive way.

            “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Hunter sighed.

            “Uh huh.”

He leaned across the seat to kiss me. It was a quick kiss, but sweet. I pulled back and opened the door.

            “’Night.” I said, shutting the door. He rolled down the window.

            “’Night.” He called, driving away.

I made my way up to the front door slowly. When I finally got there, I opened the door quietly, hoping I could sneak up to my room without being seen, but to no such avail.

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