Chapter 10

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“What in the…? I’m a what?” We, the Pack, Emily, and myself, were all sitting in the living room. Sam had just told me that I am an Extraordinary Wolf. Whatever that is.

All the boys had the same confused expression on their faces that I’m sure I had too.

Before Sam could answer my question, the door opened, revealing Seth and I horrible stench. Seth came into the living room followed by the source of the horrid smell: a deathly pale man. He looked albino. No doubt he was a vampire. I growled on instinct. Jake put an arm protectively around me.

            “Sierra, this is Carlise. He is a Cullen.” Sam explained. I remember the pack telling me about the Cullens. The good vampires. If there even is such thing. I wasn’t quite convinced yet.

            “Uh, hi. Why are you here?” I snapped. I didn’t even try to be polite. I wasn’t going to waste effort on a vampire. That was different. I’m usually always very nice. I heard Paul snicker at my comment. I glanced at him and noticed that the boys were all covering their noses. I laughed.

            “I have researched Extraordinary Wolves quite a bit in the past and Sam has asked that I come and share that information with you.” Albino dude said. Gosh, I’m being mean. I’m never mean. What’s gotten into me?

            “Okay, thank you.” I added the ‘thank you’ only to make me feel better.

Sam motioned for the vampire, uh, Carlise, to sit in the empty recliner. Great, now the gosh awful smell would inhabit my favorite chair.

            “Let’s start at the beginning.” Sam called all attention to himself for the time being.

            “Yeah, that would be nice.” I mumbled under my breath. Jacob chuckled, being the only one to hear me. Sam glared at me, knowing I had smarted off.

            “The Extraordinary Wolf is a very powerful female shape shifter. She contains a great deal of strength and her senses are extremely advanced. Extraordinary Wolves are 1 out of every 3 female wolves in a pack. Female wolves alone are extremely rare, making Sierra all the more special.” Sam explained. I just stared. “They also have rare magic blood. If Sierra were to be bitten by a vampire, she would change to a vampire/werewolf hybrid. The rest of us would die.”

            “So I’m pretty much invincible?” I asked.

            “Well, no. You can die from dehydration and starvation just like I can. You can be crushed to death, although that would be hard for the enemy to do, considering your strength. You can also be killed by poison, lethal injection, spells, and dangerous potions.” Sam tensed at the end.

            “Spells? Dangerous potions?” Jake asked.

            “Yes,” Carlise answered. “We are all aware of the existence of werewolves and vampires,” I rolled my eyes, “but there are also many other mythical creatures in existence today. Witches, Warlocks, Fairies, Pixies, Dragons, and Monsters of all sorts are only a few. The human world knows nothing of the existence of these creatures just as they know nothing of us. Vampires and Werewolves are the most common of mythical creatures. The rest are extremely rare and hide themselves well.”

            I looked around the room to see everyone’s faces covered in shock. Sam was the only one who looked as though this was all common knowledge.

            “Um, what, what does this have to do with, uh, potions?” I stuttered, my mind clouded in confusion. Sam took another turn in answering my questions.

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