Chapter 11

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            “Shut up.” I mumbled. I was not in the mood to deal with Macey’s crap. I was sitting next to Jake in second period, listening to Macey bad mouth me to my face – well, to the back of my head; she was sitting directly behind me. I was so tired; the same nightmare I had yesterday, I had again last night. I slept horribly.

            Jake turned around in his chair. “Would you shut up already? I don’t feel like dealing with your crap right now!” He growled.

She stopped nagging at me but my mood still didn’t improve. I was tired, angry, and scared. Tired from the lack of sleep, scared for the obvious reason, and angry because one, Macey wouldn’t leave me and Jake alone, and two, the stupid Magician was ruining my life.

            Jade was sitting in the back. I had said hi when I came in, but when she saw Jake trailing in behind me, she grinned and went to sit in the back with a sweet blond girl.  Embry, Quil, and Jared came in a few minutes later. When Jared came in, Jade automatically looked up, locking eyes with Jared. They both smiled hugely. I led Jared to the back and made sure he sat next to Jade. The sweet blond girl kept staring at him. Poor girl doesn’t know that he’s already taken for life. Embry and Quil sat on the other side of the room, as to not bother Jade and Jared or Jake and I. How sweet. But of course Macey and the raven head, Jackie, had to choose to sit directly behind us. Stupid girls.

            I glared at the clock above Mr. Webber’s head. Another 15 minutes of agony. Then I go to History for the first time because we ditched yesterday. I was in no mood to deal with the teacher. And I certainly did not want to be known as the ‘new girl’. It was only the second day of school. Sure, this is my first year here, but still.

            I heard a giggle from the back of the room. I twisted around in my seat to see Jared trying to hold in laughter and Jade giggling into her hand. The blond girl was slouching in her seat pouting.

            “Jared Cameron! Charlotte Young! Is there something you’d like to share with the class?” Mr. Webber asked, drawing all attention to Jared and Jade, whose faces had turned redder than Jade’s hair.

            “Uh, no sir.” Jared replied.

            “Okay, class, turn around and face forward. As I was saying, the key to a proper essay is to –” Mr. Webber was cut off by the bell.  I smiled for the first time today.

            History and Biology went on forever. In History, Mr. Brown made me introduce myself to the class. It was ridiculous! But luckily, Macey wasn’t in that class. It made the 45 minutes much better. Biology was way worse. Mrs. Blackmon introduced me as the new student! On the second day of school! Plus, Macey and her whole crew, Jackie, Veronica, Erika, and Tiffany,

 were in that class. Jacob, Embry, Jared, and Quil sat with me, two boys on each side of me. Jade sat on the end of the row next to Jared. The boys would always glare at Macey when she passed, so she finally got some sense and left us alone. It was lunch now and I was sitting at a table near the windows with the whole pack plus Jade. She was warming up to everyone very quickly, especially Jared. They were so cute together!

            “I hate school.” I mumbled. “There’s no point in going if I’m just gonna end up being turned into a monster or killed anyway. Gosh my life sucks!”

            Jake, being the only one who heard me, turned to me with wide eyes and a shocked expression.

            “Sierra!” he hissed. “Don’t think like that! That stupid magic guy is not getting anywhere near you! And if he did, it would be over my dead body, and I don’t plan on dying anytime soon. I promise you that.”

I sighed and looked up at his face. “I know. I know.”

            “Come here.” Jake said, pulling me to his side. It was nice that the seats weren’t singles seats, but that there was a bench curving all the way around our big circular table, otherwise I would have fallen off the chair, had there actually been chairs. I leaned into his side, resting my head on his shoulder. Jade was watching me from across the table, grinning like an idiot. Then her smile vanished and she glared at a point above my head. I twisted out of Jake’s grasp to look behind me. I was looking straight at Macey, who was holding a big bottle of water over my head. Before I could react, she dumped the contents of the bottle all over me, soaking me completely. She smirked in that annoying way of hers. By now the whole cafeteria was watching us. I did the only thing I could think of; I stood up, grabbed Jake’s cup of root beer, and dumped it on Macey’s perfectly curled hair. The sticky liquid soaked her shirt, staining it brown. It was my turn to smirk at her. More damage had been done to her than to me. After all, I was only wet with water.

            Macey stood there shocked. She had not been expecting me to pull a stunt like that.

            “Yeah. Don’t mess with me.” I sneered. “’Cause I’m always gonna get you back.”

The pack started to cheer and clap; that was so like them. I turned to my table and bowed. More people started to clap until the only people not clapping were Macey and Crew. I smiled and sat down, fully prepared for the principal to come and get me or something.

            “That was amazing! I have never seen anyone stand up to Macey like that!” Jade gushed.

            “Well, yeah. I’m not going to let her get away with messing with me just ‘cause I’m Jake’s girlfriend.” I answered; Jake pulled me to his side again, not caring that I was wet.

            “That’s why she hates you so much? I thought it was because she was afraid you would take her place in the popularity rank. Guess it makes sense, though. She was pretty obsessed with Jacob last year. Annoyed the heck outta her when he kept turning her down.”

I smiled again, pleased with myself.

            “Wow, Sierra. That was totally something I would do if I was you! I’m proud of you!” Paul grinned.

            “Thanks.” I was in much of a better mood now, even though I was soaking wet.

            “Hey, Sierra?” I turned around to see three senior jocks standing there. Jake tensed at my side.


            “I’m Daniel, he’s Jordan, and he’s Ryan.” Daniel said, gesturing to his friends. “What you did was pretty cool.”

            “Thanks!” I smiled brightly.

            “I was wondering if you, maybe, wanted to go out or something?” Daniel asked. Wow, he had nerve. Didn’t he see Jake’s arm around me?

            “Sure! It’s not like I have a boyfriend or anything.” I said sarcastically.

            “Cool! Maybe we could—” I cut him off. Boy was he dumb.

            “Um, hello? I’ve got a boyfriend. I was being sarcastic.” I said, pointing to Jake.

            “Right. Okay. See you around.” He turned and walked off with his friends. I turned back to face the pack.

            “Gosh, he was dumb.” I said.

Jade laughed. “The jocks have the looks but definitely not the brains.”

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. We all got up, put our garbage away, and made our way to our next class. I was in a much better mood as I walked with Jake to Music Theory, still soaking wet.

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