Chapter 14

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Sam went outside and shut the door behind him so that we couldn’t hear what being said.

            “Shh. Calm down. It will be OK.” Jake whispered. I was shaking, terrified.

            We all stood watching the door for a good five minutes before Sam poked his head in and told me to come out. I pulled Jake with me.

            “Miss, you are under arrest.” One of the cops said as soon as Jake and I closed the door behind us.

            “What?” I shrieked. “I didn’t do anything! I swear!”

            “A body was found near the ruins of your old home, completely drained of blood. We looked him up in the records. Tony Ross. Do you know him?”

            I went as pale as a Quileute could. I knew Tony; he was one of my best friends in California.

            “Yes.” I squeaked.

            “Did you have any personal ties to him?”

            “Yes! He was one of my best friends! I didn’t kill him!” I cried.

            “That may be, but how do you explain this? We found it in the boy’s pocket.” He asked. He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was stained in blood. It did look oddly like my handwriting.

It read:

I hope you enjoy death.


            “I—I didn’t write this.” I stammered.

            “So you are saying that someone framed you?” Cop number two asked.

            “Well, yes,” Jake said. “Why would she leave that at the crime scene? Of course someone would find it. It would be like giving yourself away. There is no way she would do that.”

            “We did not ask for your input. Please stay silent.”

I glanced up at Jake. He looked mad. Really mad.

            “It’s OK.” I whispered.

            “No! It’s not! They want to take you away from me for something you didn’t even do!” Jake growled. Unfortunately he wasn’t quiet enough and the cops heard him.

            “I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Cop number two said.


            “Miss, you are under arrest.” Cop number one said again.

With tears rolling down my face, I stuck my hands out; he cuffed me and pocketed the key, eyeing Jake the whole time.

            “Don’t take her. Please.” Jake didn’t look mad anymore; he looked defeated.

            “Is there any way we can prove that she didn’t do it?” Sam asked. Finally; it’s about time he opened his mouth and helped me out here.

            “I’m sorry, but no. We have witnesses.” Cop two said.

            “Witnesses? How in the crap can you have witnesses for something I didn’t do?” I shrieked. I was getting angry. They were taking me away from Jake for no reason.

            The cop pulled out another piece of paper from his pocket.

            “Janice McClain. Luke Walter. Janna Will.” He read.

Those were people from my old school who hated me, but I doubted that they hated me enough to lie about something like this.

            “We are going to take you to Forks police station. Your term is five years.”

            “Five years?” Jake shouted for me; I was getting dizzy. I couldn’t deal with this!

            “Yes! What she did was a serious offense. If she weren’t a minor, the term would be much longer.” Cop one shrugged.

            Cop two gave me no warning before he pulled me away from Sam and Jake and literally shoved me into the back of the police car. He slammed the door. Both of the cops got into the car. I looked out the window; the pack had assembled on the porch, all staring in shock. Jake was the only one I saw, though. Tears were rolling down his cheeks.

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