Chapter 8

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I stood there shook. Jungkook wants to We only just became friends...and he wants to be my man?

Me- J-Jungkook we only just became friends...

Jungkook- So no?

Me- N-no its just...can we wait a I feel more comfortable?

He nodded and sighed. I noticed he looked a little mad. I looked down and there was silence.

Jungkook- Well let's head back..

I nodded and we walked back to the car. When I got home it was dark. Weird,its only 7:30.

Me- Mom,Dad?


Me- Wendy,Tiff,YoungJae?!


Me- What the heck..

I walked to everyone's room and there was no one. I walked to my room and saw a body in my bed. My heart began to race as only one thought came in my mind:

I'm gonna die..

I walked over and saw a was a girl. Who the fudge is in my bed...she looked like...

Me- Elki?!

Her eyes shot open and smiled. She yawned and looked around.

Elki- You should do something with your room...its boring

Me- Why are you here?!

Elki- To say hi. Your sis Wendy let me in. She seems cool.

I put my bag down and sat next to her.

Elki- Oh,they all went out to a family dinner at your dads museum...something about a re-opening party..


She jumped and I ran to my closet. I can't believe no body texted or called me! I put on a red dress and heels.

Elki- Awww,your gonna leave me here?

Me- No...cause your going to your house!

She pouted and I dragged her out. Since she had a car,she drove me to my dads museum. It was decorated with lights and music(fancy music) was played.

Me- Thanks Unnie

Elki- No problem but you owe me!

I nodded and ran inside the building. I saw that the party hasn't really started. I sighed and saw mom.

Me- Eomma!

Mom- Oh,you are here. How was your date?

Me- is gonna kill me

Mom- No..he did wish you were here and you are so...YAY!

I laughed and saw a familiar that...Jin?! I gasped as he walked closer. I turned real quick,hoping he didn't notice me.

Mom- Honey,are you OK?

Me- Yea,just have to....go to the bathroom.

I sped walk to the bathroom and sighed. Why is Jin here? I looked at my self and smiled.

Me- Its OK,..all I have to do is stay away from him...

I took a deep breath and walked out. And right there was Jin. He smiled and I jumped.

Jin- Hello Y/N

I bowed and tried to walk past but he blocked me. I tried to go the other at and he did the same.

Me- Please let me go see my father

Jin- OK...but answer this.

I sighed and looked at him,annoyed.

Jin- Do you like Jungkook?

Me- Omg...leave me alone with that damn question!

I walked past and heard him laugh. I saw my dad and some other man talking.

Me- Hi appa

Dad- Oh,and this is my youngest, Y/N

I bowed to the man and smiled.

Dad- Y/N this is Mr. Kim. He is a business man

Mr. Kim- Hello. Do you go to Busan High?

Me- Yes sir.

Dad- She has gotten all A's every semester.

Mr. Kim- How nice. My son,Jin,is actually a-

Me- J-Jin?!

Mr. Kim- know him?

Me- Yes...

He smiled and Jin came up. He looked at me and smirked.

Mr. Kim- Jin,do you know her?

Jin- Yes,she is a good friend of Jungkook.

Dad- Like...relationship wise?

Jin- Well of you want the ans- 

Me- No! No,just good friends...

Dad- Good,well I have to greet other guests. Watch Tiffany and YoungJae please...

I nodded and he kissed my forehead goodbye. Jin's dad also left and it was just me and Jin.

Jin- Looks like your keeping secret's...

I rolled my eyes and walked to my siblings. They were all on their phones,sitting inches apart. I sat next to Wendy and she looked up,then back down.

Me- So...

Wendy- Don't start a small talk...we tried and failed  

I sighed and nodded. Well now what? We are all acting like we hate each other, Jin is here and Jungkook probally hates me.

Jin's POV...

When she walked away I got out my phone. I texted Jungkook saying Y/N was here.

Me- Kookie!

Bunny🐰- What?

Me- Guess who's here?

Bunny🐰- IU?!

Me- No,Y/N

Bunny🐰- OK,so?

Me- Aren't you to a thing now or are you playing her?

Bunny🐰- Playing her...but try to get her to talk about me. The more she falls for me,the more hurt she'll be.

Me- OK,bye

Bunny🐰- Bye

Sometimes I feel bad for the girls we play. For example there was this one girl whom really loved Yoongi and put her blood,sweat,tears,time and money into their "relationship"just for him to dump her like it was nothing. But hey...being as handsome as us is hard work...

Dad- Jin! Come meet my new employee.

Me- Coming!

Y/N's POV....

At the end,I had talked to Jin ONLY about Jungkook...why? I don't know. When it was time to go home,it was 11:54 and I had to do math! I hate/love coming to these parties. One I have a excuse to not do my homework,but I still pass. But the bad thing is...we stay so late!!

Mom- That was nice...guys are you OK? You all look like zombies...

All- I wanna go to bed!!

She laughed and we walked to the car. It was chilly and the crickets were chirping. When I got in I closed my eyes,hoping nobody begins to fight. Tiffany and YoungJae have not spoken to each other since last night. They were so,SO close to being kicked out, but mom saved them. I put my headphone on and went to sleep.

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