Chapter 11

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I stood there shocked. I cant beleive that my 2 siblings are having a kid..he began to cry harder as i hugged him tightly.

YoungJae- They are gonna kill us..

Me- You havent told them?!

YoungJae-She only told me a hour ago...

I sighed and hugged him tighter. I feel so bad. They will have to move out and they will have to buy their own home. My phone began to ring,mom.

YoungJae- Please dont tell mom...i-i wanna tell her myself...well me and Tiffany.

I nodded and went to the kitchen.

Me- Hi mom

Mom- Hi honey. I just wanna check in on you.

Me- I'm OK

Mom- Good. I will be home late with your father. Please stay home and don't bring any boys!

Me- OK,love you

Mom- love you to

I hung up and went back to the living room. YoungJae was on the phone with someone...he sounded worried.

YoungJae- No,we have to tell them Tiff...I don't know when they're coming home....OK,be back later,bye

Me- You want me to be there when you tell them?

He jumped and sighed. I sat next to him and rubbed his back. He nodded slowly and wiped a tear.

YoungJae- Please...

I nodded and we watched TV. At around 6:00 Wendy and Tiffany came home. Wendy stormed upstairs and slammed her door. Tiffany sat on the little couch and began to cry.

Me- You told her?

Tiffany- Yea...she says " Mom and Dad are gonna kick you guys out" and " Your disgusting, how are you my sister?"

Me- I'll go talk to her

YoungJae- Do you want food Tiffany?

She shook her head.

YoungJae- You have to eat...we have to protect the baby...

She looked up and nodded. They went to go eat and I went to Wendy's room. I knocked and she yelled:

Wendy- WHAT?!

Me- Its Y/N...can I come in?

She opened and pulled me in. She closed the door and sat on her bed. I sat across her and sighed.

Me- Look,I'm mad to...but you can't say things like that. We're family,no matter how bad we mess up.

Wendy- I refuse to call her "sister". No sister of mine is going around making love and having kids with family.

Me- ....Wendy do you wanna know something?

She just looked at me.

Me- We we're the first people they told meaning they trust us,more then mom and dad. Then grandma and grandpa. You should be thankful...

Wendy- I don't care! If the whole school finds out she's pregnant,they are all gonna come after who? Me

(They go to the same school by the way)

Me- OK but...would you rather loose a sister that you look up to...or be made fun of for something stupid and accidental she did?

She looked down and I got up and left. I hate how I'm the youngest and I'M making peace in this home...I walked to my room and watched TV..

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