Chapter 4

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The next day was the same thing. Namjoon came over with the boys and girls crowded over in our area. I almost got stepped on 5 times! Jungkook kept looking at me and I tried not to look.

Lisa- Unnie,come on!! 

Me- Where?

Elki- Luhan and Sana just broke up!!

Me- What?! Why?!

Lisa- He said it was for some girl....

She winked and I got the gist. Oh crap, I remember him saying he was gonna break up with Sana for me,but I thought he was playing. He does that....A LOT!

Me- Not for me....right?

Elki- It was for you! He wants to talk to you

Me- No,no,no. I'm not-

They dragged me away from my locker into a empty hallway. At the end stood Luhan on his phone.

Lisa- Luhan oppa!

He looked up and walked over with a smile. I don't know why but my heart didn't start to race or i didn't get nervous like i did when Jungkook winked at me....well maybe because Luhan isn't popular like Jungkook and I'v known Luhan for a while so i'm calm around him.

Luhan-Hey Y/N

Me-Hi Luhan

Luhan gave a look to Lisa and Elki and they left. I didn't make a big scene or nothing cause why would I? He looked at me and i smiled like I had no idea what was going on

Luhan- and Sana broke up

Me- So i heard. Are you ok?

Luhan- Yeah cause I have another person in mind that i'm hoping likes me back

i nodded and looked away. I hate hurting people,a lot. I feel guilty and like I'm a bad person. Luhan turned my head to him and smiled. I smiled and he began to lean in.

Me- Luhan

Luhan- Oh...i'm sorry.....

I nodded and he let me go. That was real tense and we sighed. I looked down and Luhan swayed side-to-side.

Luhan - Y/N,this didnt affect our friendship,right?

Me- No...


Me- Oh,gotta go. See you later Luhan.

He waved and I walked away. As i turned the corner,Lisa and Elki were standing there with hurt faces.

Me- Gosh guys!

Elki- Why did you reject his feelings?!

Lisa- You guys would be so cute!

Me- Cause i don't like him like that...

We walked together down the hall. As we were talking I heard girls screaming. BTS was close...

Elki- OMG!! It's V oppa!! 

Lisa- Look at Jimin...

Me- Whatever...

As they walked by Jungkook looked at me and winked. I looked down until they left. I hate how they think just cause they are popular and cute a-and rich they can make all the girls swoon over them!!

Lisa-Lets go to...class

I rolled my eyes and left my 2 drooling friends behind. I had music. In that class was Suga with a bunch of "fan girls". He seems like a cold guy....he kinda is. But girls still seem to love him... I walked in and sat at a table waiting for the teacher to come in. I am a good singer,so I'd been told. I can play the piano,violin and guitar. My mom taught me how to do all this things.

Girl 2- Suga oppa! Please be mine!

He ignored the girl and sat next to me. Why?! He sits across the damn room! I did nothing but look around.

Suga- Your not gonna scream or cry or stare?

Me- Why should I?

Suga- Cause I am like every girls dream boy....

Me- Not mine,I don't like playboy's like you and your friends.

He sighed and looked to the board. The teacher came in and began class. We are having a talent show soon so we have to practice. I decided to do a solo while playing the piano. I'm gonna sing " Lights down low" by MAX and gnash. I was hopeing Lisa could do the rap.

*Time Skip*

At lunch I went into my locker to put my things away. The hall had like 2 kids and a teacher walking in and out her room with papers. As I was puting my book and bag away a hand went to the side of my face. Jungkook. He whispers close:

Jungkook- Hello

It sent shivers down my spine. I turned and he had that playboy smile of his on. 

Me- What?

Jungkook- Well damn,just saying hi.

Me- Bye

I tried to move but he blocked me. I sighed and looked at him. He had a smile on his cute face. Yah,stop! He has a ugly face Y/N!!

Me- Can I just go to lunch?

Jungkook- Can I get a kiss?

Me- Sure...when a cow jumps over the moon

Jungkook- Why so mean?

Me- Cause I am...

I tried into move,but his arm followed my every attempt. I sighed and I heard him chuckle. I looked up and his lips were inches apart.

Me- YAH!!

He  jumped at my sudden voice. I ran but he caught up to me. He took me to a room and locked the door.

Me- Jeon Jungkook let me-

Jungkook- Chill...

Me- C-chill?! How can I when I'm locked in a room with you?!

Jungkook- Y/N I know you like me. At the restaurant you looked back to me and every time I wink at you,you look down and blush.

I stayed quiet and looked down. I don't like him!! Well...maybe a little but not like the thirsty girls in school!

Jungkook- See? Your quiet cause you know its true.

Me- Can I go to lunch?

He walked over and gave me a smile. 

Jungkook- Yea,but I'm gonna keep messing with you.

Me- Whatever.

Jungkook- Hey,can we be friends?

I looked at him and nodded. He smiled and I left. WHY??!! I know I'm gonna get hurt...he's a playboy,its what he does. Hurt girls.

Me- Can't believe the biggest playboy in school knows I like him...I hate myself 

I walked to the cafeteria and sat with the girls.

Playboy's Jungkook FF ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now