Chapter 3

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After school,Sehun drives us to my house. He was like my little brother,even though I had 2 older sisters and 1 older brother. We told each other everything! Just last night on the phone he told me he was gay. But I still love him.

Sehun- Mr.Amin is so damn annoying!

Me- Right?! I'm passing his class only cause I'm getting the new IPhone 8 at the end of the term,if I pass

Sehun- Which you will.

I smiled and we arrived to my house. It was a decent looking home. Not mansion decent,but decent. We have lots of parties here cause of the amount of room.

Me- YoungJae, Tiffany, Wendy I'm home! With Sehun

Wendy- Sup. Me and Seulgi are gonna go hang. Be back at 5

Me- Kay,bye.

She waved and left. We walked to the kitchen and there YoungJae was. He smiled and bowed to Sehun

YoungJae- Hello

Sehun- Hello. You are cooking?

YoungJae shook his head and held up his phone. We nodded and I went to the fridge.

Me- We have no food!

YoungJae- We have leftovers..

I shrugged and heated that up. I served some for me and Sehun and we went to my room. We told each other drama and secrets in here

Me- So,do you like any one?

Sehun- Yea...your brother

Me- WHAT?!?!

Sehun- JK!! No but I do like someone...

I sat at my desk and he sat on my bed.

Me- And he is....?

Sehun- V...

OMG!! Are those boys the only boys anyone ever likes?! I shook my head and he laughed.

Sehun- Yah,don't judge! I know you like Kookie

Me- Hahaha,OK...

Sehun- You do! Who dosnt let's be honest...

I rolled my eyes and went to my closet. I grabbed my pajamas and went to the bathroom to change. I came out and he was on his phone.

Me- V? Kim Taehyung?

He nodded and didn't look up. I put my clothes away and turned my TV on. 

Sehun- Oh,I got to go. My dad has some big news

Me- OK see you tomorrow

He nodded and hugged me. When he left,Tiffany came in with a sad face. She was the diva queen of this house to be honest. So either she broke a nail or she ran out of nail polish.

Tiffany- Y/N....

Me- Yes?

Tiffany- ...Mark just broke up with me...

Damn,unexpected twist. Her and Mark dated for let me...2 years! I wonder why they broke up

Me- Aww Tiff,I'm sorry. 

Tiffany- It was the dumbest reason to!

Me- Why?

Tiffany- He said to many boys were trashing him cause they all like me!! That's so dumb!

I nodded and looked at her. Usually in don't give 2 shizzles about her problems,but I feel bad about this one.

Me- Damn...he's dumb for leaving you like that sis

Tiffany- Thanks... I'm hungry. Let's go out to eat and get my mind off this

Me- Taco bell?

Tiffany- Fridays!

I nodded and we got our coats. YoungJae came along to cause he can't be trusted alone...for reasons i will not discuss.

Jungkook's POV....

Me and my hyungs went to Big Hit to practice. We debut in a couple months so I'm super happy. As we were driving,I thought of how I am slowly getting Y/N to fall for me.

Taehyung- School is to boring! Im a genius I don't need to triple my knowledge!

Jin- Your dance shoes are on the wrong feet

Taehyung- Oh....I meant to do that

We laughed and our manager came in with a sad face. We looked at him and he sat in a chair.

Hoseok-What's wrong?

PD-Nim- Boys I'm sad to say...your debut has been held back.

All- What?!

Me- Why?

PD-Nim- Other idols are debuting right now and we want your debut to be the star of the show.

Jin- But I told my mom and dad we debut in 2 months.

PD-Nim- Yes and I'm sorry boys but please understand...its hard as is so work with us.

We sighed and nodded. Well there goes all our hard work...we decided to go out and eat cause we didn't wanna be in the building at the moment.

Jimin- Fridays?

Me- Yea...

Y/N's POV...

When we finished ordering we talked about drama. Tiffany was in her 2nd year of collage, YoungJae was in his last year of highschool.

YoungJae- Jackson is dating Sowon and I'm dating no one.

Tiffany- Join the club..

YoungJae- What about you and Mark hyung?

Me- They broke up. For the dumbest reason

YoungJae is very protective of us. We are protective of each other and when someone messes with either one of us,we get real protective.

Me- I really wanna strangle him

YoungJae- on Friday

Tiffany- Why Friday?

YoungJae- I goes to Marks house to study

We nodded and the door opened. I played no attention until I heard similar no. I turned and saw:

Jungkook- Yea,OK....oh hey Y/N

Me- Hi..

I turned back around and Tiffany was looking at Taehyung. Why?!

Me- Yah,sis!

She looked at me and looked back at Tae. I rolled my eyes and felt a tap.

Me- What do you want?

Jungkook- Why so mean?

I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. I don't get whats so funny,I really don't. 

Jungkook- Don't play hard to get

Me- Jungkook, go away

He sighed and left. I don't know why but my heart kinda sunk when  he left. I don't know why!! Am I growing...feelings? No,its just he's popular and talking to me...

YoungJae- Y/N? Food is here

Me- Oh,o-ok. 

 We ate and left. I saw Jungkook watch me leave and I tried not to look....but failed. I looked back at him and he smirked,knowing he is winning.

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