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   "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Michael and Rebecca." Announced the priest. I looked over at Mike and smiled. He smiled quickly back and squeezed my hand. "If there are any persons that object to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest went on. There was a deadly moment of silence. Mike suddenly yanked his hand out of my gentle grip and flung it high in the air. "I DO!" He announced. Everyone in the chapel seemed to gasp, including me. "Excuse me?!" I exclaimed. He turned to me. "I'm sorry, Becca, I can't do this. I love Lily more. I'm sorry. I will provide you child support, but-" "So you're not just leaving me, you're leaving our daughter?" I stated. "I'm sorry." He repeated. He turned and walked briskly back down the aisle, leaving my jaw hanging open. Tears prickled at the corner of my eyes. I watched him until he disappeared. A moment later, Lily stepped down from the alter, shot me an apologetic  look, and rang after him. I sunk to my knees. 


   I sat on the couch at home, clad in my baggiest, sweat-clothes. My mother walked into the room holding Silver. She offered her to me. "Maybe this will help." She suggested. I took my daughter out of her hands. "Thanks." I muttered. She went and sat next to me. "So, uh, your father and I were talking, and we were thinking that you take Silver and move back to Hardenberg. There was a beauty school up there you were looking at anyway, right?" She said. I sat back carefully. "Yeah....." I sighed. 


   I walked through Scarlett park pushing Silver in her stroller. I clutched the slip of paper with Dylan's number on it. I stopped walking and stared at it. My eyes slid over the stroller at Silver and then back at the slip of paper. I took out my cell phone and slowly dialed the number. I held the phone to my ear and listened to the phone ring. Once. Twice. Thrice. And then he picked up. "Hello?" He said. "Hey Dylan.......this is Becca.......the, uh, girl you gave a ride once. You said call when you're available. I'm living in Hardenberg again and I'm single. And I have my figure back. So, uh...." I trailed off nervously, tugging on the collar of my shirt. "Becca." He repeated. "Do....are you interested?" I wondered. There was a pause. "Very." He answered finally. 

The Silver Lining Two-The Silver SequelWhere stories live. Discover now