Chapter Ten

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Joe and I are about five minutes away from the Alaskan bus station and I am just bouncing in my seat. I'm one step closer to my birth father. Joe grins at me. "Welcome to Alaska." He says to me. I nod, barely listening. "Are we close to Mike and Lily Caulfield?" I wonder, staring out the window. "Yep." He says abruptly and I frown at him. "You have very nice eyes." He tells me immediately, as if he is trying to distract me. It works. I go vermillion red. He smiles seductively. My eyes slither back to the window. I am just obsessed with the scenery! We continue on in silence. We pull into the bus station and our bus comes to our final stop. We slowly make our way off the bus and step onto the platform. I stand with Joe as we wait for our luggage. It is passed to us and we go inside together. "Can you take me to Mike and Lily's?" I ask. He shakes his head sheepishly. "This is as far as my lie can go. I just wanted to please you so that we could have a chance. The truth is, I never met any Mikes or Lilies in my lifetime, believe it or not." He admits, rubbing the back of his neck. I frown and my gaze hardens. "Jerk! You didn't have to impress me, you fool! I was interested from the moment I lied eyes on you, for your information! You obviously don't know women!" I scold him. I pick up my bags and walk away.


I am sitting on a wooden bench, somewhere inside the bus station, freezing my ass off. There was no plan or nothing I could do. There was no where to go. Oh no, I'm going to do it. I have to call my mother and ask for help! I produce my cell phone from my pocket and speed dial my mother. I listen to it ring. Once. Twice. Thrice. There is no answer and I heard my mother's chirpy voicemail. "Hi, you reached Becca! I-uh, guess I can't come to the phone right now. Leave a message and we'll be in touch soon! BEEEEPPPP! I decide to leave a message. "Hey Mom, its, um, Silver.....I'm in Alaska.....I came to find my father and I don't know where to go or what to do......I'm sorry.....can you help?" I say and hang up. Now, I wait.



I just heard Silver's message. "Dylan! She's in Alaska! I just got a voicemail from her!" I shout up the stairs. Dylan comes lumbering down the stairs, lugging a large suitcase after him. "I'm already out the door." He responds and kisses me. "Love you beautiful. 'Bye." He tells me and leaves. "Goodbye." I reply. Well, I guess I better call Silver back and help her out however I can. I dial her cell number and wait. She picks up on the first ring. "Hello." She says breathlessly. "Hi Silver." I say. "Mom! I'm sorry I ran away! I-" "I understand, Silver. I'm going to help you." I cut her off. There is a brief silence. "You are?" She says hopefully. "Of course! You're nearly an adult, I can't control you anymore. You're free to make your own decisions." I tell her, at the same time I am telling myself. "Oh." She says softly. "Now I don't know their address but I can call Lily and get her to come get you. Where are you exactly?" I go on. "The bus station in Eagle River." She replies. Oh dear, Mike and Lily better live in Eagle River. "Ok, I'll tell Lily to come get you. Oh, you're father-I mean, well, you know, is driving up to Alaska to bring you home. It'll be two or three days." I say. "He's going to be so mad at me." She whimpers. "He shan't be angry with you. I won't let him." I assure her in a firm voice. "Ok." She breathes. "I'm going to call Lily now. Sit tight and have a nice trip. I'll see you when you get back." I tell her. "Okay. Thanks Mom." She responds. "Goodbye honey." I say. "Goodbye." She replies and hangs up. I dial Mike and Lily's number and Lily answers on the third ring. Lily gets the phone this time. "Hello? Who is this?" I heard her say. "Hey Lily, its Becca. Listen, Silver snuck up to Alaska to see Mike and she's there at the bus station in Eagle River now. I told her I'd get you to go get her. Do you live near there?" I say rapidly. There is a moment of silence. "I guess I could be there in half an hour. I suppose it will be interesting to see how Silver turned out." She drawls out slowly. "Thank you Lily!" I exhale. "Yep." She mumbles. "'Kay 'bye!" I sing. "'Bye." She repeats and I hang up. Now I sit around and do nothing, I guess. Or if everyone is connecting with their past, I can go see Jason. Yeah, maybe.


"Silver Floare?" A voice asked, stirring me out of my sleep. I look up from my lap up at a woman that looked like an older version of my mom's old best friend Lily. Maybe this was her. I nod hesitantly. She nods briskly and glances down at the boy in her arms. "That's what I thought. You look just like Becca. I'm Lily Caulfield." She announces. "Lily." I mutter. "I'm supposed to bring you home with me." She goes on. "Oh right. My mother said you would." I reply sleepily. I get off the bench and stretch carefully. My back aches. I pick up my bags. "Come on, I have to get Charles home for his nap!" She says impatiently. "And me for mine. I tend to be cranky when I don't get my coffee." She tacks on. I force myself to crack a smile. We go out to the parking lot and she brings me to the car. She settles the child in the back while I climb into the passenger's seat.

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