Chapter Five

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Ok, I'll admit it, I bought a pregnancy test. Not just because I've been praying, but since its logical. Allow me to ellaborate, I have a missed period from two weeks ago. I had been sick a little lately. And given our.....history, it was possible. The current time was about 12:25pm on Thursday. Tomorrow I had to tell Silver about her father. I feel that if I tell Silver the state her father lives in, she'll leave. I could leave it out but she'll probably want to go find Mike and I'll just have to accept that. Anyway, I bought a pregnancy test and I plan on taking it soon. I have it in a grocery bag. I literally just bought it. Like, I just got back from the drugstore. Just now, Stella teared into the room. "Ooh! The drug store! Did you buy me candy?" She demanded. I sighed. "No, Stella, not this time. I bought something that Mommy likes." I answered. "Wine?" She asked with a mischievous smirk. I frowned and lightly hit her. "Get out of here!" I commanded. She turned on her heel and ran out of the room howling with laughter. I rolled my eyes. Dylan passed by the hall and noticed me. He doubled back and came to see me. He swept me into his arms and kissed me. I smiled. "Hey beautiful. How was the drugstore?" He asked. I shrugged. "What do you think? Its the drugstore." I replied. He grinned. "What did you buy?" He asked, gesturing to my plastic bag. I tightened my grip on it and clutched it closer to my chest. "Something private." I said defensively. "Come on, its my money too! I have a right to know. You know I'll find out eventually." He stated. "But what if its a birthday present or Christmas present for you?" I pointed out. He furrowed his brow. "From the drugstore?" He said, disgusted. I rolled my eyes. He yanked it out of my hands. "I have to know." He said and looked into it. After a moment, he sighed. "Becca, just because you want to be pregnant, doesn't make you pregnant." He said. "I know. But I actually think so. It makes perfect sense. I missed my period, I've been sick, We've-" "Alright, Alright fine! Take the damn test." He cut me off. I gently pried the bag out of his hands and took out the box with the pregnancy test. I opened the package and headed off to the bathroom, glaring at him the whole time.


Two minutes and then I'll know. This reminds me of how nervous I was when I was waiting to find out whether or not I was pregnant with Silver....... But this time I was hopefully. This time, I desired to be pregnant! I dreamed of a little baby boy late, late at night. I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet in our tiny bathroom. We always wanted to expand this one. Or move, I kind of wanted to move. If I'm not pregnant, I'll begin suggesting moving. If I am, I'll probably want to stay here for a couple more years. One minute and I'll know. I'm so fu*king nervous! "Becca? Do we have a result yet?" Dylan called from outside the door. "Not yet. One more minute!" I answered. I heard him grunt. "I don't know what we're going to do if you're pregnant. We'll have to get a bigger place because there's no room for four kids and two adults in this little house." He said. "But shouldn't we not pick up roots and prepare for a new baby here? The stress might hurt the baby." I said anxiously. I took the test in my hands. Ten seconds to go. "Becca, relax. We don't even know if we have a baby yet. Its very unlikely." He stated. "Actually," I said, looking at test, "we do have a baby." I said. "Pardon?" He demanded frantically and started banging on the door. "Let me see! Let me see!" He said. I stared at the positive pregnancy test and smiled. My dream has come true. I let Dylan in and he grabbed the test. He stared at it and I watched it register on his face with a wide grin of my own. "What do you think?" I asked after a little bit. "I-I don't know. I don't know. I just don't know." He admitted. "Another baby." He muttered. "Another baby!" I said excitedly. I started pacing. "So many plans to be made. Hospital appointments, nursery colours, clothes.." I muttered to myself, walking out of the room.


Friday. The first day after discovering my pregnancy. The day I would talk to the result of my first pregnancy about her birth father. "Mom, time to go!" Silver called impatiently from the front hall. I finished putting my earring in my ear and hurried downstairs. I met her where I knew she was and we went out to the car. I pulled out of the lot and started heading to our favourite café. I was so nervous, I was practically shaking, quivering with fear for reasons I can't possibly explain. But it was time to face the music. Silver had been waiting a long time, I owed it to her. "So, are you excited?" I asked her. She shrugged. "Not exactly. I want to know the information but I'm not excited, you know" She explained. I nodded. "No questions will be off limits." I said. "Um." She grunted. We continued on in silence. We reached the café in ten minutes and I found a parking spot close to the door. I shut off the car and just sat there for a minute, staring at my steering room. Silver crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently. "Can we go in?" She demanded. I exhaled heavily. "Yes, Silver, we may go in." I replied. She jumped out of the car and slammed the door behind her. I got out more slowly, taking extra caution not to cause a miscarriage and lumbered into the café after her.

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