Chapter Two

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"I sent in an application to Dartmouth and one to Harvard." Eleanor told me. I leaned forward and rested my chin on my hand, my elbow digging into my thigh. "Really. We still have a couple months left of school. I'm not applying until the summer." I replied. She looked shocked. "Silver, you should apply! Like, A-sap! Don't you want to go next year if possible?" She demanded. I shrugged. "I don't know, man. I was thinking about taking a gap year, you know? I always wanted to go to Europe or Alaska or something. I don't know!" I sighed. "Gap year? Uh-uh, no way." She sneered. "Why?" I protested. She tapped the side of her head. "You'll forget your knowledge." She said, matter-of-factly. "I won't forget my knowledge. Lots of students take a gap year and they do just fine!" I insisted. She rolled her eyes. "We'll see." She said. "Meh." I said, sitting up. "You want to head downstairs and grab a snack?" She asked. "Sure." I replied. I crawled off of her queen bed and Eleanor got
up from her purple, desk chair and brushed down her shirt. We walked down the hall and headed downstairs to the kitchen. "Hi Silver." Sophia said as we passed her in the hall. "Oh, uh, hi!" I responded and we went into the kitchen. "We did you want?" Eleanor asked, heading for the fridge. "Got any chips?" I said. She nodded. "Got some potato chips." "Hit me up!" I declared. She dug around in a cabnet and produced a fresh, crisp bag of potato chips. She tossed it at me and I caught it. I ripped it open and plunged my hand into the bag. I sat down at the table and she sat down next to me, taking a handful. Eleanor's father, Jason, came into the room. "Potato chips! Solid!" He said. Eleanor nodded and I crunched loudly. "So how are things with you, Silver?" Jason asked, looking me right in the eye. I made a bewildered face. "Uh, fine. Fine." I answered awkwardly. He broke his gaze and glanced at his daughter. "You too, sweetie?" He wondered. She nodded. "Yes. Of course." She answered. He looked away from us and start digging around in the fridge. He produced a beer and kicked the fridge door shut with his foot. "How's your mum, Silver?" He asked casually. "Erm.....she's fine. Great." I answered. "Loving life and whatever?" He went on. I frowned. "Yes. Of course!" I replied. He smiled and nodded, seemly satisfied. Eleanor's stunning mother, Marya, gracefully crossed into the room holding her two-year-old son Julio. She went over to her husband and planted a kiss on his lips. He took his son from her arms and hoisted him high and the air. The child shrieked and laughed loudly. Eleanor's father grinned from ear to ear and Marya's lips hinted at a smile. "How's my little boy? My little man!" He cooed. "Dada!" The child screamed. I looked at Eleanor out of the corner of my eye. Her face had broken into a smile. He handed Julio back off to Marya and little Sophia raced into the room. "Daddy!" She called. He laughed heartily and scooped her up. I was suddenly overcome with waves of jealousy, and sadness. I was raised without my biological father. I knew nothing about who he was. All I knew is that he was with my mother through her pregnancy and they were engaged. And then, something apparently happened and suddenly he was gone. Eleanor looked at me and seemed to sense my feelings. "Want to take our snack out on the patio?" She offered. I swallowed and nodded. "Sure." I agreed.


That night as I laid in my bed, I found myself unable to fall asleep. I tossed and turned and tried to think sleepy thoughts but nothing was working! I couldn't stop thinking about my biological father. Was this how Melanie felt about her biological parents? I didn't even know my real father's name! You know who probably did know? My mother. I had to confront her. Now. I flung back the covers and climbed out of bed. I tip-toed down the stairs to go find my mother. I winced with every loud creak of the stairs. I went into the living room and found my mother, holding a warm drink in a mug, sitting under the light of a lamp, reading a book. "Mom." I hissed. She looked up. "Silver! It's after midnight, what are you doing up? You have school tomorrow!" She whisper-exclaimed. "I couldn't sleep. I can't stop thinking about my biological father." I admitted. She sighed. "Silver, I can't talk about this right now. It's after-midnight and I'm actually not feeling so well. Try to forget about it and go to sleep. Don't you have a test tomorrow?" She stated. I nodded. "Fine. But this isn't over." I warned, extending a finger to her. She sighed. I turned as dramatically as humanly possible and whisked myself back up the stairs.


Short but meh.


The Silver Lining Two-The Silver SequelWhere stories live. Discover now