Chapter Six

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If you read the first book, this is mostly just a recap so this can be skipped if desired.



"Where to begin....." I mused as I sat across from my mother. We were given a seat by the window, our car could be seen from our spot. Our waitress, a cheery, bouncy girl called Mary Ann skipped over to us. She looked to be about nineteen and didn't seem to shut up or stop smiling. She grinned widely at us. "Hi beautiful ladies! Hitting the town? I was out myself last week. I was with-" "We sure are!" I interupted. She giggled. "Splendid! Just spendid! Can I start you off with a drink. I would suggest coffee. I make it myself and everyone saids I make it best! I start with-" "A glass of water for me, please, Mary Ann." My mother said, interrupting this time. I frowned. My mother always got coffee when we go out for drinks or whatnot. I wonder why she didn't now. She was practically a coffee addict! The last time this happened it was revealed that she was pregnant with Stella and Ella. Mary Ann's eyes seemed to get bigger. "Ok then! And what about you?" She asked me, locking eyes. I felt like cracking under all the pressure she was suddenly forcing upon me. " tea?.....Yeah, sure....that." I said hesitately. "Ice tea...." Mary Ann repeated, scribbling casually in her notepad. "Ice tea is my little brother's favourite. Of course, I'd prefer a nice chai tea. Luckily, they serve that here. I have at least one a day." She said. My mother muttered something that sounded like "why do I always get stuck with weird waitresses?" I wonder what happened to make her think like that. Mary Ann suddenly stopped babbling. "I shall fetch your drinks. Be right back, kitties!" She said and dashed off. I frowned. What a nutcase. I looked up at my mother and found her staring at me expectingly. I thought quietly to myself for a moment. "Ask away." My mother said. "Okay.........I'll start simple. Who IS my father?" I asked. My mother sighed. "His name is Michael. But everyone called him 'Mike.' She replied with a shrug. "Mike." I muttered to myself. There was a Mike in her photo album! "Like that Mike in your 2017 photo album?" I wondered. She nodded. "Prescisly." She stated, confirming my suspiousion. "How did it happen? How did I happen?" I wondered. She frowned. "When your real father and I were together for the first time, we were drinking at a party. Like, alot. I think we had only been together for three-four months around then. Anyway, our drunken minds told us to sleep together so we did. We broke up not long after. Then I began experiencing symtoms of pregnancy. But I thought nothing of it until the first week of my senior year. So I went out with Lily-my best friend at the time and got a pregnancy test. I found out I was pregnant a couple minutes after." She said with a faint smile. "Tell me about Jason." I demanded, without skipping a beat. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Jason is a big part of my teen pregnancy. He was my boyfriend for a good chunk of that year and he was also your biological father's best friend. We had our first date the day after I found out I was pregnant with you. He took me for dinner and dancing if I recall correctly. It went really well and it lead to another and another after that. He formally became my boyfriend and it seemed as if we were in love. It seemed as if we had true love. Everything seemed like it would be ok!...." She said, a happy glow on her face. And then she frowned. "But it wasn't. Because Marya happened." She muttered. "Marya, Jason's wife? Eleanor's mom?" I stated. "Exactly that Marya. So I think you can guess what happened next. My family went up to Hardenberg to help your great-aunt Jules who was single at the time with her newborn triplets, your great cousins-Sebastian, Ethel and Aaron. And while I was gone Jason and Marya rekindled their love. Yes, I correctly say rekindled. A few years before that time Jason and Marya had been together. They were forced to break up when her family moved far away. But she had now returned on account of her parents divorce. Anyway, while I was away they got back together. And apparently slept together but I'll tell you more about that in a second." She said and paused for breath. She inhaled a big breath and continued. "Your father, in the meantime had come up to Hardenberg to redeem himself to me because I didn't think he was being a very good man and he cared very deeply about me-us at the time. As a way of making it up to me, he treated me with a visit back to our hometown, filling the trip with many pleasant surprises. One of the main things he planned for me was seeing my 'boyfriend.' So I returned to school and got to right behind him before he broke up with me over text a few feet away from me. He was leaving me for Marya. His true love was only for her, not me. But I got over it. And guess what? Apparently Jason got Marya pregnant while I was away." She said and panted ever so slightly. "With Eleanor?" I questioned. "With Eleanor. She asked me for help. And since I was a nice person I helped her. Jason and Marya got engaged because they couldn't stand the idea of bringing a baby into the world out of wedlock. And as you know, they did end up getting married. Unlike me and your biological father. We did get back together a little while after that. I was excited that you would have both of your real parents in your life and was positive I would marry Mike and we would raise you in a happy, loving home. But, as always for me, things didn't go just as I planned. We did get engaged and even made it to our wedding day where he declared his love for my best friend Lily, right there on the alter in front of me. You were there, if you were wondering. This took place after you were born. They left together." She concluded. I let it all sink in for a minute. Wow. What an emotional roller coaster for my mother. I had no idea she went through so much at my age. If those things all happened to me I don't think I could stand it. My mother was a woman warrior and I was now very proud of her. I was in awe of her. She is an incredible woman and I'm glad she got a happy ending with my other father. "Oh my...." I whispered as I stared at my mom. "I know. Quite tragic. But that was then and this is now." She said dismissively, waving her hand about. Mary Ann returned and placed our drinks on the table. "What can I get you to eat? I would suggest-" "That's all, Mary Ann, thank you." My mother said calmly. Mary Ann frowned and stalked off. My mother then smiled at me in turn. "Anything else?" She wondered. I shook my head and then something immediately popped into my head. "Um, yes. Do you know where Mike is now and what happened with him and Lily?" I asked. She took a large swig of water. "Lily called me for the first time in nearly eighteen years the other day. She's married to your birth father and they have two kids-your half-siblings, Kristen and Charles who are little kids. They're very happy together. They're living in Alaska." She informed me. My head snapped up. "Really? Alaska you say? I've always wanted to go to Alaska." I responded.

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