Chapter Seven

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I sighed. Of course Mike and Lily had to live in one of the places Silver desires to go most. Her real father and the rest of her 'other family' living there would just fuel her ambition. I'm scared she's going to run off and search for them up in Alaska. "Yes, I said Alaska. I'm aware that you've always wanted to go to Alaska but we simply cannot do that right now. I hate to break it to you, but we're far too busy now." I said soberly. She rolled her eyes and began muttering to herself. Oh crap, she's going to run away, isn't she?


I typed the keyword 'Alaska' into the empty search engine on my labtop. I was curled up on my bed in my room, the laptop resting on my stretched-out legs. It was a nice, warm thing. It reminds me of my old cat Hic who was super cuddly and laid on everyones laps. Anyone and everyone. He was like a warm, interactive heating pad that could bring you up on your lowest day. But theres no use dwelling in the past. I scanned throuh some of the results and made a list of my findings: -Alaska is a three day bus ride from Hardenberg and there's a bus leaving for there in two days.

-Its cold around this time

-Its dominated by fishing and oil

Nothing else that interesting. So if I planned a trip to Alaska.....I would have to buy some clothes more suited to the climate because Hardenberg typically didn't get cold.


So I bought a bus ticket to Alaska and I leave in two days. No one knows about this.

I wandered downstairs and found my mother and sisters playing cards in the family room. My mom is eye-balling her cards from a slouched position on the couch. Melanie knelt next to her and the twins sat across from them on the floor. "Hi." I said. My little sisters didn't do anything. My mother smiled at me but then focused her gaze on the task at hand. I watched quietly for a couple of minutes. After the time was up, my mother heaved herself to her feet. She walked over to me and laid a hand on my shoulder. "Can I talk to you privately?" She murmured. I frowned and then nodded. "Sure." I replied. She lead me over to the kitchen which was abandoned. "Silver, I know you pretty well. And I'm scared that you're going to run off to Alaska to find your other family. All I ask is that you at least tell me before you leave and I won't stop you because I know I can't. You are too stubborn, just like your father." She requested in a low voice. "I'm not planning to currently. But if I ever do, I promise to tell you." I lied. I had no plans to tell anyone where I was going. I think that they would go after me while I find my roots.


The time is 11:30pm and I'm pacing my bedroom waiting for my husband to come home. I have decided that I will tell Dylan I'm pregnant tonight. He's going to be so mad at me. But, of course, it would be his fault too. I mean, the kid's his. He's the only possible solution. I hear a car honk as it locks outside and I hurry to the window to have a view of our driveway. I see my husband walking towards the door, briefcase in tow. Sudden raging anxiety rages in my tummy. Or, uh, the baby. I really can't tell at this point. I leave the room and get downstairs just in time to meet him in the front hall. "Dylan!" I say and throw myself at him. I wrap my arms around him and jump into his surprised arms. He staggers under my weight but manages to hold us both up. I entwine my fingers in his hair and his hands race up and down my back. Before things can go any further, I push my face away and smile sweetly at him. He grins back and chuckles nervously. "Becca! Nice to see you too! What was that all about?" He wonders. He puts me down and I put my fists on my hips. "Aren't I allowed to greet my husband in the way I find fit?" I demand. He makes a face. After a pause, he shrugs. "I guess you're right." He allows. I nod and take his hands in mine. "I need to tell you something very important." I admit. He jumps back and points his finger at me. "A-hah! This is a bribe!" He declares. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Ok, maybe its a bribe. But you have to agree, that was neat." I state. He gives me a scolding look and I meet is gaze evenly. "I need to tell you something important." I repeat. He shrugs. "Ok, lets hear it." He replies. I re-take his hand and guide him over to one of our couches. I sit him down and I take a second to study his face. He laughs nervously. "B-Becca? W-what is it?" He stammers. I take a deep breath. "I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant. I took a test and it was positive. I haven't been to the doctor's yet but I'm having all the symptoms I had with Silver, Ella and Stella." I blurt out quickly. He gasps. "PREGNANT?" He exclaims. I shush him. "Not so loud! I don't want the girls to know yet!" I whisper. "Pregnant. I don't believe it." He breathes. I smile slightly. "So, uh, what do you think?" I coax. He puts his head in his hands. I was glad I made him sit down first. "I-I don't know. I-I-I'm overwhelmed. I'm overwhelmed, Becca. I don't what to think." He says through his hands. I rub his back. "I think you should be happy. I am." I say gently. "Happy." He mutters and laughs darkly. He looks up at me. "Happy." He repeats. I frown. "Becca, all babies are great, especially any that are half you," He says and hesitates. I blush. "But this is not a good time. I just accepted a promotion and have to work later hours." He sighs. "What? Later than eleven? We have four kids!" I counter. He rolls his eyes. "We already discussed this, Rebecca. We decided this was the best choice for the family. And I thought we agreed to no more babies! I can't believe!...." He trails off and huffs. I am appalled. "Do you think I got pregnant on purpose?" I demand. "I'm not saying that but....." He responds. I jump up. "You do! Well I don't have to sit here and take this!" I announce. I spin on my heel and make a break for my-our room. I slam the door and collapse on the bed. Two minutes later, I hear pounding on the door. "Becca, its Dylan. I want to talk." Dylan calls. I snort. "I know you can hear me." He goes on. I roll my eyes. "I really am happy about the baby. I was just shocked and so unprepared. I know that was an inappropriate reaction and I am gravely sorry. I already love this baby! That was an over-reaction." He states. I make a face. You know he's really trying when he gets repetitive. At least he cares. I go up to the door and slowly open it. It creaks. He smiles gratefully at me when he lays his eyes on me.

Two days go by and my firstborn is missing.

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