Chapter Nine

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I'm positive that Silver is traveling to Alaska. I just wish there was a way I could know for sure. I mean, where else can she be? She learns the location of her mysterious birth father and suddenly she's gone? That would be just like her! Just like her own mother. If she left by bus, she'd probably be just getting through my hometown right now. I suppose I should warn Lily that my daughter could possibly be appearing within the next few days {if that's where Silver planned on being} so that she could emotionally and physically prepare for her. I grab the portable phone off of the kitchen table and scroll through recent calls until I find the 'unknown number' that turned out to be Lily. I press 'call' and hold the phone up to my ear. I listen to the phone ring and I pace anxiously. I hear fumbling as someone in Alaska scrambled to get the phone. "Hello." Says a husky, male voice. Oh my goodness its- "Mike?" I breathe. "Becca!" He exclaims, obviously full of shock. "Michael." I say briskly, recovering myself quickly. "Rebecca." He responds simply. There are a brief, few moments of silence. "Why have you called?" He asks finally. "I was looking to talk to Lily." I answer. "You've been in contact with my wife?" He says, clearly shocked. "Yes." I say. "Why?" He wonders. "That's none of your business." I lie. "Can you put her on?" "Lily isn't here right now." He tells me. I frown. "Oh. I'll call back later." I reply and go to hang up the phone. "Wait!" He cries suddenly. I hesitate. "What?" I demand. "I want to catch up with you." He admits. "Ok, what?" I sigh. ",'ve you been?" He asks. "Oh, you mean since you left me at the alter for my best friend? Since you left your firstborn?" I respond sourly. I can sense him rolling his eyes. "I guess I've been fine." I say haughtily. "How is my daughter?" He wonders. "Missing." I tell him. "Missing? Where the hell is she?" He demands. "If I knew, she wouldn't be considered missing." I respond. "Cut the crap, Becca, where is Silver?" He snarls. "I'm not sure. I think she's coming to Alaska to find you." I answer calmly. "Alaska? Alaska! My daughter is coming to find me? Do you know if she's bringing anything I should be concerned about? How does she know where I am?" He says rapidly. "I don't know what she left with. And all I told her was what she wished to know. She's nearly eighteen, Michael. I can't control her if she doesn't want to be controlled." I respond. He exhales into the phone, making a loud crackle. "Well, I guess I've always been curious about her. It would be nice to meet her." He admits. "Yeah." I agree softly. There is a second silence. "Becca, I never got to tell you how sorry I was. How sorry I still am. I still deeply care for you. Just not the same as before. Differently than when you were pregnant with Silver." He says softly. So soft that I have to strain to hear him over the phone. "Thank you, Mike." I reply. "How are you really? How did things turn out for you two?" He wonders. "I married a man called Dylan. I met him in Hardenberg. He really loves our daughter like his own. We adopted a girl together. Her name is Melanie and she is just darling! And then I got pregnant with our twin daughters, Stella and Ella. And, uh, I just discovered I'm pregnant again." I tell him, mumbling the last part. "Pardon?" He asks. "I'm pregnant again." I repeat. "Congratulations." He says sincerely. "Thanks." I sigh. There is a sound over the phone. "What about you?" I ask. "Oh, I'm great. We're great. Lily and I have two little children, a girl Kristen and a boy Charles." He responds. "I know. I've talked to your wife." I respond. There is a rustling. "I have to go. My son needs me. 'Bye." He says abruptly and hangs up. I roll my eyes. "Goodbye." I mutter and place the phone on the table. Jerk.


Dylan saunters into the room and plants a kiss on my lips. He had gotten the day off. In fact, he has the whole week off. I kiss him back. "I think I'm going to follow Silver to Alaska. If I know my daughter, she is on a bus to Alaska." I tell him. He rolls his eyes. "We don't know that for sure. She could be anywhere. We don't want you running off anywhere that she might not even be. Especially when you're in a family way." He responds. I frown. "What's that supposed to mean?" I demand. "Well, you're older now and more at risk for.....certain things. I just don't want to risk our future child's life." He explains. "But I want to go to Alaska anyway and yell at my former fiancée some more!" I whine. "No." He says firmly. I stomp my foot. "If it makes you more comfortable, I will go to Alaska." He volunteers. I consider this. "Leave as soon as you can. I'm going to try calling her." I respond and walk out of the room, pulling out my cell phone.



"Is this spot taken?" A voice wonders. I look away from the bus window and up at an attractive, early twenties something male. I am immediately smitten. "No. No! Please, have a seat!" I invite, quicker than I know I should. He flashes me a white-teethed smile and slides easily into the seat beside me. "So what's your name? Is it Belle?" He asks casually. I shake my head. "No. Not Belle." I reply. He frowns. "Oh really? But you would certainly suit the name. You're so beautiful!" He insists. I blush and shake my head once more. "No. It's Silver." I tell him. "Silver." He repeats and thinks quietly to himself for a moment. "That's a lovely name too." He decides. I grin stupidly and twirl a lock of hair around my index finer on my left hand. "What's your name?" I wonder. "Joseph. But everyone calls my Joe." He answers with a simple shrug. "Joe." I repeat. My cell phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and look at it. It is my mother, trying to call me. I shudder at the thought of speaking to her right now and tuck it back in my pocket. I'm not ready to face her yet. Joe watches me with a thoughtful expression. "So what's bringing you to my homeland of Alaska? Vacation?" He wonders. I shake my head. "No. I seek two people, Mike and Lily. Mike and Lily Caulfield. Do you happen to know anything regarding them in the slightest?" I wonder. He perks up. "Oh, yes! I know them! I know where they live! I can bring you to their house if you want!" He says earnestly. "Really! That'd be amazing, thank you!" I respond gratefully. Hope flickers inside of me and I sit back, excited for the rest of my journey.

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