Chapter Eleven

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I hesitate before knocking on Jason's door. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I've come to see Jason. I guess I just want to talk to him or something. As some of you may know, we used to have a really good connection. We hadn't {never} even been together a year and the rumors flew that the baby was actually his and that we were getting married but I chose not to concern myself with those matters. I had way more drama to focus on and a daughter to make preparations for. I bang my fist on the tall, red door three consecutive times and step back to wait. Silence ensues. After ten seconds just when I'm about to give up and make a run for it, a pounding pair of feet hurries to the door of their home. The door is whipped open by none other than Jason and looks down at me in surprise. He then reddens. "Becca......hi. Uh...I think Marya's out but I'll tell her-" "I'm not here to see Marya, dummy, I'm here to see you!" I tell him. His eyes widen and he takes a hesitant step back. "Me? Why?" He wonders. I shrug. "I honestly don't know. I just felt compelled to come see you." I admit. He mulls this over. "Well, I guess you 'ought to come in then." He sighs and steps back so I could slip in.



I am sitting on the couch at my biological father's home where Lily has left me. I think she's putting on the kettle or something. A little girl about five years old wanders into the room and stares at me. I stare back. This must be my half-sister. "Who are you?" She asks suddenly. "I'm Silver Floare. I have connections to your parents." I tell her in a exaggerated sweet voice. She frowns. "Oh. I'm Kristen. I live here." She tell me matter-of-factly. "Hi Kristen." I say. Lily walks into the room then. "Kristen, are you bugging our guest?" She demands. Kristen rapidly shakes her head. "Never, Mama." She answers solemnly. Lily sighs and faces me. "I was just texting Mike. He's on his way home." She tells me. I nod and butterflies flutter in my stomach. And well I'm at it, how come butterflies have the word 'butter' in their name? Do they even have anything to do with butter? "Would you like a tea, Silver?" Lily offers me. I hesitate before nodding. "I'd like that." I respond.


I blow into my mug in an effort to cool my tea to a comfortable drinking temperature. Lily is sitting still next to me while Kristen is fixated on the TV blaring in front of us. Suddenly, we hear the sound of a door being pushed open and boots echoing throughout the building. That must be Mike! My father! My father was on the other side of the wall! Only a couple of feet separated us. Oh, I hope he likes me! "Mike?" Lily calls calmly. "Yes, its me." A husky voice confirms. I'M SO NERVOUSSSSSSSS. The sound of the footsteps grow louder as Mike comes forward. He rounds the corner and I see my father for the first time in real life. Kristen turns and sees him. "DADDY!" She shrieks and leaves her spot on the carpet to run to her father. Mike catches her in a warm embrace, one he was never around to give to me, his firstborn. I frown. All this time all I thought about was seeing him and wanting him to like me. I never really thought about why I had to do this. I instantly frown and glare at my biological father. He then notices me. "Oh, I didn't realize we had a guest! Hey there!" He greets me cheerfully. "Hello." I respond flatly. "Babe, this is Silver. I used to know her well. I think you might've too." Lily says gently. Mike doesn't even flinch when he hears my name. Come on, how many people of the world are named Silver? I'm your friggin' daughter, idiot! I wanted to scream at him but decided against it. I held my tongue and now I guess I just wait until he figures it out. "Hiya Silver! I have a friend that has the same name! Any relation?" He says and chuckles. "Hi Mike. I think you were pretty close with my mother. You guys had a very.....intimate relationship." I elaborate. He frowns and thinks to himself. "Hmm......what was your mother's name?" He says. "Rebecca. But everyone calls her Becca. I believe you knew her as Becca Floare?" I say with a cocked eyebrow. I watch the realization enter his face and he falls to his knees before me. "Silver Floare." He whispers.



"So, why Marya and not me?" I wonder. Jason and I are sitting out on the patio discussing the good ol' complicated days. He presses his lips into a thin line. "It just wasn't real with us, Becca. I didn't know it at the time and I'm sorry about that, but, once I saw Marya it was true love." He murmurs. "True love." I mutter and snort. "It was! 'Still is!" He protested. I roll my eyes. "Whatever you say." I reply.

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