Ten: Familiar But Unfamiliar

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"Hello Sigyn

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"Hello Sigyn."

"Hello, Loki."

He rose to his feet, hands clasped behind his back, still smilling. He towered over her from behind the glass. "When they said I had a visitor I thought it would be Frigga, as always. But what a nice surprise. There's not many people who can surprise me. A lucky few."

"Yes, lucky." She felt as though they were being watched by everyone in the dungeons, and this only added to the anxiety of the situation.

"What?" he asked with a sly grin, noticing her staring.

"I-it's just - you've changed, so much..." She shook her head. "Gods, I miss you."

He spread his arms out. "Well I'm right here."

"No, you're not."

"Well, care to enlighten me on how you perceive I've changed?"

"Less shy and held back. More certain..."

"Well, you were always telling me to be more confident."

"Well there's a difference between confident and arrogant. It's like Thor was before-"

This seemed to strike something within him. He slammed his fist into the glass. "Don't compare me to him." Something blazed in his green eyes.

This action caused her to jump, but she stood her ground. He sighed and lowered his fist. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" She feigned innocence. "What could you possibly be sorry for? Where would you like to start?"

"So that's it then? You've come to blame me just like everyone else? To judge."

"Only if you're the one to blame. What happened? What did they do to you?" He didn't answer, but something - fear almost - now flashed in his eyes. She hoped that it wasn't him who had done this. He may say it was his actions, but she sensed something more. "You think that seeing my best friend in chains, being dragged down to the dungeons, obviously in pain, wasn't hard for me?" Still nothing. "I don't know if I am more disappointed or angry or confused. I don't know what to think. Loki-" She took a step forward. "Please tell me what's going on."

Her palm now rested against the glass. Slowly, he reached out and placed his hand against the glass over hers. Both tried to imagine that there was no glass between them, and that their hands really were touching.

"You never gave me an answer," he said suddenly. "My proposal," he said in answer to the confused look she gave him.

She gritted her teeth and pulled her hand away. "Really? That's what you want to talk about, right now?"

"We could have had all of Asgard by now, all the Nine Realms even. It could have all been ours..."

She scoffed. "You really think I care about that? That that's what I want?"

"What do you want?"

I want my friend back. She wasn't sure where this new side of him had come from, but it was starting to get on her nerves.

Behind her back she stretched out her fingers before bringing them together in a tight fist, the signal she and Frigga had agreed upon for when she wanted to be brought back. Green and gold engulfed her.

Loki chuckled a little, looking down at her sadly as she faded away, hurt that she hadn't really come to see him.

When the illusion faded and he was gone, Sigyn stood there in Frigga's chamber for a moment in silence. He had looked so lonely, so hurt... Something wasn't right...

She figured that she wouldn't last very long visiting him. Seeing him again, she just - froze. What would she say to him? What could she say to him?

Frigga stepped back into the room - she had left to give the two friends some privacy.

Sigyn forced a smile. "Thank you, My Queen. I'm just not ready to fully face him yet."

Frigga nodded in understanding. She always seemed to understand.

With that, Sigyn left, a deep sense of guilt forming within her.


Thor had surprised everyone by bringing his Midgardian love to Asgard. She had somehow come in contact with a form of dark energy called the Aether, an ancient evil, and Thor was now working towards a way to cure her. The young woman was fascinated, to say the least, by the Realm Eternal.

"Oh, Jane, there's someone I would like you to meet." They stopped by the training courtyard, Jane eyeing everything with awe. She watched as a young red-haired woman took down five guards. Her jaw fell open in surprise. The young woman saw them and came over, her face flushed from the training.

"Jane Foster, I would like you to meet my good friend, Lady Sigyn of Asgard," Thor introduced.

"Goddess of Fertility and Fidelity," Sigyn finished. "Hello Jane Foster of Earth." She gave the mortal a hug and warm smile. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. We have heard much about you."

"You too," Jane said. "And I've heard a lot about you too. Thor said you grew up together."

"Yes, we did." The friends shared a smile.

"So you're the goddess of fertility and fidelity? Do you have any special powers?"

Now an excited glint shone in Sigyn's eyes.

"Here we go," said Thor. "Sigyn always loved a power display."

"Speak for yourself." With that, she awed the mortal even further by growing a whole garden's worth of plants of all kinds around them, and all within a matter of seconds.

Thor chuckled as he watched Jane stare open-mouthed at it all.

"Are you sure about this?" Sigyn said softly to him.

Thor sighed. "Oh no, not you too." He'd been getting that a lot lately.

"No, no, I'm not saying that," she insisted. "It's just, you know it's complicated Thor, she a mortal and you Asgardian. You're from different worlds. Maybe they're separate for a reason. Just be cautious is all I'm saying, as your friend. Trust me, you don't want a broken heart."

(Back to where we started :) And sigh, I wish he was reading to me ;) Haha! And time seems to have slipped away from me again, sorry for the delay in updates! But, in honour of 'Infinity War's' release, here's another chapter! (I'll try and update all of my Marvel stories in honour of it! :)) I hope you enjoyed, thank you so much for reading!)

All an Illusion - A Loki and Sigyn StoryWhere stories live. Discover now