Three: Jotunheim

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The group gathered their weapons and then rode on horseback across the rainbow bridge out to the Observatory. As they rode side-by-side, Loki and Sigyn met eyes, grinning, beginning to race each other.

When they reached the gate they dismounted and approached the Gatekeeper, Heimdall.

"Leave this to me," Loki said with a grin, skipping ahead of Thor. He addressed the Gatekeeper. "Good Heimdall-"

"You're not dressed warmly enough."

"I'm sorry?"

"Do you think you can deceive me?"

"You must be mistaken-"

"Enough," said Thor, growing impatient. He stepped forward ahead of his brother. "Heimdall may we pass?"

"Never has an enemy slipped my watch until this day. I wish to know what happened."

"Then tell no one where we have gone until we have returned." With that, Thor strode forward into the gate, the others following.

"What happened?" joked Volstagg as they passed by Loki. "Silver tongue turned to lead?" He and the others chuckled. Sigyn gave her friend a supportive pat on the shoulder and they too followed.

Heimdall placed his sword at the centre of the gate. It hummed to life. "Be warned: I will honour my sworn oath to protect this realm as its Gatekeeper. If your return threatens the safety of Asgard the Bifrost will remain closed to you."

There was a tense silence. "Couldn't you just leave the gate open for us?" asked Volstagg.

"To do so would unleash the full power of the Bifrost, and it would destroy all of Jotunheim with you still upon it."

Thor chuckled. "I have no plans to die today."

Heimdall remained grim. "None do."


It was quiet on Jotunheim. Strangely quiet. "Where are they?" asked Sif.

"Hiding, as cowards always do," said Thor.

A deep, rumbling voice stopped them. "You've come a long way to die Asgardians." Laufey, King of the Frost Giants.

Thor stepped forward. "I am Thor Odinson."

"We know who you are."

"How did your people get into Asgard?"

"The house of Odin is full of traitors," said Laufey with a smirk.

"Do not dishonour my father's name with your lies!"

"Your father is a murderer and a thief. And why did you come here? To make peace?" He spoke mockingly. "You long for battle, you crave it. You're nothing but a boy, trying to prove himself a man."

"Well this 'boy' has grown tired of your mockery."

"Thor-" They were being surrounded. "Thor." Loki stepped forward. "Stop and think. We're outnumbered."

"Know your place Brother," snapped Thor.

"You know not what your actions would unleash," continued Laufey. "I do. Now go, before I change my mind."

Sensing another protest from his brother, Loki stepped forward. "We accept your most gracious offer. Come, Brother." Slowly and reluctantly, Thor turned and began leading the group away.

"Run home, little princess," sneered Laufey.

"Damn," sighed Loki.

"Here we go," sighed Sigyn.

All an Illusion - A Loki and Sigyn StoryWhere stories live. Discover now