Five: The New King

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"Allfather, we must speak with you urgently-" The ladies and the Warriors stopped dead in their tracks upon entering the throne room when, instead of seeing Odin sitting upon the throne, there was instead Loki, ceremonial armour, helmet, scepter, and all.

"My friends," he addressed them.

"Where is Odin?"

"Father has fallen into the Odinsleep. Mother fears he may never awaken again."

"Then we would speak with her."

"She has refused to leave my father's bedside. In the meantime, you can bring your urgent request to me-" He paused to rise from the throne. "-Your king."

The group looked reluctant. Sigyn was the first to kneel in a bow, the others slowly following her gesture.

"My King-" There was a mocking edge to Sif's voice. "We urge you to end Thor's banishment."

"My first command cannot be to undo the Allfather's last." Loki stood and strode forward, head held high, scepter in hand. "We are on the brink of war with Jotunheim, our people need a sense of continuity in order to feel safe in these difficult times. All of us must stand together, for the good of Asgard."

"All of us without Thor, you mean," Sif challenged.

"In times such as these, certain sacrifices must be made."

Done with his act, Sif made to rise to confront him. Fandral grabbed her arm to stop her. "Yes, of course."

"Good. Then you will wait for my word."

"If I may," began Volstagg, "beg the indulgence of Your Majesty to perhaps reconsider-"

"We're done." Loki cut him off.

Now all eyes were on Sigyn - if anyone could persuade him, it was her. "Loki, this is Thor we're talking about-"

"Exactly." And that was that.

Slowly, the warriors began to leave. Sigyn was the last to go.

What are you doing? her gaze said. But he had already turned away.


"Our dearest friend banished, Loki on the throne, Asgard on the brink of war, yet you've managed to consume four wild boar, six pheasant, a side of beef, and two casks of ale." Fandral paced back and forth in the dining hall, while Volstagg lay sprawled out on a bench eating. "Shame on you don't you care?!" Fandral knocked the tray from Volstagg's hands.

Volstagg leapt to his feet. "Do not mistake my appatite for apathy!"

"Stop it, both of you. Stop!" Sif and Hogun came and separated them. "We all know what we have to do," she said, lowering her voice.

There was a tense silence.

"It's treason," said Fandral.

"To hell with treason, it's suicide," said Volstagg.

"Thor would do the same for us."

"There you are. What's with all the racket?" Sigyn entered the hall. "I thought you might be hiding. Then again I would too if I were conspiring against the king."

There was silence. "Sigyn, we know we cannot ask you to go against your best friend," began Sif.

Sigyn held up a hand to silence her. "And you don't have to. Go, find Thor, bring him back. Leave Loki to me."

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