Four: A Monster

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Shocked and shaken, the friends had gathered in a sitting room around the fire.

"We should never have let him go," said Volstagg, breaking the long silence between the warriors.

"There was no stopping him," sighed Sif.

"At least he's only banished, not dead, which is what we all would have been if that guard hadn't told Odin where we'd gone," said Fandral.

"But how did the guard even know?"

"I told him," piped up Loki. "I told him to go to Odin after we'd left. He should be flogged for having taken so long we never should have reached Jotunheim."

"You told the guard?" cried Volstagg.

"I saved our lives. And Thor's."

"He's right," agreed Sigyn.

"I had no idea Father would banish him for what he did."

"Loki," cried Sif. "You must go to the Allfather and convince him to change his mind."

"And if I do then what? I love Thor more dearly than any of you but you know how he is: he's arrogant, he's reckless, he's dangerous. You saw how he was today. Is that what Asgard needs from its king?" With that Loki stormed from the room.

"Something's wrong," Sigyn sensed. "He's devastated by Thor's banishment, of course, but there's something else..."

"He may speak of the good of Asgard, but he's always been jealous of Thor," said Sif. "Especially when it comes to being king."

"We should be grateful to him, he saved our lives," said Volstagg.

"Laufey said there were traitors in the house of Odin. A master of magic could bring three Jotuns into Asgard," mused Hogun.

There was another silence as everyone absorbed this, this one shorter, broken by Sigyn's cry of, "Hogun."

"Loki's always been one for mischief, but you're speaking of something else entirely," said Fandral. No one wanted to believe it.

"Yes thank you Fandral." Sigyn strode forward. "I am a master of magic - perhaps not to the same extent as Loki, but I could bring three Jotuns into Asgard." She gave a little shrug. "Yes, I know better than anyone that Loki's always been jealous of his brother, and mischievous, but what you're talking about is treason, betrayal, to everyone he loves and cares for."

There was another silence.

"Sigyn is right," said Volstagg. "She and Loki have been inseparable since childhood. They've always been secured at the hip - she would know."

Sigyn gave a nod. "Thank you. Excuse me."

With that she left in search of her friend, thinking that for once, she didn't know if everything was alright with him. He was definitely hiding something.


"BECAUSE YOU COULD NOT HAVE A FROST GIANT SITTING ON THE THRONE OF ASGARD!" Loki roared, tears falling down his pale cheeks.

But Odin did not respond. He had collapsed to the floor. "Oh no," whispered Loki. "Father?" He knelt over the Allfather. "Guards! Guards, please help!"

Moments later four guards rushed into the room, summoned by his yells. Sigyn heard them and followed, gasping at the sight of Odin laying unresponsive on the floor. "Loki, what happened?"

"I-I don't know," he answered, his voice shaking. "We were having an argument and he just collapsed without any warning."

But she wasn't only asking about the king. Her friend looked shaken, and was crying. He stared, paler than ever, at his father's body. As the guards tended to the king, Loki stood, took Sigyn's hand, and hurriedly dragged her from the room.

"Loki, what is it?" she asked, now getting worried. "What's going on?" She had never seen him in such a state before. He led her into an empty hallway and stood with his back to her.


He turned around. When he did, his face was a deep grey-blue and his eyes blood red. She gasped and backed away, startled. She looked frightened. Both were silent.

"My gods." Her own eyes were wide.

"I'm one of them," he said, his voice shaking violently, just above a whisper. "I am not of Asgard, I am a Frost Giant, I am of Jotunheim. Odin's been lying to me my whole life-" It was the first time she had heard him refer to Odin not as 'Father'. "-He is not even my real father." He stood there, looking very shaken, and understandably so.

Slowly, she approached him. She reached out a hand and gently touched his cheek, the grey-blue skin and red eyes immediately fading away at her touch, his appearance fading back into the Loki she was familiar with, her friend. "I-I don't believe it."

"A-am I a monster?" he whispered.

"No! No - Loki don't say that. Please don't say that."

He looked away. "Please, don't tell anyone."

"No, of course not." She pulled her friend into a tight embrace. "You're still the same to me."

She felt his arms wrap tightly around her waist, and he rested his chin on her head. "Thank you," he whispered into her hair. But he sounded no more convinced.

(Ahh, he looks so sad! :( I find it interesting how they never really reference him being a Jotun in any of the later movies. Maybe it'll come back in Avengers - speaking of which, have you guys seen the Avengers: Infinity War trailer?! :D

Thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed!)

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