Twenty-six: What Heroes Do

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"Asgardians! Your saviour is here!" Loki proclaimed to the crowd, arms outstretched, head held high. He strode through the crowd. "Did you miss me?"

Sigyn rolled her eyes but let him have his moment.

"Everyone on the ship, now!" Loki instructed as the citizens poured up the ramp past him.

"Welcome home," Heimdall told them. "I saw you coming."

"Of course you did," sighed Loki.

"Thank you, Heimdall." Sigyn hugged her friend.

An army of skeletons was approaching them. "There's your sister, sending her greeting," said Heimdall.

They were about to charge when dark clouds began to swirl above and with a rumble of thunder, Thor came crashing in, literally. He was engulfed in lightning, even without his hammer.

"Well, I think that's our signal," said Sigyn, drawing her daggers. "What do you say, boys? Let's kick some ass!" With that, they charged forward.

She quickly felt a familiar, reassuring presence behind her and smiled, knowing Loki had her back and she had his. Despite everything, that was one thing they could always rely on: they would always, no matter what, have each other's backs.

"You're late." Thor came up to them.

Sigyn hugged him. "Oh - ugh." She noticed his bloody eye socket.

"And you're missing an eye," Loki observed.

"Yes, thanks to Sister Dear."

"This isn't over." Valkyrie raced past them.

Indeed it wasn't. Hela seemed to have no shortage of skeleton soldiers. The best the group could do was keep the soldiers away as the people boarded the ship to safety.

They watched as the last of the citizens climbed aboard. "The people are safe," said Valkyrie.

Then they turned back to the main threat: Hela.

"Hit her with a lightning blast," suggested Loki.

"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning blasts!" cried Thor. "It did nothing."

"We've got to try something," said Valkyrie.

"I'm not doing 'Get Help'."

"Oh 'Get Help', I love 'Get Help'," said Sigyn.

"Wait, that's it!" cried Thor.

"'Get help'?"

"No! I just realized something: maybe we can't defeat her, but I know who can." The realization was dawning on him. "The prophecy - it was never about stopping Ragnarok, it was about starting it. Loki, Sigyn, the Eternal Flame in the Vault, Surtur..."

The others clued in. "Bold move, Brother, even for me." Loki nodded and he and Sigyn took off in the smaller ship, heading for the Vault, Odin's Vault.

"This is madness," Loki stated as they flew into the abandoned city.

"Well then it shouldn't be a problem for you, you love madness," she replied.

Once having landed they took off through the eerily-quiet city and to the Vault beneath the palace, rushing past all of Odin's prized treasures. One in particular caught Loki's eye, and made him stop.

The Tesseract, glowing in all its brilliant blue glory.

"Loki!" hissed Sigyn from up ahead, snapping him back to the present. Eyes still lingering on the glowing blue cube, he took Surtur's crown and brought it before the Flame. The friends exchanged a glance before Loki set the crown at the centre of the Flame. He held out his hands. "By the Eternal Flame, you are reborn..."

The crown began to ignite, the flames rising.

"I just thought of something," Sigyn said, a moment too late. "How are we going to get out of here?"

"Already on that." Loki dashed back to where the Tesseract sat and reached out for it.

"Loki, no!" she cried. "Are you mad?! You know how much trouble it caused before!"

"We don't have time to figure out something else! As far as I can tell this is our best and only option. Besides, can you imagine what damage it will cause if it's left on Asgard when it's destroyed? It's an Infinity Stone!"

Flames were rising around them, the Vault becoming thick and heavy with smoke. Any moment now, Surtur would rise again. She searched desperately for another form of escape, any other option, but quickly realized he was right, that this was their only option.

Still sensing her hesitance, Loki reached out his hand. "Do you trust me?"

I'm going to regret this. She took his hand, and with the other, he reached out and plucked the Tesseract from its display. There was a flash of blue, and they suddenly stood on the escaping ship, safe with the others, while Asgard below them burned.


Everyone was safe. In the main cabin of the ship, everyone stood staring down at their home as Ragnarok consumed it.

"What have I done?" Thor sighed as they all witnessed Asgard's demise.

"You have saved us all," Heimdall reminded him. "Asgard is not a place, it is a people."

The passengers began to pour out of the main cabin to try and get themselves settled on the ship. Thor joined Sigyn and the friends hugged.

"Thank you," he said. "I couldn't have done it without you - as usual."

She smiled. "Anytime."

"How did you escape Asgard? I thought I realized only too late."

"Me too. Magic," she answered, hoping he wouldn't ask anything further. "You know your brother, always with a trick up his sleeve."

"Indeed, he has." Thor nodded. "Well I'm glad you're safe. And thank you again for your help."

"You as well. And of course."

Luckily, he left it at that and didn't ask any further questions.

She sighed as he turned away. Loki had always lied to Thor. Now she was lying to him as well.

(Noooo Loki! We all know what happens after you take the Tesseract :(

I think only one chapter left now! Thank you all so much for reading, and thank you so much for the 5000+ reads! :D I hope you enjoyed!)

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