Six: The Fallen

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With a gasp Sigyn collapsed to the Vault floor, blinking, trying to clear her now spinning head.  Loki's spell was intricate, much more advanced magic than she knew.  Breaking it had taken a lot of strength and concentration.

As quickly as she could, in her now stumbling, shaky state, she hurried through the palace.   As she was rounding the corner, she saw a familiar flash of red.


"Sigyn!" The friends rushed to embrace one another.  

"Oh thank the gods you're back," she cried.  

"Are you alright?" 

"Yes, I'm fine.  But something's wrong. Odin, Loki-"

"I know." Thor nodded.  "Let's go."  

The friends hurried through the palace to Odin's chambers where they found Loki and Frigga. 

"Thor," gasped Frigga, running to embrace her son. "I knew you would return to us."

Thor approached his brother. "Why don't you tell them, how you sent the Destroyer to kill our friends, kill me."

"What?" cried Frigga, turning to look at her youngest son.

"You tried to kill them?" gasped Sigyn, aghast.  This wasn't her friend.  

"Why, it must have been enforcing Father's last command," Loki said casually. 

"You're a talented liar Brother, always have been."

"It's good to have you back-"

She knew. Call it their connection as best friends, but Sigyn knew what Loki was about to do.

"Thor!" She dove at her friend, shoving him out of the way just as Loki sent a blast from the scepter his way. Consequently, the blast hit her, and with so much force that it sent her smashing through the wall to plunge down from the tower.

Loki was horror-struck. Her scream echoed through the chamber.

"Sigyn!" With a twirl of his hammer, Thor flew out after her.  

As she fell, Sigyn held out her arms and tried to concentrate.  Around her, branches and vines began to form along the tower wall, following her down, down, down, until they had formed a little nest beneath her to break her fall. 

Just as she was lowering herself from the nest onto the ground, recovering from the fall and blast, Thor landed at her side.  

"Come on, he's opened the Bifrost." Thor put an arm around her waist and with a twirl of his hammer carried them through the air to the gate. 

Loki scrambled as fast as his legs would carry him down into the courtyard, where he found the last of Sigyn's branches and vines fading away. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief.  She was alright.  Then there was a flash of red from above, and he saw her and Thor flying towards the Bifrost.   He cursed and hurriedly grabbed a horse from the stables to carry him there. 

Thor and Sigyn landed before the gate.  "He's kept it open," Sigyn yelled over the crackling of the gate.  "Like Heimdall said, it will destroy Jotunheim."

"Sigyn!" They turned to see Loki jumping down from horseback.  He rushed over to her.  "Sigyn, are you hurt?"

"Not physically." Hurt flashed across her face. She gripped her dagger in her hand. "LIAR! TRAITOR!" She lunged at him with her dagger, he forced to fight back to defend himself from her in her enraged state. "Why? Why?!" Finally he managed to grab her by the arms, stopping her. She struggled against him but then stopped and stood there, staring at him. "What have you done?"

All an Illusion - A Loki and Sigyn StoryWhere stories live. Discover now