Added Character - Captain America: The Winter Solider

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"If you ever want to stop by the V.A. and make me look awesome in front of the good-looking girl at the front desk, just come on over," said Sam.

Steve nodded and shook his hand. "Thanks Sam. It was good to meet you."

When Steve arrived at the Triskelion, SHIELD headquarters, he found Natasha standing outside the training gym, looking inside through the window. "Hey, how's it going?" he asked.

"Oh good," she answered. "Just enjoying watching Liv kick Rumlow's ass." They watched as Liv, wearing rubber versions of her electric bracelets, blocked Rumlow's punch and held a wrist by his neck. The fight ceased. "You Agent just received a high voltage of electricity through the neck."

"Let me guess? I'm dead?"

"Yup, pretty dead." They left the gym. "Hey Cap," she said when she saw him standing next to her S.O.

Steve remembered the first time he had met her. Natasha had introduced them.

"Cap this is Agent Sword," she had said, turning to the young woman standing beside her. "I'm her S.O."

The blonde smiled and held out her hand. "Nice to meet you Captain. I'm Liv."

Steve couldn't help but stare. Curl her blonde hair and add a bit more makeup and she would look a whole lot like someone he knew, or used to know.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to stare," he said. "Steve, nice to meet you too." He shook her hand. "It's just, you look so much like - like someone I know. An old friend."

"Yeah I get that a lot. People always tell me I look just like my grandmother when she was my age."

"Your grandmother?" repeated Steve. "Karen Granger?" he tried.

Liv nodded, grinning. "Yup, Thompson now, but yeah, Gran. She's told me all about you - she was so excited when they discovered you and that you were still alive. We saw you on TV, during the battle of New York. We watched all the footage from it."

Steve was smiling now too. "How's she doing?"

"She's good thanks, doing good for her age. She and Gramps still live in their house together, and I lived with them till I joined SHIELD. She remembers everything so well - she's told me all about you and Sergeant Barnes and Agent Carter and the Howling Commandos. She tells those stories so well I feel like I was there. I know we've never met before, but it feels like I'm finally reuniting with an old friend after a really long time - as strange as that might sound."

Steve shook his head. "No, that's nice that she told you about us. Tell her I say hi."

She smiled. "Will do Captain."

"Alright," said Steve, snapping back to the present. "We've got our mission. Suit up."

Soon Cap, Nat, Liv, and the STRIKE agents were all on board a jet, flying to the place of their mission.

"You know, if you ask Kristin out from statistics, she'd probably say yes," Nat told Cap.

"That's why I don't ask."

"Too shy or too scared?"

"Too busy." With that, he leaped from the jet.

"Was he wearing a parachute?" asked Rollins as they watched Cap jump from the jet.

Rumlow shook his head. "No. No he wasn't." He turned to Liv. "Tip: don't do what he did. Good luck."

"Thank you, Rumlow."

As he and the other STRIKE agents turned to ready themselves for the jump, Nat smiled at Liv. "Rumlow's being very nice to you," she said.

Liv raised her eyebrows at her S.O. - with Natasha having just questioned Steve about his dating life, she knew what was coming. "I'm sure it's just cause I'm still new and this is one of my first big missions."

"Oh I don't know, he's usually not this nice. And he was definitely flirting earlier at the gym."

"Spying on us?"

"I am a highly-trained spy."

Liv chuckled but still didn't look so sure. She just rolled her eyes. "You know Nat, with all this trying to help other people with their romantic lives I'm surprised there's no romance in yours."

Nat shrugged. "I'm called the Black Widow for a reason."

Again, Liv rolled her eyes. "Right."


At the V.A.

As Steve and Sam stood in the hall talking, two young women walked by. One saw Sam and waved, he smiling and waving back. She came over. "Hey Sam."

"Hey Liv."

Then she turned to Steve, immediately recognizing him. "Well hello there stranger."


"You two know each other?" asked Sam.

"We sure do." Liv nodded. "Captain Rogers."

Steve returned the nod. "Agent Sword. I didn't know you worked here."

"Yup, SHIELD agent, V.A. receptionist on the side. I volunteer here. My grandpa dealt with PTSD after the war, so I thought I'd come here and try and help others who were dealing with it too."

"Wait, you're an agent?" cried Sam.

"Careful Wilson, or you'll blow my secret identity," she joked, holding a finger to her lips in a 'shh' gesture. "Yup, they call me Spark. Taking after my parents and grandparents - my grandparents more so as they were in the field while my parents were in research. I see you two have met. Sam you've met Cap, the living legend and symbol of courage, and Steve you've met our lovely Sam." She put an arm around Sam's shoulders.

"Yeah we met on a run."

"Ah I see." She turned to Sam. "How many times did he pass you?"

"More than I would like to admit."

She laughed. "I know what that's like. Well, I'd better get back to work, I'll see you boys later." With one last smile she turned away and headed to the front desk. They watched her go.

"A receptionist huh," said Steve. He turned to Sam. "The good-looking girl at the front desk?" Sam smiled and nodded.

As she walked away, Liv smiled. She had been just close enough to hear.

(Ahhh 'The Winter Soldier' is still my favourite Marvel movie and I think favourite movie in general to this day - SO GOOD! :D Like the connection I made with my 'The First Avenger' added character ? ;) I love how the MCU is all so interconnected so I tried to do that in my Marvel stories as well! And yes, Karen did marry Jack Thompson from 'Agent Carter' (no spoilers for season two please - I know I'm so behind!). I also wrote Karen into the first season of Agent C, so maybe I'll add some of that later on too! And I'm sorry for the delay in updating- I've been focusing on my new 'Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle' story (if you're interested, please check it out!) and I know, it's not another Loki and Sigyn chapter, but the next one will be! ;) Anyways, hope you guys liked Liv (I've also added her into Civil War!) and as always, thanks so much for reading!

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