Twenty-seven: New Beginnings

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"I give you Thor, King of Asgard," proclaimed Heimdall. A makeshift throne had been made at the front of the main cabin overlooking the window. Thor waved at the crowd from where he was seated.

"So, My King, where to?" asked Heimdall.

"I'm not sure," admitted Thor. "Any suggestions?" He looked to his friends.

"Well don't look at us," said Valkyrie.

"Miek, where are you from?" asked Thor.

"Oh, Miek's dead," Korg told him sadly, holding up Miek's limp figure.


"Yeah, I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge, and I just felt so guilty that I've been carrying him around all day." As if on cue, Miek suddenly stirred and chittered. "Oh Miek, you're alive!" cried Korg. "It's okay, he's alive guys! What was your question again, Bro?"

Thor smirked. "Earth it is, then."


Sigyn was standing in one of the smaller cabins on the ship, looking out the window at the night sky. Asgard was long gone now.

Footsteps behind her signaled someone entering the room. She smiled at Thor as he came to stand beside her.

"So, King of Asgard."

He smiled. "Strange, isn't it? I never thought it would be in these circumstances." He paused. "Loki told me about how he crashed the wedding."

She chuckled. "Of course he did. He would make a big deal out of it."

"Yes, he would. He also told me about what happened with the kiss - and of your reaction."

"An appropriate one."

"How do you feel about it?"

She gave a shrug. "Really haven't thought on it much. I don't know..."

"Talk to him."

"Easier said than done."

"Sigyn, he's your best friend. You used to tell each other everything."

"Well, not everything, it would seem. What would I say? So much has happened... Where would I even start?"

"Well, how about with what you just told me."

"I don't know if I could."

He nodded. "Well, you don't have to-" There was a flash of green and gold and Thor disappeared.

She scoffed. "I am incredibly stupid. Of course you wouldn't just tell Thor what happened."

Loki smiled, obviously happy to have caught her off-guard. "I have yet to brag to him about it."

All an Illusion - A Loki and Sigyn StoryWhere stories live. Discover now