Sixteen: "Brother"

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"What the hell?" Thor stared up at the towering statue of his late brother, armour, helmet, and all. It seemed his 'father' had been redecorating.

When he reached the courtyard he found a large crowd there, surrounding a stage that had been set up on which a play was being performed - a reenactment of Loki's death in the Dark World. Thor noticed 'Odin' sitting sprawled out on a lavish couch surrounded by platters of food, totally immersed in the performance.

Thor watched as the actor playing himself was crouched down holding the dying Loki in his arms.

"Tell Father what I did here today," the actor playing Loki said.

"Oh Brother, I will. I will tell him of your sacrifice," the Thor actor replied.

"Remember me. Build me a statue back home in Asgard, with my helmet."

"We will, we will," Thor Actor assured him. "You are our saviour. You saved us all."

"I'm sorry, Brother."

"Oh Loki, I'm sorry too."

"S-Sigyn," Loki Actor choked out.

"NO!" the actress playing Sigyn wailed, falling to her knees at the dying Loki's side. "Oh Loki, oh no-"

"I-I am sorry my love. Please say you forgive me, please-"

"Oh Loki, yes of course I forgive you. Odin will be so proud."

"I didn't do it for him. I love you, Sigyn, I always have."

"I love you too, Loki, I always have."

"Kiss me my love, I-I don't have much longer-"

Enough was enough. Thor strode forward, stopping the actors mid-scene. "Father."

"Oh shit-" 'Odin' jumped to his feet. "Ladies and gentlemen, my son, Prince Thor." He gestured to Thor. "Welcome home, my son."

"Father." Thor smiled forcibly.

"Back so soon! I thought that you went back down to Earth."

"Oh I did." Thor began pacing, swinging Mjolnir around in his hand. "But then, funnily enough, who should I receive a message from, but Sigyn."

Here, 'Odin' perked up. "Oh, Sigyn." He smiled.

"Yes. It is too bad that she left, I was very surprised."

"Yes, very sad. It's not the same here without her."

"No. I suppose she was having trouble dealing with Loki's loss, and decided to give herself some space. Anyways, she told me that while I was gone, the Nine Realms were once again in a state of chaos and disarray. Which is funny, because I've been having this reoccurring dream of late, of a chaotic Nine Realms leading to Asgard's demise, and so I went off on my own on a quest of discovery and found that this was true, the peace of the Realms had been disrupted, as you, Odin Allfather, were not upholding your duty as their protector."

All an Illusion - A Loki and Sigyn StoryWhere stories live. Discover now