Alternate Scene - Sakaar Escape

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So while I was painfully waiting for 'Infinity War' to arrive - which seems like forever ago now, and now we have 'Endgame' and the whole Infinity Saga! - I was thinking about an alternate version of the escaping Sakaar scene.  What if Loki hadn't betrayed Thor? What if Loki and Sigyn had the meaningful chat in the elevator? Hope you enjoy!  

"I can't believe I'm stuck with you..." Sigyn sighed. 

Thor had been playing matchmaker again, much to her dismay. And much to Loki's delight. 

They had just disarmed some guards and stepped inside the elevator that would take them down to the hangar where they would meet up with Thor again, where all the Grandmaster's ships were.

There was some of the Grandmaster's interesting music playing in the elevator, but even that didn't prove to be enough of a distraction.

"I'm probably better off staying on Sakaar," Loki finally broke the silence.

She shrugged.  "Okay."

"You're not even going to argue back?"

"No, I'm done arguing. You've made your choice and I've made mine. Clearly, you cut your ties with Asgard long ago.  If you want to stay here and it makes you happy, then I'm all for it."

"And will going back to Asgard make you happy?"

"Yes, it will. It's home.  Always will be."

"Huh... So I guess this is it then?"

"I guess so."


They stood in silence for a few moments before she heaved a heavy sigh and at last turned to face him.  "Loki I always thought the world of you. To be quite honest I always wished I was more like you  - you always seemed so confident.  I thought we would always be inseparable, together forever, as cliche as it sounds. But maybe even best friends can grow apart."

"Maybe not," he said, his voice hopeful.

"Maybe. Our paths diverged long ago. You never needed to prove yourself to anyone - least of all to me. I looked up to you, always. I wouldn't have changed our friendship for the world, for anything." She sighed again and shook her head. "You just don't get it, do you? I never wanted to be Queen, never wanted to rule over Asgard and the Nine Realms. No, I only wanted you. I had everything I wanted before, and you blew it. I even loved you - Hel, I still do." She shrugged and gave a little chuckle. "There, I said it. That's not how I wanted to say it, but I said it."

Now it was his turn to sigh. "Sig-"

"I've said what I wanted to, and had to.  Maybe it's for the best that we part ways here and now."

"You don't really believe that, do you?" She said nothing.  "I love you, too."



Just as Thor had finished disarming the guards in the hangar, the elevator announced its arrival.

When the doors slid open, he was met by both a startling and heartwarming sight:

Sigyn and Loki were standing in  the elevator, wrapped in a tight embrace, kissing.

"Well, glad you two seem to have sorted everything out." Thor chuckled and grinned.  He then gestured to the Grandmaster's ship.  "Shall we?"

(More Loki and Sigyn in my 'Infinity War' and 'Endgame' stories - which are now going to be a trilogy! 

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :) And thank you again for all the support you've given this story!)

All an Illusion - A Loki and Sigyn StoryWhere stories live. Discover now