Twenty-one: The Main Event

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The next day, a miracle happened: Thor arrived on Sakaar.

Only unlike them, he had been taken prisoner.

"Oh Thor, thank the gods!" Sigyn cried when she saw him. "I was so worried! What happened to you?"

"I crashed here and then some woman took me prisoner," he explained. "What happened to you?"

"Same, only we weren't taken prisoner. But Thor, that was a couple of weeks ago-"

"A couple of weeks?!"

"I know! Time's funny here. We need to get back home!' Then she added, lowering her voice, "But that also meant two weeks stuck here with you-know-who." She nodded to Loki.

"Why are we whispering?" They jumped when Grandmaster appeared, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Loki, tell him," Thor urged his brother, who was obviously trying to make it look as though they didn't know each other. Thor struggled against the restraints on the chair he was sitting in - they must have been really strong restraints to hold the God of Thunder.

"You know this Lord of Thunder?" questioned Grandmaster.

"God of Thunder," corrected Thor.

"I've never seen this man in my life," Loki told Grandmaster with an innocent smile.

"He's my brother!" countered Thor.

"Adopted. It's complicated."

"Huh, so I see."

It was so back-and-forth between the three of them, that, try as she may, Sigyn couldn't speak up.

"Is he a fighter?"

"Take this thing out of my neck and I'll show you," Thor threatened.

"Oh, listen to that, he's threatening me." Grandmaster chuckled. "Hey Sparkles, here's the thing: no one leaves here unless they defeat my champion."

"I don't give a damn about your stupid game!"

"Well here, what if we make a deal: you defeat my champion, your freedom you shall grant."

Thor heaved a heavy sigh. "Fine! Then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick!"

"Now that's what I call contender! That'll be right this way, Lord-" Grandmaster pressed a button on the little device in his hand and sent Thor's chair speeding towards the door.

"Ah - Loki! Sigyn!" Thor cried. "I'll get us out of here I promise!" But he was soon gone.

"'I've never seen this man in my life'. Really?" Sigyn mocked once she and Loki were alone.

"Well I couldn't very well jeopardize our position with the Grandmaster."

"I hope this plan of yours doesn't get him killed."

All an Illusion - A Loki and Sigyn StoryWhere stories live. Discover now