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(Tuesday, December 20th)
'We are going to make sure you never cross me again' he said taking out a knife. I started sobbing uncontrollably.
'no please stop I won't do it..'

I wake up from my nightmare and realize I was crying. I look at the clock and see it's 5:30 am. Since I'm up early with no hope of going back to sleep, I go to my bathroom and take a shower, brush my teeth, etc. I then go to my walk-in closet to pick out my outfit. I'm wearing a lacy blue bra set.

For clothes, I'm wearing a blue t-shirt with black skinny jeans, and blue and black Jordans. For my curly hair, I put it in a ponytail. I don't wear a lot of makeup. I just do eyebrows and nude lipstick. I put on my black half of the yin yang necklace. It's the first day of school, but I dont care because I dont talk anyways.

When I was done, I looked at my clock and saw it was 6:00. So I got on my new Surface Pro 4 2 in 1 laptop my dad got for me and started sketching. My dad is a billionare, but Im not a snobby spoiled rich kid. I have my own momey that I spend instead of asking for money. I just feel bad when I ask for money and I feel obligated to pay them back.

Oh, I totally forgot to mention, I'm Athena Rosalinda Pierce. I'm 17, 5'7, and I have dark brown waist length hair. I have curves in all the right places, tan skin and a 6-pack. I have rainbow colored eyes. Weird, I know, but I love them. I have prescription glasses, but I wear clear contacts sometimes. Anyways I had a rough past, but that's a story for a different time. My dad is the leader of the mafia named The Black Diamonds. In Italian it's, I Diamante Neri. I'm not a part of it, but I am a hacker. I can hack into anything from a cell phone to NASA in less than 10 minutes.

I also street fight and draw. I want to grow up to be a professional makeup artist/painter. My nickname for street fighting and hacking is Black. It doesn't mean anything, it's just my favorite color and 2nd middle name. People know not to mess with me, but I'm still classified as the nerd. I have no friends, get straight As, I don't talk, and I don't cause much trouble.  I can speak and understand English, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, and French fluently. I also do gymnastics, dance, sing, and track. I'm also a mommy's girl.

Anyways, once I'm done sketching (picture above)I put my laptop along with my gun in my bag and go downstairs to eat. Once I'm downstairs, I see my dad making pancakes. My mom always said "get you a guy who can do both: cook and lead a gang." I would always laugh when she said that. I sit down on the bar stool and go on my Samsung Galaxy S8. I start hacking cameras around our street and start looking at the neighborhood. I saw a guy about to rob a convenience store, so I sent an anonymous tip to the police. They arrested him, but the owner almost died.

"Thanks for the pancakes daddy. Love you." I said kissing his cheek and running out the door. I got in my red Dodge Challenger SRT Demon and sped off to school. I also have a motorcycle, but I didn't feel like driving it. Once I got there, I park in my normal space and get out. I go inside and this dude grabbed my ass. I stopped walking, tightening my fists. I knew he wanted a reaction, but I wasnt going to give him the satisfaction. So I kept walking.

"Come on baby. I can give you one hell of a time in bed. Maybe even a threesome. I know you've tried that before." I heard him say and I turned around, but he wasnt there. I turn back to keep walking when Bitch #1 gets in my way.

"Well freak, how are you today? How's your mom? Oh Im so sorry. I forgot she died." I just kept a neutral face masking all emotions. None of them know my weaknesses because I hide them.

"Bitch Im talking to you. Are you mute? Thats actually fantastic because now I dont have to hear your disgusting voice."

I go around her and walk to my locker. I got my books for math and walked to class. I was earlier than everyone, as usual, so the teacher gave me the lesson early. I finished the entire thing which was just a 50 question test and a 1-page essay. I give it to the teacher and I leave. I go to the library and see more kids are walking in.

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