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adj: seriously mentally ill
Athena's POV
So we are "in jail" and its been 15 minutes. We started walking around and saying hi to old friends who got caught. Right now, we're in the boys' cell which is in lunch talking to our friend Rico and his friends. Xavier is going to call any minute now and when he does, Uncle Rick will tell us.

"Entonces, ¿qué hace una niñita como tú aquí?" This guy said in spanish. He was muscular, 5'11, and had tattoos almost everywhere. He was basically an asshole. I know him as well, we used to be friends. Then he went to jail for drug dealing. He had gotten caught once, so I told him to stop. He kept going and blamed me for him being in here. I turn around to face him.

"Hello my dear ex-bestfriend" I said coldly and he glared at me.

"We not friends anymore because you got me in here." This time I glared back.

"Im the one who told you to stop when you got caught gilipollas." He then tried to punch me, but I dodged.

"See I would love to fight, but I dont fight trash. Bye see you in 5 years. Bye Rico, got a prank to do." Me and Kim leave to upstairs on the 1st floor which is the main floor. Uncle Rick tells us that Xavier was on his way, so we hurriedly went to an overnight cell that says "Transporting to Costa Rica". Which is a sign we made for the prank.

5 minutes later, we start fake crying since they were here. Xavier starts talking to Uncle Rick and he asks for our name. Rick starts playing dumb, saying he doesnt know who that is. Me and Kim come up to the bars yelling their name. They all run up to us and Xavier comes to me.

"Babygirl what happened?" We tell them the full story from the bathroom to the police showing up.

"Wait but that wasnt your fault. They hit first, so it was self defense." Alex exclaimed.

"We said that, but since they were all bloody and we werent, we went to jail. They also found our knives so thats also why." Kim said being fake sad. I was trying so hard not to laugh and I didnt.

"Wait this shit isnt fair. You guys dont deserve this. We're going to get you out." Xavier said

"How? Dont you see the sign? We're being transported to Costa Rica's Prison. We're leaving tomorrow morning." I said fake crying.

"What?! They cant do that. It was just a fight." Chris argued

"Yea they can. Sasha and Camila are pressing charges. And since we're 18, they're trying us for adult." Kim replied. Then Rick came up to our cell unlocking it. Putting handcuffs on us.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked fake scared.

"You have to go to Costa Rica early. We need to cross the border now because you need to get court."

"Ok, but let us say bye to them please." He nodded and we went over to them. They were actually crying. I feel bad now. I give Xavier our 'last' kiss. When I pull away, he pulls me back still crying. Rick unlocks the handcuffs without them noticing.

"Im not letting you go. There has to be a way for you to stay." I nodded my head and put my arms around his neck hugging him back.

"Im not going anywhere." I whispered and he looked at me surprised.

"Wait what the fuck just happened?" Chris asked. Me, Kim, and Rick laughed.

"It was a test. I wanted to see how much you boys cared about my neices. And you passed." Rick said hugging us.

"Im sorry. When I saw you guys were crying, I felt bad. But it was still kind of fun." I smiled and they chuckled.

"I was just here for the prank. By the way, I need my knife back." Kim said holding out her hand. I nodded and did the same. He gives them to us and we put them in our shoes. Once I got up, I was suddenly lifted bridal style and put in a mustang. I look at Xavier when he gets in the car and he just stays silent. We start driving somewhere. I look at Xavier again and he stays silent.

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